Private 1st Class Damion Sterling

Name Damion Von Sterling mr

Position Marine

Second Position Marine

Rank Private 1st Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 23

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 185
Hair Color black
Eye Color grey
Physical Description Athletic toned body with pale skin, steely grey eyes, and short spiked black hair. his face grizzled with a scar running from his jawline to just below his right ear.
on the back of his neck, there's a tattoo of a blackbird perched on a skull.


Spouse n/a
Children n/a
Father James Thomson (deceased)
Mother Barbra Thomson (deceased)
Brother(s) n/a
Sister(s) n/a
Other Family n/a

Personality & Traits

General Overview lack of empathy fails to understand sadness or true happiness, doesn't understand the concept of love outside creating offspring.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: strong-willed, quick learner, athletic.
weaknesses: social pariah, lack of empathy, doesn't ask for help

Personal History Damien Thomson is human that was born on derelict starship with the rest of his now dead squad being that the people never getting a good upbringing or someone to care for him all his time was either spent training. watching holo videos on how to use his weapons or fending off the various creatures the remained on the ship

with the majority of their lives being born on a dark dingy derelict starship he's left with pale skin as well as his eyes that are really sensitive to bright lights compared to the near pitch black that was called home in his early years.

he had the pleasure of meeting the allience for the first time visiting while escorting a small child to the base camp where the rest of the civilians lived onboard the starship but once back to a safe place he takes to help them fight their war to him it was just another environment albeit the gravity increase was a bit different he used his experience in darkness to make a difference
Service Record served as militia guard 20-22
joined the alience as a cqc speacilist at the age of 22