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A Second Calling

Posted on Monday August 6th, 2018 @ 10:06am by Captain Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark & Captain Sumire "Remi" Rembrant & Arisa Eirini

507 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Season 2: Mission 1: Day after Day
Location: Oynx Cityship - Residential District; Ari's House
Timeline: October 12th 4566 Evening

After their meeting Ari and remi were preparing their rooms and Arisa walked in to the house. The outside areas wre automatically furnished and has a copy of Rena; jack's house AI. The female maid looked at Arisa and nodded to her "Greetings madam." Arisa wandered around the house seeing what is happening.

Gainz sooner or later would discover the floating city that was with the Lavie group and decided to scope the place out.  It was quite fascinating to see what was like the equivalent of Manhattan floating around in space.  It was like Skynet City except better because it was somewhat nostalgic in his memories.  The original Manhattan was gone with the destruction of Earth.  For that Gainz could never forgive the bugs that forsaken his planet and due to Skynet's prime directives, neither could they.  He was still dressed in his battlesuit while exploring the city, getting odd looks from random people as he walked by, especially with that white EU cape.  He wondered if this place would be safe enough for Vanilla to stay at.  She had been within Skynet City only because he could think of no safer place, and Skynet served her well when the bugs attacked.  However he was pretty sure Vanilla would rather be somewhere else with her history.

Ari and Remi had finished setting up their rooms and came down to find Arisa cooking to the dismay of Rena. The two head out and remi decides to go to a park where there are food carts and various other fun things. It was a warm day anyway with the citiy’s simulated weather. Ari begins to travel about the city and finds Gainz. She leans against the side of the building he is observing and crosses her arms. “So you are here now too… Why do you follow us around anyway? Oh Rem and Arisa are here too… I have a house…” She informs him without even looking at him. It seemed she was still a little annoyed about his previous times of walking out on her.

Gainz glances at her and shrugs. "I'll be going to help Skynet repair Earth... Like I told you I am not what you need and I can never be what you are looking for Ari.  Know that soon Earth will be a place people can come again and Skynet will be hunting the bugs as well on its own. It's been good girl but I really muust be going. I just take to see this city... Maybe we will see each other again."

Ari sighed. "You go do what you need to do... Like with everyone you will just leave..." her words trailed off as he disappeared to go be with Vanilla and rebuild Earth. Ari shook her head "I wonder if he realized I actually like him... " She then headed off without anohter word.

[ Monica has left the group; I just finished up our post birefly to at least give some closure to the Gainz character]



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