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The Seeds We Sow

Posted on Tuesday September 25th, 2018 @ 12:52pm by Captain Sumire "Remi" Rembrant & Brigadier General Aidan Thornton & Captain Scott Johnson Ph.D & Commander Selaniphi Kiirmant & Lieutenant Commander Sarissa Slane M.D. & Ensign Flennel Lanreth & Ensign Kirin Dragmawl & Ensign Ayasha Thornton & Lieutenant Seraphina Cerulius
Edited on on Tuesday September 25th, 2018 @ 12:57pm

2,672 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Season 2; Mission 2: It's Only Fun Until Someone Gets Hurt
Location: DFS Providence; Various Locations
Timeline: October 19th 4566; Morning

After she was released and stayed the night in Aidan's room Remi was reminded to go see Ai whom cleared her after doing some checks on the repair of her heart. She reiterated what Petell said about her taking the week off. Remi left medical no worse for ware and headed to the lounge. She felt good considering that her heart was operated on and healed. All she could notice was a little fatigue after doing extremely taxing things but she had no restrictions. She sat in the lounge taking some of her time to do her mission report even though due to her injury it was not required. There were rumors floating around that they would soon arrive back at the cityship and that she would likely receive a purple heart and promotion for this; all she did was take a bullet...

Seleni finds Remi in the lounge and sits next to her, gently patting her on the head. "How are you doing?"

Remi feels like shes being followed while feeling bursts of healing energy from water stones

kirin heads to the lounge to see what is up and if there is anyone in there

A officer in a black uniform from the Marshal's service walks in; since Remi was technically Kyle's CO he came over and handed her a pad notifying her of his death. "You can't be serious..." She siad not taking the pad unaware of what it is. "I'm off duty; I was just shot you know..."

The marshal insists "You will want to read this sir."

scott walks to the lounge with ceci happy to have survived that hell

he walks in as remi get the padd

She took the document. "... don't you huys usucually notify next of kin... and the CO over VX; its not like... he died in combat?" She whispered. "His daughter left when I made the official notification. The next on the list would be his adoptive mother."

"Does medical know why?" "He couldn't handle his failures... depression or something is what they assume but no official cause of death has been released."

Seleni gently hugs Remi. "If you want I can handle this instead."

"remi whats going on?" Scott asks

kirin enters the lounge cautiously with the atmosphere that it has within the room

"Lets go somewhere less public..." remi said as members of her team started showing up. The marshal takes the group to a conference room.

"Private Dee was found dead in the arboretum. initial investigation points to suicide. but medical has not confirmed this." (edited)

"huh anything unusual happen around that time or any incidents that we are aware of involving him?" Scott asked

The marshal explains to remi, Seleni, Scott and FlanĀ 

"Notification of next of kin is in progress but personnel thught it would be best for the CO to handle notification after when I spoke to his daughter she ran off and left."

"So me..." remi asked

"Correct; you are his unit's direct commanding officer."

"suicide.." flan said, as she unveils, "I thought being immortal by age he'd have a legendery mental fortitude.. Must've been something heavy.."

flan something doesnt seem right here

"Well... not to speak ill of the dead but I think his assholeish tendencies probably raped him in a back alley..." Remi sad curtly.

"have any crew been missing in say the lase 24 hours?"

"what do you mean scott?" she asked

"i just have a feeling something is missing here. "

Seleni looks at Remi for a moment then turns her attention back to the marshal.

"Well best go get this done with... Flan; Seleni... lets go see Sera since the good man wants us to do this." Remi said as her VX changes her close into her dress uniform.

The Marshal looks at Scott; secuirty investigations is handling the initial investigation if you want to look into this further."

thanks marshal i think i will look into this

The marshal nods then heads out after the girls did.

flan can you let me know if you hear anything ill look into it on my end

"ill investigate sometime soon.. I have other things to attend to.." she quietly said

i dont like this. im sure something he did push him off the deep end

The three girls using VX IFF and internal sensors find the quarters which Sera is hiding in; or rather stuck in out of fear and... brokenness. Remi pushes the call button on the door waiting for her response.

come on ceci we got some stuff to look into. scott heads out looking to find the investigators

Sera sat in a ball in the corner, barely dressed other then a sweater that covered her still aching neck. She jumped when she heard the call sign, but remained silent. Hopefully they would go away.

Remi pressed the button again.

"Please go away, please go away", She whispered quietly.

The button is pressed again. "Sera; its Remi rembrant; could you please open the door?" She asked.

"Please no, I don't w-want to....I can't"

"Do we have permission to enter?" She asked

kirin follows scott to help investigate

"we could just.. drop in the pad quietly.. she doesn't wanna see anyone" flennel said

Remi would be able to have noticed that her voice had been off, and clearly emotionally strained.

scott sees kirin and asks him if he has the same feeling he does

Considering the situation and thinking she might have already been told Remi overwrides the door and unlocks it opening the door. She glances inside.

The room is dark, but sera is still visibly huddled in the corner seemingly frightened.

"Are you okay?" remi asked pocketing the pad for a moment.

"No no no no no. Please no, I......He didn't mean to do it.....He didn't...", Sera struggles as she tries keep her neck covered.

(let me know if I am needed. but I think Aidan would prefer to see her afterwards, impromptu) (edited)

Seleni vx's Remi, "Telling her now would only make it worse."

Remi enters saying "We're coming in." She also VX'es to communications. "Rembrant to communications please send a security and medical team to my location." "Ensign Orlands; copy emergency response is in route."

The angel tried to make herself smaller which proved futile, her voice sounded strained as if experiencing pain. She was clearly shocked over something. What would be odd was how warm the room was, but Sera had on a long necked sweater. (edited)

Remi turns the light on to a low setting as a security team arrives outside but stays out of sight; one of the Providence's paramedic teams also arrives.

flan is just looking at the situation with a solemn heart..

As the light came on and as Remi neared, she'd see discoloration of the skin creeping just past the collar of the sweater, around the front of Sera's throat. "He didn't mean to.", She seamed to plead.

"He didn't mean to what dear?" remi asks kneeling in front of her.

"what is that.." flan whispered under her breath to herself..

Ayasha and Sarissa come to the door. "Make way please." Sarissa said.

scott hears about remis call and decides to see what it was about

Remi puts her arms lightly on Sera's shoulders... "What happened... No one is in trouble right now; we just need to know so the medical team can treat you... Okay; I give you my word... We are just here to hlep you right now." She said with compassion.

kirin replys to scott, "yes i do have the same feeling like as if someone is missing or someone is about to be"

As they entered the room, Sarissa scanned the patient but didn't really need to. "She's in shock." She helped Sera lay flat and propped her legs onto a near by ottoman. Unfolding a thick blanket. Ayasha hit the button and made it warm."

Sera slowly reached for the collar of the sweater.

(Elsewhere between Kirin and Scott)

kirin if this feeing doesnt get any better someone is in for a bad day

"Either us or them Scott and yes I do agree"

"it will definitely be a them scenario"

*Back to the medical team in the room with Sera, remi, Flan, Seleni and guards)

"Laser scapel." Sarissa offered. "The sweater is restricting her breathing." Taking the tool, Sarissa carefully cut the neck down the middle to Sera's bosom to ensure proper breathing. Her blood pressure is low. If she doesn't start responding, I may need to move her to Medical." (edited)

The welt from the punch to her throat was quite visible at this point.


"Ayasha help me roll her on her right side. We'll need to repair the airway."

"poor girl.." flan thought to herself as she watched on

Sera cried as the welp was revealed, "he d-didn't mean t-to."

"Sera." Sarissa said. "I'll need you to swallow in a second." Retreiving a small wand, she produced a cup of liquid and had Sera drink.

scott arrives with kirin and sees whats going on....looks like we are right kirin

Sera drank obediently.

security stop sthem from entering.

"Scott I don't think we should be here at the moment"

"kirin we have seen enough i think its time to see tessa... im not happy right now" Scott replied to Kirin

"This will be mildy uncomfortable." Sarissa carefully guided the thin flexible wand down Sera's throat and the unit buzzed. Pulling it back out, she asked. "Breathe normally. You are better."

"I couldn't agree more with you on that we should see Tessa but also need to check the crime seen on were the person was killed at after?" Kirn asked

"would.. would healing from water stones be of any help here..?" flennel asked with concern

"tessa is eu"

Remi nods to Flan. "Gems would help make this faster but that depends on if the medics want our help."

Kirin reply, "eu?"

"I am not opposed to additional healing. There should only be a bit of soreness now." Sarissa added.

flennel begin emanating a cool healing air around sera to sooth and assist

"remember jim?" Kirin asked

Remi nodded and pulled her drm out form under her uniform on a neckless. Her power joined with Flans.

The combined healing resolved the rest of the soreness and restored the color as well as had a calming; pain killing effect.

all seven of flan's modules are now glowing with the soothing healing glow of the water stones

Once the healing was finished Remi took a seat. That took a little more out of her than normal only being released from surgery the night before.

flan stopped once she saw remi stop

"Who... did that?" Remi asked.

Kirin says to Scott,"oh that type of eu"

Sera didn't want to answer and she cried again as she remembered what happened the night before. She unsteadily points to her VX watch on the side table. (edited)

"Welll... If you don't want to talk about it that is your choice... When you feel up to it I have something I need to talk with you about. Let the medics and security know if you need anything else..." Remi said to her as she made her way out hiding her feelings about all this alrady reading between the lines. She couldn't be here right now.

Sera still pointed at the VX

Sarissa picked up the unit. "Are you saying the reason you are hurt is on this?"

"Y-yes. Record.....log....l-last entry." She said trying to get the words out.

Sarissa VX'd Aidan, who said he was on the way. Kneeling in front of Sera, she said, "I wold like to give you a mild sedative."

She only nodded

Ayasha handed Sarissa the hypo spray and the doctor dialed in the dosage. Pressing it against her neck. it hissed slightly.

Seleni follows Remi out.

Aidan met them in the hallway. Turning to Remi, he said, "Bring me up to speed. What's going on?" (edited)

after onlooking sera flennel says "feel better soon.." in a quiet voice before fading into her view as she turned out and began to walk to follow remi (edited)

"Um..." Remi took a wall. "We found Sera injured... apparently from what I can gather from my reasoning skills Kyle... We were sent to notify her of his death... Security Investigations thinks it was suicide."

Aidan frowned. "All that talent and he turns out to be a selfish punk. Damn that's going to be hard on Sera." He noticed her body language. "Are you okay?"

"No; I'm not... physically or mentally... I'll survive though... She needs more help than I do right now." Remi said to him.

"Bullshit." He pulled her into a hug.

"I'm not having a mental breakdown... Her world crumbled around her... If he were still alive I would kill him myself but... the coward took the easy way out..." remi said

"He did." holding on a bit longer, he let her go slowly., then kissed her. "Time for more unpleasant parts of my duties.." (edited)

"As his CO its my responsibility... The bastard screwed me even in death... Trying to help him only lead to him being more of an asshole..." She let go of Aidan and returned to the wall. She felt like she could use a nap and so she took her sister and her girlfriend off and took a nap. (Probably can lead to a one on one with Sera and Aidan cause everyone else has outed)

Walking in he saw Sera sitting in an overstuffed chair. Sarissa handed him the VX, he put it on the padd her carried and asked the command codes through the computer. Sarissa advised him it was the last log. He downloaded it to the pad and hooked the audio through his VX so it wouldn't play in the room.

(Moved to one x one between Sera and Aidan.)


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