
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Wednesday January 30th, 2019 @ 3:57am

Lieutenant Sigmund Peterson

Name Sigmund Peterson

Position Providence Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Enhanced human brainship
Age 18

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 3"
Weight 180 pounds
Hair Color brown
Eye Color green
Physical Description He is a human form but as his body was deformed and unfixable, the Corporations raised him to become an Operations Officer.
A tritanium column with powdered neutronium covering roughly 4 meters tall and 1.5 meters in diameter.

Sigmund likes his avatar to reflect what his appearance would be if not for the physical problem that led to his encasement. A tall almost lanky male with boyish looks and nice smile.


Spouse na
Children na
Father na
Mother na
Brother(s) na
Sister(s) na
Other Family na

Personality & Traits

Personal History A congenital correctable birth defect left Sigmund mostly paralyzed. His parents weren't rich and couldn't afford to get him a new body. The military corporations stepped in and gave him and opportunity to be more than an invalid.

His body is encased in metal column and he enhanced by positronic modules that boost his normal brain. The marriage created a person capable or running the entire ship with a reduced staffing.