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Wednesday December 19th, 2018 @ 1:10pm

Commander Ardent Dawn

Name Ardent Dawn

Position Ardent Dawn Commanding Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species AI
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 167 Ibs
Hair Color Silver White
Eye Color Sea Green
Physical Description A well endowed but slim and seemingly fragile with porcelain skin tone.


Sister(s) Ardent Seraph
Ardent Valkyrie
Other Family Command Ship Secular
Command Ship Murasashi
Command Ship Phoenix
Command Ship Eternity

Personality & Traits

General Overview A named Destroyer, which is rare within the Confederate Navy, assistant to Seleni and her personal maid and caretaker as well as her personal escort ship.
Strengths & Weaknesses A full android body housing an AI chip module, dawn is able to conceal various weapons including blades, swords and small firearms. Despite being an android, she is suspectable to hacking. Also will obediently follow demands if Seleni's life is in danger.
Ambitions Wishes for Seleni to settle down and to have a family.
Hobbies & Interests Assisting Seleni and staring out into space

Personal History Served alongside her sisters Seraph and Valkyrie under the command of Seleni until a mission that went wrong.
Service Record Assigned to protect the Endurace, a Vengeance-class dreadnaught under the requests of Task Force Commander Kyra Stephson and Fleet Admiral [redacted]. Reassigned to escort the Murasashi. Currently tasked with locating and protecting the Murasashi until it is able to be retrieved.