Captain Yukari Solaros

Name Yukari Ayumi Solaros

Position Iris Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Half-Elf
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 4"
Weight 120 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Measurements: 34 30 32
Physical Description: Yukari has long straight light blond hair much different from her original shorter dishwater blond hair. She also no longer uses her hair clip that she did previously. She has large blue eyes and normal human ears. It is not easy to tell she is a half-elf as she looks entirely human. She now wears a Hentori nobility uniform that looks similar to the uniform Rean Schwarzer wears in the JRPG The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III but with a Hentori crest on the shoulders. Yukari has gained a little more muscle than she had before as the result of her training with a sword. She has a C-cup.


Spouse Ahura Mazda
Children None
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Yukari use to be a timid, shy girl though after meeting her lover Ahura Mazda she became more open. Following his death she closed back up and became rather depressive so much so that she moved out to the middle of nowhere in the Forest of the Stars and sealed herself in a cabin for over a year. When the Hentori government called her back into service she took up becoming a Spellsword and now is a very powerful swordswoman. Despite her age she is quite smart and tries to remain well-mannered a lot of the time.
Strengths & Weaknesses Good with a sword, great abilities with gems and other magic items. She is also a talented writer and musician. Her naivety about love is still there and her faith in people is nearly gone after her loss of Ahura.
Ambitions She wants to protect people and make sure no one loses someone like she did Ahura. She wants people to not be weak and so she will show them how ot protect themselves.
Hobbies & Interests She likes music, swimming, writing and adventure to learn new things.

Personal History Family: Her parents were killed in the First Hentori-Empire War.
History: Her family was killed in the Empire-Hentori War and she has been on her own for most of the time. Her family is a part of the Hentori nobility and as such she is part of the aristocracy as well though she is not your typical aristocrat. She used to be an Investigator with the Hentori Government. Now she is in charge of the Hentori Space Forces.
Education: She graduated from the Hentori Naval Academy and trained with the sword under Master Ken Sen Le of Gastha.
Service Record Human Rights Violation Investigator – Hentori Government
Commander during the Imperial Defeat – Alliance Assault Force One
Commander of the Alliance Citizen Service Board – Alliance Government; Hentori Branch
Commander of the Hentori Space Forces – Alliance Government
Service Medals: Purple Heart, Metal of Valor