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Saturday December 1st, 2018 @ 2:49pm

Lieutenant JG Niklas Blom

Name Niklas Blom M.D. Ph.D

Position Engineer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Artificial Lifeform
Age 82

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 11"
Weight 220 pounds
Hair Color brown, with a touch of salt and pepper
Eye Color green
Physical Description Light skinned. Since the android transformation, he appears to be a man in his his late twenties. Disarming smile and warm, short, but longer than regulation length hair, neatly styled. His appearance is usually meticulous.


Spouse Elsa Nicole-deceased
Children None
Father deceased
Mother deceased
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None living

Personality & Traits

General Overview After spending a lifetime in public service, Nicklas has a polished and warm demeanor, as well as charming. He can make friends easily. Tends to be easy going.
Strengths & Weaknesses Good at empathy and getting people to chat about themselves. When he decides you aren't on his side, he can easily avoid someone. He also tends to fixate on things too much and can be borderline obsessive.
Ambitions His ambition after nearly a century as a human, is to take the opportunity presented to him to learn all he can about being an android.
Hobbies & Interests Cross country skiing and biathlons. Classical piano. Fine food and spirits.

Personal History Niklas was a clerk for the early part of his life. He went to college and became an administrator. As he rose up the ranks, he was offered a Governorship and took it, not realizing it was an dead end job. Making the most of it, the planet did flourish financially and it came to a tidy profit.

Niklas and his Wife Elsa had a nice home on the planet. It was a quiet place usually except on payday when the miners were noisy. after 30 years of marriage, Elsa contracted a terminal illness, and died after a lengthy fight to stay alive.

Heartbroken, Niklas never remarried, though to be honest, at nearly 65, his prospects on Vectorous IV were rather limited.

At 82 the AI Candy overthrew the government and in an attempt to win over populace had Niklas consciousness transferred into an artificial body. She then vaporized the human part of him as we woke up.

After a failed attempt to kill the Lavie crew with an airborne virus Candy had hidden in Niklas body, he spent a considerable amount of his retirement acquiring the best android parts to build him a new body he could trust.

He has acquired a vast amount of knowledge through the link with Lumi Trouve, having copied her numerous doctorates in holo-programming, spacecraft design, spacecraft structural construction, biology, computer science, environmental sciences and starship operational and logistical services management (Starfleet Academy Degree). Though he needs to still do the internships and doctoral thesis, he strives to better his understanding of the universe.
Service Record Colonial Magistrate/Governor - Vectorous IV
Service Record: