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The Seeds We Sow Part 2

Posted on Tuesday September 25th, 2018 @ 12:56pm by Captain Sumire "Remi" Rembrant & Ellie "Nore" Tessa Ph.D MD & 2nd Lieutenant Kyle Dee (Ian) & Crewman Chandra Dee

1,558 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Season 2; Mission 2: It's Only Fun Until Someone Gets Hurt
Location: DFS Providence; Morgue/Guest Quarters
Timeline: October 19th 4566; Late Morning

After Aidan pulled Remi out of her funk she found herself still feeling bad about the whole thing and the circumstances that led to Kyle ending his life. She went to the morgue and took a seat at the examiners desk. Kyle's body had been moved here but was not operated on or touched as of yet. She sighed and shook her head at the lifeless body. "Idiot... you hurt her, you pissed off and you were a bit of an ass... but really... You were better with us than dead... I could have helped me... Flan could have helped you... Damn I mean even Aidan would have helped you... Why'd you have to go off yourself... Foolish... That is another person dead." Suddenly she felt an arm pat her shoulder. "He wasn't meant to die here... A security system was supposed to activate and Thornton was supposed to intervene... Then he was supposed to fight with him and get knocked out... have a brain injury and then awaken with limited memories." A female voice said to her.

"The fuck... Seriously don't joke about the dead like that." "I'm not joking." The blue haired girl with longer hair than remi's said spinning her into her vision by rotating the chair. "Who are you?" "that's right... You and I weren't introduced... I saved your life... Nore Tessa... I am the person they call the Architect. Now I am going to save his... with a few modifications of course... Losing all his memories by reviving a dead corpse just won't do..." Nore stands over his body and blue light comes out of her hands repairing all the damage. She closes her eyes as life begins to return to him. Before she awaken's him she begins to alter his brain erasing the bad parts of his life... giving him the memories that mattered; of his time here, so he remembered what he had done to people here... memories of his good times with her past lives and his time with Sera and her other comrades on the civilian ship commanded by Kesslar. She then said "Sorry friend but I have keep some tragedy in there so you remember what loss feels like; you have to be able to right your wrongs... a life of peace albeit lovely is not real." Once she was done she moved her hand over his chest and pressed against his chest as if giving him CPR but only once. "now live." She had given him new life and then before he regained consciousness Nore walked out of the room again grabbing remi's shoulder. "Help him resolve his transgressions with his mother." "She left me."
"that doesn't matter... She will still listen to you." She then left as Remi just sat there staring at his unconscious body thinking this was some kind of joke but seeing him breathing; she knew better than to doubt the Ascended ones and their powers which she had seen before and apparently had been a recipient of herself.

Kyle awoke on the table looking up at the ceiling. He sat up and looked down at his legs. These memories foreign. Not something he knew he had. He just sat there as tears rolled down his face staring with a blank expression. (edited)

Remi looked at him. "Well... your alive... So what else did she do to you?" remi said not really knowing what Nore was going on about only knowing he was alive.

Kyle continued to just stare into space, not hearing what she said as he was just processing everything.

"Yeah... your broken... I'd be pretty broken too being revived... eh..." She pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his tears away.

He turned to her, and in a soft and quiet voice he spoke. His voice sounded more natural and younger like a teenager. “I-I... I d-did a-all o-of that...” he sat there in disbelief. Unable to Phaethon some of the actions he had made.

"You... did... but... all is not lost. I've been a pretty horrible person to you too... but... after seeing you; like that... Let me help you make it better; okay?" She asked.

“I-I k-k-killed m-my m-mother... m-my f-f-father... S-seraphina... b-billions more.... just re-replaying over an-and over again....” Kyle said looking at his hands. “I-I d-didn’t....”

(he wouldn't remember the murdering millions of people; or did that happen during his older days?)

Kyle seemed to just be in shock from the large amount of information that flushed into him, information that he didn’t even know. Things he did, he didn’t think he would.

"... Sera... This Sera... the one now... Isn't dead... You aren't in your old time. You can start fresh... you deserve better... Fix things; be better; do better... Be the person you want to be." She said trying to fake being strong; after Sera breaking up with her a mere few hours earlier Remi didn't feel strong but she wanted to help him as she didn't want to see him end up like that; again.

“Ceilia... where’s Ceilia...” he stopped remembering. “She’s gone too...” he sighed with still more tears falling. “I-I j-j-joined Brimstone to e-escape h-hell... n-not t-to b-b-become it...” he said looking down

He then looked up to Remi and still retained his sad expression. “I-I-I’m s-Sorry... I-I d-don’t.... s-sorry...”

She shook her head and just pulled him to her as she moved to the cold morgue metal "bed". "Don't be sorry; your alive... All things can be resolved..."
In a sense she felt similar; she had done some things she regretted; albeit not as big as what he did but she joined these people to be better... and yet she wasn't.

“B-bringing me b-b-back... wh-why...” he asked still crying.

"People care about you... as for why the Goddess-like girl speecifically brought you back... I don't know... Maybe your destined for bigger and better things... I don't have the answers but I can help you find them and help you reconcile... Be a friend..." She said.

“A-after wh-wh-what h-h-he d-did...” He said referencing his less than open self. “I-I-I m-make th-things a-a-and p-pilot... n-n-not a k-k-killer...” he told himself

"Then be that... YOu don't have to kill anymore." She lied; she knew he would but she didn't care about that right now; she wanted to help him realize a better version of himself if in a sense to be better herself.

Kyle softly cried, “I-It hurts s-so m-much, m-my chests i-is t-tight and I can’t breath...”

"Calm down... It will pass..." She did something she might regret but it was all she knew she could do to help resolve his sadness. She couldn't even resolve her own but she still did it. She kissed him; it was not romantic but more of a passionate, caring kiss. She then just held him letting go of the kiss. "Live; if not for yourself than to undo the horrors you caused others... Then realize your true happiness..." She started to tear. These were words she herself couldn't even believe but she just wanted to fix him like she was unable to do for herself; even Aidan's words of encouragement didn't seem to fully register within her because she didn't believe them herself.

Kyle stared at her shocked, he just hugged her softly. Not tight, because he was not use to hugging others. No words came from his mouth, but he ran his hand through her hair. His crying slowing down.

"The first thing... is resolving your mother and daughter..." She said to him.

“Ah-she w-won’t b-believe m-me... I-AI hurt her...” he said softly.

"Have faith." Remi said to him simply.

Kyle was tired of the pain, wanting it all to just end. “I-I w-want to l-live... b-but I-I’m alone...”

"Your not alone..." Remi said to him.

“I-I-I... o-okay...” He said holding their hug. “Wh-what d-d-do I-I d-do...” He asked quietly.

remi said nothing instead beaming them to the room on the cityship where his daughter was as she was packing to leave following him offing himself. (I didn't know what she would do when he died so I just had her retreat to somewhere else as the actions her took and then losing him too crushed her)

Chandra turned around, her face red from tears, “What are you doing here...” she asked Remi. “Why did you bring his corpse to me. You come to taunt?” He claimed angry.

Remi lets him standing letting go of him. "He's... not dead... in fact... something good happened... He is not who you remember... that is the only way I can put it."

Kyle looked at her embarrassed to even speak. He took one step forward when Chandra just hugged him and started crying. Kyle seemed like a fish out of water and just stood there not doing anything. “Why did you kill yourself!? Why father why?!!!”

Remi just stands there wondering if she should give the father-daughter pair time to talk.

Remi then sends Kyle a VX message with her information so he can page her hwen he is done and just heads outside letting them talk.


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