Come On In; its Cold Inside...
Posted on Tuesday June 26th, 2018 @ 5:05pm by Captain Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark & Lieutenant Kiyoko Ino & Lieutenant Commander Hikaru Ino
2,448 words; about a 12 minute read
Season 2: Mission 1: Day after Day
Location: DFS Lavie – Ino Twin's Quarters
Timeline: October 10th 4566 Evening (Prior to Maiden Voyage)
After everything and Ari's meetings she had went back to her office and finished up All her tasks. She now had nothing left to do. After having a drink with Seleni she decided to wander around the ship and soon encounter Kiyo. The two made eye contact. They said nothing but Ari follows her Kiyo goes back to her and Hikaru's room. Ari enters with her.
Hikaru was sleeping or rather trying to sleep after the events of the last few days. His experiance with the swarm had hurt him in a way he hadnt predicted, and because of that he was afraid nightmares were ever present and with the fear came the cold. Entering the room would be if the ac had been turned so low that ice could form. Hikaru himself was curled up in a ball twitching and whimpering.
When they entered and see the ice. Ari came closer even though it felt cold and tried to use her water gem to heal him but the water froze due to the cold tempatures. Before the ice could actually hurt him she cancels her use o fthe gem. "That... is... strange... So has this been happening a lot more often now?" She asked Kiyo who just shrugged. Ari shakes her head. "It is like it gests worse as time goes on... what is up with him; is this like magic... like the gems; or something else... its way outside my field anyway..." Ari said pocketing her gem.
Hikaru could hear talking, and tried to shrug it off, but the dance party that was going on inside his head, was too much and after a few seconds of trying to rest trying to relax, his eyes opened, and he bolted up on hand and knees. As he started to catch his breath, heat started to return to the room. He blinked for a moment the sudden movement had made him nausious which caused him to bolt past the two women he cared about, Revealing he wasn't wearing any clothing, his hand slapped to his face as he ran for the toilet and almost immediately vomited into it.
(For Kiyo this would have been happening every night since the battle. so if it was the second night this happened last night as well though if she has the same potential but for fire she may not actually feel or notice it, just a suggestion)
"..." The two girls watched his display and Kiyo finally spoke. "It actually happens all the time; and so does that... over the past three weeks since Earth; its gotten worse to the point of affecting work... I don't think its coincidence that this happened after the attack on Earth." "I wonder if medical would be able to help him..." Ari voiced. "Not likely; but one of those specialists... that Dr. Kitsuki... She might... I mean Gainz can do some sort of similar super powerful stuff so maybe she's seen it before." "That is a big maybe... isn't she not from this time either..." Ari asked her. Kiyo again shrugged.
Hikaru groaned hearing the two girls talk he walked to a replicator and made a glass of water, moving it to his mouth he was suddenly smacked with a cup full of ice. "Fine I'll go to the doctors!"
He walked back to the room and grabbed some shorts, and a shirt, making sure that he was wearing casual clothes. "They can at least take care of the headache i've been having." He said with sunken eyes, seeming very tired. "And maybe something to help me sleep more peacefully."
He turned towards Kiyo. "I've been doing this every night? I haven't affected your sleeping at all have i?"
"Sleep doesn't matter... after a work month like this it would be funny if I could sleep..." Kiyo said. Ari found through her VX where Kitsuki was and messaged her to have her come. She agrees and then Ari said "Actually; the doctor is coming to you."
"Oh great, house calls." Hikaru said through grit teeth as he sat down on the bed, holding himself steady but he also looked at Kiyo, "We lay next to each other every night, are you telling me that you don't sleep during that time?"
"and what about you Ari... it's been... god how long has it been since you've been in our bed? a bit too long." He looked between the two women.
Kiyo shrugged. "Some days I force it by medicating cause it doesnt matter... after doing what we do as long as we have you learn tricks to get ourselves to sleep and to do things; or did you not remember the thing with my leg... The thing that matters is being together and doing what we want...... Besides... There is something I haven't shown you; I've been able to do it for awhile; its like pyrokenisis..." Kiyo said as she put one of her hands out; palm up and a small fireball began to form a few inches up. "I've not gotten to where I can make something gigantic or anything but this is stable... maybe shit like this runs in the family... Or maybe father separating us unlocked it in you... I've been able to do this little thing for awhile. In school people would pick on others and so I'd fight them with this..." Ari listened to them talk and took a seat as the door chimed. She opened it an Dr. Misa Kitsuki entered the room. She looked at them and saw the fire before Kiyo could cancel it. Kitsuki looked intrigued by it; she then spoke. "I'm not a normal doctor like people think... so I specialize in biological augmentation, power genetics and stuff... pretty much I make and care for powered people if that makes sense..."
"Hurray our very own Xavier." Hikaru said rolling his eyes, but watched Kiyo with an intense look on his face when she showed him the fire ball. "Jesus Christ Super Star why am i only hearing about this now?"
"As for me... well I think it was brought on by trauma, after being separated and all. I can't manifest it yet, but... i've consciously been able to get this far." He put his hand to the wall, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he focused for a moment, and a small burst of crystalline ice burst from the wall. "That's as far as I can go consciously... unconsciously like when i sleep or what have you... i can do a lot worse."
"I can only consciously do this; though I guess its good i don't unconsciously activate it or I could kill everyone with starting a fire..." Kiyo said not really all that impressed with her ability. Kitsuki laughed. She then got serious. "I don't actually have to help you if you don't want it; I am more a researcher than a medical doctor anyway... So you hate physicians... I'm not a physician; I don't practice medicine; I use it to practice augmentation; making people more powerful; making their abilities work and preventing them from killing them... So; do you want my help or not..." Kitsuki asked interested in studying his power but if he didn't want her there then she would happily go.
"If Ari trusts you, than I trust you." Hikaru said with a nod, accepting the help. He then looked at Kiyo kind of glad that she didn't activate her powers before. It would have been awkward if the seeker had ever caught fire. As for Ari he walked up to her. "I wasn't trying to hide this from you, just to let you know."
"Eh; you two have ice an fire and I'm a fledgling telepath... who can open up portals to other times and send our enemies into suns... This whole crew is becoming something of an oddity..." Ari said to him as she stood up and moved some of his hair form his bangs out of the way of his face. "How many times have you saved me; well... I think its time I save you once..." Kitsuki then unpacked her bag on the table and took some scans of him then interfaced them with what seemed like a laptop. It was something she used in the days of Skynet. She pulled out a couple parts of a medkit. "Mind if I take some of our blood... unlike normal medicine in this time some of this stuff requires a more archaic approach to understanding..."
At Ari's touch Hikaru blushed slightly and moved to kiss her, a light peck to her lips before he flopped back down onto the bed and waited for the results of the scan when she asked for some of his blood he held out his arm and let her do as she pleased. His blood remained liquid, As the needle was extracted he grimmaced slightly.
"I appreciate it, you and Kiyo, have done a lot for me, if saving your lives on occassion is the last i can do i'm glad for this." HE said closing his eyes for a moment. "So what's this like Alchemy?"
Ari listened to him and accepted his kiss she smirked but then paid attention to the doctor as she worked. Kitsuki took his blood and then began to expose some of it to an agent of some kind. The rest she put in a device attached to the computer. It was spinning furiously. She also healed the wound that was created form the needle. "You would think in this time they would have a means for needles not to cause harm... oh well..." Kitsuki went over to her computer and the machine beeped and the results displayed on the screen (its a test that figures out his magical aptitude, telekinetic abilities, classifies their strength based on his DNA and basically lists a bunch of diagnostic stuff. The other test was to see if it gives him regenerative or other abilities such as enhanced strength etc; since hes your character im not going to say the result myself just list them off)
Hikaru flexed his arm when he had it back, and looked to the two girls he cared about so much, he didn't want to harm either of them, and he had been staying away from Ari for the last few weeks because he didn't want to freeze her in the middle of the night.
Hikaru's results were as followed.
He's Cyrokenitic, in otherwords a psychic who's powers stem from manipulating the cold draining heat energy from objects to an extent that he can freeze over anything he touches.
The weakness aside from the fact that this was completely uncontrolled when he slept, was that in doing so his own body's core temperature also dropped, meaning there was a limit he could go too before his own blood would start to freeze, and that could lead to heart arrhythmia, or blood clots, not to mention freezer burn as his skin dried out and froze over.
His body can be trained to work with his new found power, but currently it would be dangerous for him to over use. Additionally unlike a water gem he had no form of healing ability or physical adaptation aside from the fact that his blood had adapted to a much higher salt content than otherwise would be considered normal allowing him to function at below freezing temperatures without feeling the effects of the cold. (sounds sciency but i have no idea how that would actually work.)
once all of that information was out in the open Hikaru leaned back in his bed. "Huh, go figure." He looked to both of the women in his life.
"So doc, how do you exactly help people to contain and control their powers, and get more adapted to them? also if this is all in my brain what do i have some sort of tumor in my head?"
"The power is not in your rain; its a genetic thing; hence why your sister can use fire... As far as your abilities; they are unique but not something you will never be able to use or anything that will kill you. There is technology to control the unconscious with it comes to your using the power and there are specialists here who can help you learn how to control it like Kirin Dragmawl. He is a magic user whom has the ability to summon creatures... Why can he help you; because it is about control... As for helping you deal with it until you have control over it... There is some nanoprobes we can use that will temporarily lock your power... the problem with that is you will at some point have to release th built up energy or it will kill you... I can give you a treatment of the nanomachines right now if you like; you will need to meet with me and someone else who is powered to have them help you learn how to mentally control your abilities." Kitsuki explained."
"Huh, fascinating." He looked at Kiyo. "I guess we should both sign up for this, you may have more control than me, but you could also probably go farther with it if we had training as for right now, yeah the Nanite injection sounds good, at least i would be able to sleep with others around me without potentially hurting them." He nodded and held out his arm for the treatment. "Which reminds me do you two want to get dinner?" He asked to Ari and Kiyo, it would be their first date together. "Or would you both rather stay in and eat."
Kiyo heard and shrugged. “I’ll do it... as for food; I honestly just want to sleep...” Kiyo said moving to the bed. Ari glanced at him. "She's tired and I just finished all my work... so I'll be bored as shit for awhile likely... If you wanted to grab something to eat sure... If not... Well... What do you wanna do or would you prefer to stay with your sis... I can go find something else to do if you want me to." She replied as Kitsuki took a final scan. "If you donot want to do the prodecure right now; just let me know when you would like me to do the first injection."
(TAG Hikaru)