Commander Tereanna "Tere" Wilhim

Name Tereanna "Tere" Wilhim

Position Millennium Commanding Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 2"
Weight 115
Hair Color Silver
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description After Tere being told the truth of things by Gainz her appearance changed. She now has silver hair and a much more adult appearance due to the magic being released form her body and her regaining her normal eye color and appearance. (She bears a similar appearance to Elie Macdowell of the AnK/ZnK parts of the Falcom LoH series)


Spouse None
Children None
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) Unknown
Sister(s) Unknown
Other Family Noah - Adoptive Father

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tere has a sense of entitlement and believes that she is better than the common person. She has a sense of loyalty for those who help her and those she considers close friends though she does not stand for incompetence and will take the life of those under her in a combat situation should they proceed to be a waste of her time or if they are failing to act accordingly. Beyond her noble mindset and sense of loyalty she cares for those who she sees as her subjects and the overall well-being of the entirety of the world. She has a strong will and is stubborn though. Since Gainz telling her the truth about that she is unable to revive Noah she has set her mind on a quest to dismantle the FSF one screw at a time.
Strengths & Weaknesses Tere enjoys animals, flying, shooting, dominos and strategy games; she was raised by her family to be a tactician and as such enjoys things deep in real tactical strategy. Since working with the FSF she also enjoys the study of magic and maintaining the RINZ units even if she was not in charge of that operation.
Ambitions Tere losing Noah broke her world; her only quest in life was to bring him back. After learning she cannot her quest in life now is to murder all those who lied to her.
Hobbies & Interests Tere has a very strong will, is a good marksman and is handy as a combat medic or tactician. She does however have a weak immune system, is very bad at talking things out (diplomacy) and gets lost easy. She also has a very short attention span and jumps from topic to topic often.

Personal History Family: Not much is known about her family aside from that they are all dead.

Friends: Tere has no friends at this point because of her work.

Idol: She wants to please Gainz at this point seeing as he is the only person that has not lied to her who has treated her as a human being.

Professional Background

Education Level: Learnid

Profession: Tere is nobility from a colony that has been destroyed. She used to work or FSF as one of their flag officers. Now she freelances to kill as many FSF as she can.


Personal History: Very little is known about her past aside from that her mother and father were killed when she was very young and that she was sold off by her government to a mercenary whom saved the nation. She was pawned off as a sign of good faith. The mercenary was then killed and her world enslaved.

Career History: Unknown

Familial History: She does not currently have a family
Service Record Unknown