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Inner Sight of an Outer Quiet

Posted on Monday February 18th, 2019 @ 4:34am by Lieutenant Emily Quartermaine

1,099 words; about a 5 minute read

Emily was quietly looking at the small flotilla of starships that were constantly buzzing in the distance of the viewports of Oynx as she silently toyed with her fork, her dark eyes stared out into the ship and star filled void.

"You know something, you should get back on the horse again!" came a cheery sounding voice from next to her.

Emily fought down the urge to show how startled she was as she turned to face the small group of women that was also at her table with her as the roar of reality came crashing back down around her as she shook herself out of her thoughts. "What do you mean by that, Kira?"

Lieutenant Kira Delumana, the CMO of the AFS "Marko Ramius"-the Beliskner-class Dreadnought from the MSA that had replaced the AFS "Vanguard" which was currently performing a long range patrol of the Alliance's outer most systems, looked at the older woman with one of her famous smile as she said "Simply put you've been moping way too much, girl!" with her side ponytail bobbing ever so slightly as she nodded to her own thoughts.

The woman who sat next to Kira in her long time fellow senior officer, best friend, and keeper in Lieutenant Tasmia Ogord had a slightly more sedate and professional look on her face as she nodded as well. "What Kira means in her usual manner is that we've all heard the gossip, Em." she explained before running a hand through her pink/purple hair before fixing Emily with a serious look. "Admiral Layton is too busy doing whatever she's doing and being all hermity and General Thornton has been seen with Captain Rembrandt...apparently they moved on during this supposed break you all were supposed to be taking." 

Emily took a deep breath and slowly shook her head, "I'm sticking to it until one of them decides to tell me." the Canadian-born Brit said as she worked on her lunch, fighting to get the amalgamation of noodles to work with her fork. "It's the least that they can do for me since apparently *I* was always the one at fault apparently." she added in a frustrated frump.

The only non-human at their table in the form of the Andorian Senna zh'Rayya, the Ramius' Executive Officer, had remained silent throughout the entire conversation before reaching over and then gently taking Emily's fork from her, set it aside, and then took the centuries older woman's hand into her's and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "It's alright, Emily. If anyone can understand the frustration it's me." she said in a soft tone.

Emily looked over at the Zhen for a moment and then slowly nodded in agreement as she had heard the other woman's story over too much ale over the past few weeks. "Fair enough, Sen, fair enough." she replied before returning the squeeze. "Guess I just thought I was done being the front line officer and don't get me wrong because I do enjoy sharing an office with Tinya and getting shit done without being shot at all the time...I guess a part of me misses serving on the front line."

Senna nodded slowly as she took her hand back and studied Emily for a few long moments before going back to eating her meal quietly.

Suddenly Kira's eyes went wide to which Mia simply chuckled and said "Look out, Kira's got a brainstorm." 

Kira's head snapped to the right before she playfully punched the other woman in the arm and practically shouted "MEANIE!!" before turning to look over at Senna. "Hey, didn't our intel person thingy transfer off??" 

Senna's face showed a hint of confusion as she leaned over to look at Tasmia and mouthed "person thingy" in a questioning way to which Mia simply shrugged.

"Ya know that I can see you doing that, right?" Kira came back with as she fought to keep the annoyence out of her tone.

Senna then leaned back to look over at the youngest person at the table, "You are correct Kira...why?"

Kira's face then broke out into a beautiful smile as she motioned at Emily, "We could ask Admiral Layton if we can borrow her for when the Leif is ready for deployment!!" she said happily.

Senna's eyes narrowed ever so slightly before she cast a look over at Mia who bapped Kira upside the back of her head. 

"OWIE!! What was that *FOR*!!!" Kira snapped as she glared at her bestie.

"Not supposed to talk about that one ship in pubLIC??" Tasmia said simply.

Slowly a look of understanding crossed Kira's face as she blushed hard and sunk back into her seat, all of which made Emily laugh for the first time in a couple of days.

"Now that's an honest thing." Senna said with a warm smile and tone in her voice. 

Emily wiped the tears from her eyes as her laughing had dragged them out of her, "Perhaps..but what am I going to do with you three?" she mused.

And before anyone could stop her, Kira piped up with "Well I've got this really neat idea that involves ice!" 

Tasmia covered her face with her right hand and said "It had better involve ice cream, young lady."

Kira looked over at her best friend with what could only be called "suggestive and dirty" on such a wholesome face. "After a fashion...yeah." she said, trying to sound seductive.

Senna let out a groan of deep pain as she covered her own face and the laughter began again from Emily.

But even as she laughed, she could only wonder how much longer it would take before her entire world would come crashing down around it always did.


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