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Wednesday December 19th, 2018 @ 1:10pm

Commander Selaniphi Kiirmant

Name Selaniphi Jasmine Kiirmant

Position Murasashi Commanding Officer

Second Position Systems Specialist

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Ship Ai
Age 52

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 142 IBs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Emerald
Physical Description Slim with waist length hair with green highlights.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Usually quiet and obedient when on duty. Rarely shows any emotion when on duty as she believes that emotions get in the way of the task at hand.
Strengths & Weaknesses Seemingly quiet and reserved at times. Cares greatly about those she cares about and will give anything to ensure their happiness. Also easy to anger at times. When angered she is likely to adopt a cold and uncaring attitude to those who angered.
Hobbies & Interests Likes reading vampire novels and manga, occasionally draws.

Personal History As the eldest child to the Governer of Themalov, she was expected to rise agmost the ranks of the elite and eventually become the governer herself, instead Selaniphi enlisted in the Confederate navy. Disappointed but not discouraged her parents still chose to support her throughout her time in the Officers Acadamey. Her swift rise in the ranks was attributed to the ability to assess the situation and bring those around her to accomplish the goals. She was referred by the Admiral of the 3rd Reapers Fleet to the elite training program to further hone her skills as a possible Task Force Commander.
Service Record Assigned as Captain of the Athens-Class Heavy Frigate. Participated in the Invasion of Chelsator IV and V and awarded the Confederate Swords of Valor for singlehandily driving off Insurgent Forces whilst defending the evacuation of civilians , Defense of Valactour alongside the Home Defense fleet. KIA over the Defense of Themalov. Awarded the Confederate Cross and Crown for actions above and beyond the call of duty posthumously. [Redacted] Assigned to Vengeance-class dreadnoughts as assistant to Fleet Admiral [Redacted] of the 7th Special Tactics Fleet. [Large portions of paper files are blacked out only leaving dates and times and a single name "Kyra Stephenson"] Assigned to the Murasashi as requested by Command Admiral [Redacted] to be commissioned towards the 3rd Reapers Fleet. Lost comms over Tenchort. Possible Rebel and Insurgent sabatoge or interdiction suspected. Secular and Pheonix were sent to find her as there were not enough debris to indicate her destruction.