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Allies and Enemies

Posted on Saturday September 8th, 2018 @ 6:33pm by Lieutenant Yumiari Aki-Bella M.D. & Captain Sumire "Remi" Rembrant & Commander Selaniphi Kiirmant & Ensign Flennel Lanreth

2,070 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Season 2: Mission 1: Day after Day
Location: City-Ship; Interrogation
Timeline: October 16th 4566 Morning

The girl was move from her cell to interrogation. Once she was in that room and seated chained to the chair. Yumi then moved in to the observation room. remi joined her to see how Flan would do. the two waited as remi just sat back and relaxed eating an ice cream cone. Yumi stares at her as Remi removed her boots and jut sat cross legged in the chair staring at the purple haired girl inside. "Are you serious... Eating in an interrogation room?" Yumi asked. remi shrugged "We are leaving in a few hours. I gotta eat sometime..." Yumi sighs shaking her head.

Flan walks into the observation room, the atrium before the interrogation room itself, reporting in flan walks up to her superior in formal greeting then notices.. "I'm here Remi.. you are ready t-... are you just.. eating ice cream..?" shaking her head side to side to shake off what pulled her off track she follows up "are you ready to go through with the interrogation..?"

"I am ready to watch you play with our new mistress..." remi joked. Yumi was about to say something when Remi then said "And yes i am eating ice cream... Go interrogate with the skill you had last night and there will be no problem." Yumi shook her head about how not seriously remi was taking this.

flan responds beginning with a short pause "Okay rem.." turning away and grabbing the door knob as a serious and cold-eyed stare crawls on her face, a steamy cold mist begin emanating from her body as the 2 in the observation room felt the ambient temperature drop a decent amount before flan opens the door and enters.
She walks up to the pink-haired girl, the girl immediately feels the room begin cooling almost drastically, staring at her for a moment then asking "So... why did you attack the entry sector of the city.."

The girl shrugged. "It is  you again... You wouldn't know how to respond even if I explained to you what is actually going on... even if you freeze me or not such things cannot be understood by the likes of  you..." The girl just smirks at Flan

"we can understand, if you're basing your reason for not thinking we'd understand because of a tragic reason.. you're wrong.. we've all got demons.." she stares even more intently at the Pink-haired girl "now tell me yours.." she says with the floor frosting over and slowly spreading along the room as things were getting uncomfortable cold.

"You do realize that in space you crack through metal or windows and you die girl?" The girl responded then she laughed. "Also your guards are incompetent... They should have frisked me... at least your interrogation specialist knows to cuff people" She said as she freed herself with a key she grabbed off of one of the guards. She just demonstrates she can free herself but doesn't take any further action. "Now... do you understand why I say my reasons are beyond you yet?"

"one crack through metal or a window.. we both die, and i'm willing to do just that.." very ever so slightly surprised of getting herself out "if you can get out easily, or beat me, then why don't you just get out.., your reasons aren't above anyone, reasons are just motives, and in the end never that hard to comprehend" flan clenching her fists in a slight frustration, fully covering the room in frost, lining certain areas with ice crystals "now.. why did you attack the city."

"I believe the better question is why did I let you guys capture me or are you not as preceptive as your boss... I was holding back... and I still am Flennel Lanreth. Your people are incompetent... if you also remember I killed no one... If you wan tot kill us both try... if you want to hit me; try... I guarantee only one of us will be dragged out of her in cuffs." She stares her in the eyes smirking more.

"iv'e seen that, I saw you didn't move to dodge my ice.. the attack was obvious and would've been easy to spot and move out of the way.. however, I'm not sure if you planned being stabbed..".. she humors the question "so, why did you let us capture you?" as the ice slowly dies down slightly, but the room still being kept quite cold(edited)

"So we could be in here... Your forces have leaks." She said finally revealing something useful

"I told you, we've shoulda stuck her in the Murasashi." Seleni says walking up in uniform

Remi had finished her ice cream. "These rooms are secured and soundproofed... heh..." She laughs

"hm.. that is quite dire.. I'll look into that.." pausing for a moment "so you just caused a scene to talk directly to us, but why not just lead a tip to authorities, it'd reach us anyways..
 why the unconventional route.. please answer that before we address the moles in the system."
icicles are visible on the windows and one way glass from the observing room

"They might be but from what I see, she's gotten free." Seleni says pointedly.

The girl nods. "I'm Eire Lexington the governor-appoint of one of the worlds on the eastern front of the rim... Our world is currently under the control of one of your armed forces... only problem is  you have a bug problem... In short he is infected... I was one of the only leadership of my world to escape. The point being more of your forces might be under the control of the bugs." She then smirks "and yes I know more than any civilian leadership member should know... I was part of the defense oversight committee before the senate went all fuckles..."
She crosses her legs to also signal her leg restraints are undone.

"Makes me wonder why she didn't just send us a coded message or something instead of literally breaking and entering." Seleni says watching her.

"Computer disabble all external inputs and lock out VX com channels to this and interrogation one." The system beeps and blocks com traffic after remi gave the order.

"we were aware of the threat of the scourge, infact, the planet known as earth was attacked and decimated by them, assisted by a warp of sorts.. but this actually is very concerning.." her cold ambience slowly calls off returning the room to a normal temperature as flan realizes she doesn't need to threaten her "so there's someone here to relay the signal of the emitter.." she continues "so Eire.. since you came in unannounced bringing this info, what do you suppose, what're you bringing to the table.. you wouldn't come all this way just to tell us this, there's more as to why you're here."

Seleni glances at Remi then looks down the way she came from. "You think they're going to send someone to shut her up?" She asks quietly.

"Probably..." Yumi said even though she was not asked.  Erie shrugs "You folks need a gem master... I spent my time studying them... I am better than those specialists you have... and just so you know... frisk me..." if flan does so she finds multiple gem weapons hidden in rather... well areas male guards would not dare search for fear of a sexual harassment claim.

flan squints her eyes, approaching her for a full body pat down, her hands still colder than ice, being covered in the energy of 7 blue gems, she feels the objects mentioned, treated what she did professionally "okay.. so you're saying you want to join us..? assuming that you said 'we need a gem master', now to get back to the topic at hand-- what do you know about the moles?"

Erie as she gets close and searches her she lightly kisses her as a tease. While doing so though she says. "Well... one is right outside outside the observation room... one of the guards He is infected..." After whispering this she just sits back in the chair.

flan not reacting to what could've been a ploy, but heard what she had said. "I suppose we should make this interrogation 'escalate'.. bring in the others.. this is a serious matter of security.. I apologize for any discomfort I've caused you" flan looks at the mirror and signaled for remi and whoever remi allows to enter the interrogation room.

Remi comes in bringing Seleni in with her. Remi then approaches and goes like she's going to hit Eire "Yes much more intense for kissing her..." As her fist "contacted" Eire's face she dropped the neckless nonchalantly with her body in the way so the camera doesn't see the neckless. Eire hides it.

Seleni leans against the wall out of sight of the one way window and observes for now.

Flan pulls over Remi to the side, as she physically acts out what could be interpreted as a 'good cop, bad cop routine' telling Remi what she learned from Eire "We've been compromised.. the scourge is present in guards planted all over the city.. like the guards outside.. I can cloak and take them out-- later if you so want.. Eire proposes she'd join us by the way, we'll fill you in with better detail later-- but long story is, someone may be in here.. with a relay of the emitter to bring the scourge to us.." she whispered close to her(edited)

Remi nods and goes outside to send Yumi in to "administer pain" to her as Remi goes outside and tells one of the guards to go inside. The guard enters the room to monitor. Remi then heads off in a roundabout way eventually finding her way to Yuka's office explaining to her what has happened after haivng her have Lumi disable everything in the room and Seph guard the door.

through flan's vx she used her personnel privileges to lock the outer door leading out of the observation room in silence, confirming with eire quietly "he's the infected one.. yes..?"

She sends a infred point ot point signal to Flan confirming this.

without hesitation the flan walks out of view of the observation room, veiling herself in a cloak, lowering her body temperature, evenly with the ambient temperature outside.. opening the door and walking into the observation room using her vx to play a malfunction sound byte to cover up the door opening on its own, the guard unknowing of the situation he's in feels a slight draft, before from many different angles getting impaled by spikes and lances of ice, the guard.. or rather what was inside the guard screeched dreadfully in pain before being enveloped in a coffin of ice "fade away.." flan said, as the ice light up in sheer coldness, as it glowed photonically, evaporating everything that was in the ice's path into a nothingness, leaving burns that can be seen as a ultra cold plasma

Eire gets up and covers flan in a slightly warming vail of fire.

as flan's shimmering veil was lifted, appearing in front of seleni with skin as white as snow, mist flowing from her mouth and loads of dry ice-like fog flowing from her body, the air around her turning into diamond dust as the warmth of Eire regulated her fatigue "seleni.. I apologize for having you watch that.." returning to Eire "lets get somewhere less.. messy.."

Eire nods and follows her out. Outside when they open the door there were two AC officers in the typical blue uniforms standing next to the other guard. the commisison officers nod when they see things are handled.

"follow me Eire.. I know somewhere that's safe and closed off" she says with slightly visible breath breathing from her words as she messaged remi's vx to meet in the lavie, in the room they first met

Eire follows her and Remi heads that way. The three girls meet to finalize plans and figure out the next move; albeit with the upcoming mission they would need to change the plans a little in case the team's plans were too compromised.



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