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Tuesday April 30th, 2019 @ 5:06am

Major Andrew Weaver

Name Andrew Jordan Weaver

Position Chief Military Strategy Officer

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human (Cyborg)
Age 2578

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 236 lb.
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Dark Blue
Physical Description Appears to be at most 35 years old when in fact Andrew is 2, 578 standard years old.

Andrew is a solidly built man apparently in his late twenties to early thirties with neck length dark brown hair and a pair of blue eyes which can be considered “piercing” or “focused”. His two hundred and thirty six pounds are mostly muscle packed tightly onto his six foot frame in a way much like the heroes from 80’s action movies but not in a bulging bodybuilder kind of way but tightly compact and deceptive in appearance.

He has a number of scars across his body from various combat actions over the past decade or so of soldiering but the most notable one is his right arm and hand all the way up into his right shoulder and parts of the torso there has been replaced with an advanced cybernetic replacement due to a severe injury he took during an event classified by the Terran Dominion over a decade prior. This replacement limb is composed of a unique trans-flex metal which allows it to react like a real flesh and blood arm complete with the ability to feel sensations and such.

Normally Andrew can be found in a simple pair of black slacks and a button up black shirt with a pair of size ten men’s special tactical boots or in his MACO combat kit which is in black and dark grays, but in either state he is never without a small array of knives and one of his signature handguns.

Andrew has a strong voice with a hint of a husk to it due to damage to his vocal chords in the same event that lead to his cybernetics and he speaks several languages including the now long lost (by 4566) Navajo and Quilute languages fluently which he has taught to the members of his unit, Fireteam Osiris.


Other Family Hitomi Angel Rio (Girlfriend), Commodore Yuka Layton (Cousin)

Personality & Traits