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Monday July 2nd, 2018 @ 10:24am


Name Gainz

Position EU Council Member

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human Hybrid
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 2"
Weight 255 lbs
Hair Color Yellow
Eye Color Red
Physical Description Short stocky muscular build with red eyes and orange to gold hair as a result of intense genetic engineering. Physical strength way above human limits. Body generates vast amounts of Ki energy. Normal body temperature is noted to be above normal with a stable temperature of 106f due to elevated metabolism and overclocked organs. Libido also greatly elevated due to elevated hormones generated by his body. He is often seen wearing his Hyper Battle Chassis which is a red and white battlesuit specifically designed for his Ki energy generating body.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Nicol Bolas
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) Dan
Sister(s) None
Other Family Partner: Vanilla

Personality & Traits

General Overview He used to be an overconfident, cocky, asshole but a lesson in humility by the Revengers and time changed all of that. Gainz is now much more like his original self; warm, kind, and empathetic. Though sometimes he still can be a little overconfident, it's not as bad as it used to be. He's very loving towards Vanilla due to his memories of her. However, when it's time to fight, those old dark tendencies can come out again. He's ruthless in combat and can be very cold in the heat of battle often enjoying making his enemies suffer greatly before ending them. If he knows he is stronger than you, he will let you know it in many ways.
Strengths & Weaknesses See TNU Wiki.
Ambitions To make up for all the horrible things he has done.
Hobbies & Interests Training, Fighting, Video Games, Feeding that hungry libido

Personal History Gainz is the product of a conflict that happened many centuries ago back in 2015 during the events of Vanilla Arc. He was created by Skynet as a response to the Revengers resistance against them as well as their answer to Ki energy. Gainz was their next generation enforcer and was the brainchild of Nicol Bolas, head of the Biological Research Division. Unlike the STIG which was a heavily augmented cyborg, Gainz is a genetically modified super clone of one of the Revengers named Dan. He was created due to discovering how powerful Ki energy can be and was the absolute pinnacle of Skynet biological engineering. Gainz was not just some super clone of Dan, he is something way more than that. Skynet had unknowingly created a demi-human with this feat of biological engineering. They would find out quickly that no level technology could compare to his power. His mind was an exact copy of Dan's up to the point where he was created. The genetic engineering also awakened some of Dan's more dark tendencies within Gainz making his personality more intense than his original self. His mind was extensively reconditioned and reprogrammed by Nicol to be loyal to Skynet's mission of creating their utopia for the planet by any means necessary. Gainz was responsible for leading the takeover of Japan turning the entire country into their main base of operations. He would also face the Revengers many times in combat and destroy a few of their sentient vehicles in the process. He would even capture Momo from the Revengers and deeply brainwash her into joining him and Skynet as his battle partner. Gainz would also be responsible for eliminating the Board which used to be in charge of Skynet. This was due to the Board being corrupted by the Supreme Conglomerate, a group of corporations with their own agenda for the world. Momo would deal directly with that threat while Gainz continued his fight with the Revengers.

During his final battle with the Revengers, Gainz was surprisingly warped away by the Revengers in their last ditch effort to stop him using Gates's invention; the dimensional teleporter. If it were not for this desperate tactic, Gainz would have surely defeated them because his power was just too much even with the Revengers new ultrasuits which were created specifically to deal with him. Gainz would end up on an alternate universe earth where he would find that Skynet had taken over the planet. However, this was not the world Gainz was expecting, it was no utopia. The planet was some kind of dystopian future with burning ruins where cities once stood and many humans enslaved. Gainz felt lied to, his old friends were right all along. Skynet's mission lead to the corruption of the earth instead of turning it into a better place for humans. He would break free of his Skynet mental conditioning and would face his evil doppelganger which existed in this alternate universe and defeat him. Gainz felt terrible, he wanted to make amends for all his wrong doings in the past. He would meet a Skynet scientist on this world named Misa Kitsuki which would join him on his journey of rediscovery. He would come across a powerful god named Mith who would then hire him as part of the EU to replace a very corrupt god named Jim. They would be taken to the future to deal with a great danger which threatened the entire universe; the Phoenix Darius Maximus and his organization the FSF. Gainz would join the people of the DFS Lavie to deal with this threat.
Service Record N/A