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Vision or nightmare

Posted on Friday July 27th, 2018 @ 4:18am by Brigadier General Aidan Thornton

812 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Season 2: Mission 1: Day after Day
Location: XO's quarters
Timeline: Oct 13, 4566. late evening

Restless. Uncentered. Disorganized. Too many things running around in Aidan's head. Even the relationships he was pursuing felt draining and hollow. It wasn't anyone's fault, it was just how he felt. His parents still were among the missing. Since the Senate had been taken down, the news channels had been scurrying for position and lining up who was going to run Earth 2. Aidan was sick of it and turned off the stream. 

He moved some furniture around the room. He let the holoemitters conjur up a copper fire pit lined with rocks. It crackled and spit, so he lowered the room temperature by 25 degrees. He liked it cold. The firepit did give off warmth. He changed into his buckskin ceremonial garb, and layed out his real peace pipe already loaded and  holopgraphic items of importance. 
He said a few prayers, tossing in tobacco into the firepit. Placing a special neural inducer on each temple, he started his vision quest. 
Walking along a forested path. He held a rifled musket in my left hand. Several large rabbits hung on his belt, ready for dinner. Getting back to the small village, he handed one the working women the days' efforts and headed back to the hut he shared with his family. 

He kissed his mother on the cheek, then went out to help his father with chores. Soon a growing comotion  could be overheard from the center of the village. The shouting grew loud angry. He arrived in time to see hooded figures in black robes, binding and taking villagers. His father went to defend them and was slain outright. His mother cried out in anguish and tried to help him. They killed her as well. He was moving in slow motion, unable to gather any speed or force. Soon Ayasha was bound and gagged. He felt a blow to the head, darkness forcing him into unconsciousness. 
Coming to hours later, the village was dark. Many of the buildings had been burned or were burning now. Bodies were strewn across the village square, there was no movment. Rage set in hard in Aidan's mind, hands clenched, teeth bared. He let out a yell that echoed through the now lifeless township. He tapped a few buttons on his wristcom and a box appeared. Slowly and surely Aidan put on his all black power armor. Snapped each piece into place with practiced motion, the anger burning, he let it fill his heart with desire. The desire for vengenace. The meaningless slaughter would be repaid tenfold upon the beings that caused, even if it meant the destruction of Aidan himself. 
The last armor item in the box was his helmet. Snapping it into place, the armor started to change. The all black composite morphed into snow white fur. Eyes the color of fire glistened and reflected the still burning huts. Where the helmet was, it became the shape of a Dire wolf. He collected weapons from the box and set off for the enemy stronghold. 

If anything, Aidan's anger built during the travel time. He pulled a grenade launcher and the oak doors blocking the entrance shattered into kindling. Secondary fragments sending the guards skittering for safety. There would be none. An attacked try to jump Aidan, Aidan spun and backhanded the man, he heard the neck break from the blow. Wanting to cause the maximum amount of fear, he pulled out a claymore sword and dove into the mix with squad of soldiers.  Several fire there rifled muskets at him, the bullets hitting the fur/armor and falling to the ground flattened and impotent. 

The sea of enemy seemed endless. No matter how much power he had, it would be enough. Looking over their was a small tower. A black robed individual hand his hands held to his in concentration. Aidan broke free of the combat and made his way to the tower. The last grenade in the launcher shattered the door, but it was only partially open. Aidan forced the entrance with sheer strength. Climbing the stair well, he kicked the door several times before it gave to his will. 

Ayasha was on a nearby rack. Clothing torn, skin exposed. The enemy kept coming, wave after wave, charging in through the door. Aidan grabbed the leader and put his service pistol the being head and pulled the trigger. Brain matter flew against the opposite wall as the now lifeless body crumpled into a pile. He freed Ayash and carried her out. The enemies no longer a threat. The scene faded and Aidan was back in the room. 

It would take time to process the vision quest. He wondered if any of the tribal elders made it through. Still frustrated he put away all the gear, grabbed his regular pipe, changed into normal clothing and sat watching the fire and brooding. 


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