Driving, Love and Mining
Posted on Saturday September 8th, 2018 @ 7:01pm by Captain Sumire "Remi" Rembrant & Commander Selaniphi Kiirmant & Ensign Flennel Lanreth & Ensign Kirin Dragmawl & Ensign Ayasha Thornton & 2nd Lieutenant Kyle Dee (Ian)
3,732 words; about a 19 minute read
Season 2: Mission 1: Day after Day
Location: Aerowing Shuttle/Borill VII; Colony Residential Area
Timeline: October 16th 4566 Afternoon
The Areowing runabout made its way to the mining colony and arrived without incident. Upon arrival landing and such went without any problems as well. Remi had gotten her gear sorted again and then said. "So who is going with me and... I know you were only around for a short time before we left but the quartermaster never got you gear?" She asked Kyle
Ayasha stood up, her level 1 power armor concealed mostly underneath her BDU's. "I'm not staying in the car. Though given our last mission, it's probably a good idea."
“I’ll be fine with what I have.” He said smiling. As he stood up and grabbing both handles of his scimitars. Wearing his Black Centurion Armor. “I’ll be under your command, just give the word and I’ll follow.” He said smiling.
"Um... isn't that like an antique though? I don't think it can stop bullets... or for that matter; laser weapons..." remi commented
"Do you want me here in the shuttle or with you?" Seleni asks Remi.
"Where would you rather be?" She asked her
Remi also pated Ayasha. "Yeah... hopefully we don't fight any time travel researchers here... with madmen at their control..."
"Doesn't matter to me," Seleni replies.
“May be old technology, but I assure you. It can kill.” He said grabbing his duffel bag and stood there waiting for orders smiling, upbeat in his mood.
Tactical officer says, "ill come with you guys seems like you guys may need an extra hand just in case" (how many people are here on the ground by chance?)(edited)
Ayasha spoke to Azazel. "You might want to holster though blades. It's not going to look right if we come in aggressively." she said.
"The fact that your happier that you get to go into battle is a bit scary to me... Were you a Klingon in a previous life?" Remi asked Kyle.
“Funny, but I don’t thing cube ships are practical. No, I just think that being in a bad mood would not be productive.” He answered simply smiling.
"That deservees a pat." remi pats him on the head
"Anyway Seleni you can stay on the ship and keep watch if anything happens... I'll take Ayasha, Kirin and Kyle." remi said.
Seeing they were sheathed, Ayasha said, "thanks"
"Bring back something tasty" Seleni says.
Patting herself down, Ayasha felt everything in place. Kabar combat knife, type 1 cricket phaser, service pistol, extra mags, and her khuri short sword upside down on her back. Grabbing the large medical case, she offered, "ready when you are."
"If Chandra were here she would whip up something really good." Kyle told himself, in response to Seleni's request.
kirin replys, "it will be an honor to be helping out in this mission and what type of tastes would you like for us to bring back bread, meat, wine, ale, hard ale?" kirin asks with excitement. Kirin is carrying his family sword with the custom foldable pistol that he asked the blacksmith to make a long time ago with tactical gear and standard issued military set(edited)
Remi had her new gem shield system in the form of a bracelet on under her tactical gear. She then had a side warm and some gems in a box on the other side of her belt. She led the group of four out of the ship after they were ready. Once they exit the ship there were two mining officials and a bunch of guards outside. The higher ranking official was quite a plump man; he looked grubby and unclean as well as too well fed for his own good. He said "Greetings; we have been expecting you; so you are the ones who were sent to pick up the minerals from the mine... We are always happy to help out the Federation Government as our duty as citizens of the great union... My men will escort you to the jeeps so we can go and begin traveling to the mines and get you these much needed materials". Something seemed off about how "loyal" this guy was acting; Remi easily picked up on this... Either something was off or this guy had literally been drinking gallons of whatever Kool-Aid the Senate whipped up. "I'm Sumire Rembrant from Trinity.... We will follow your lead then I guess. This is my teams Medic Ayasha Thornton and two of our tactical specialists; Kirin Dragmawl and Kyle Dee." The man nods at her disinterested as he walked off leading the way back to the jeeps. The jeeps were not that far away.
"Didn't know Santa had a sled that could go into space." He chuckled under his breath.
There were two jeeps when they arrive. Each containing one driver. The two officers get in one and two guards get in another. The other two guards were waiting for the group to enter.
Remi ignores his comment even if she barely heard it trying to be a good little Trinity minion this mission.
Ayasha picks the second jeep, as she was usually in the back of the formations anyway. "Medics don't lead" she thought to herself.
"Orders Ma'am?" Kyle asked smiling at Remi as he didn't know which jeep to enter.
kirin heads to the jeep that will be pulling out first ahead of the others and keeps watch while the others pick a car
Remi says "Well... I guess you and he can choose one and Ayasha and I will take the other." She told Kyle
Remi then follows Ayasha or rather the tewo go together to one while the boys go to the other.
Kyle followed Remi to the jeep, then seeing it be full, "Okay, I'll just enter the other one then!" He told her smiling and hopping into the other, sitting next to Kirin. Turning to him, "Evening. Azazel." He said introducing himself and extending his hand out a little.
Ayasha didn't know if was nerves making her jumpy or that the last mission was such a debacle. She wanted to fondle the service pistol for protection, but settled for popping a few chocolate covered coffee beans into her mouth and chewing them.
kirin turns to Azazel extends his hand to shake, "it is nice to meet you im kirin dragmawl"
kirin grabs azazel forarm as a greeting
"Good grip! I like a person who can really make an introduction." Kyle said smiling.
The jeeps made their way into a rather trash looking city. the people looked sad and impoverished. As they got closer to the mines they notice the guard buildings and management areas were well kept but everything for the actual workers was horridly maintained and underfunded.
“I’ve seen Russia in 1945 look better than this. I bet they’re putting chemicals in the water that turn the freaking frogs gay.” He whispered into Kirin’s ear jokingly.(edited)
kirin replys with a whisper, "iv seem farm lands look better than this you might be right about the chemicals but not the gay part that is just a hereditary gene of there's they forgot to remove."
Ayasha was starting to feel ill. The conditions were deplorable to say the least, it didn't sit well with her. She never lacked for anything in her life and to watch people scrape by when it wasn't necessary bothered her. A few children running about came up to her. She reached in and pulled out some mints she kept around. While not exactly candy, it was what she hand on her at the moment.(edited)
remi noticed an injured person whom based on her scans was actually dying. She says to the driver "Stop the jeep." The doesn't listen to her and her gun suddenly leaves its holster as she puts it to the back of the guys head. "Stop!" he does as he is told. She hurries outside and begins to heal the person. The other jeep stops as well wondering why its partner stopped. Remi is keep in concentration while she's healing with her blue gem.
The adults here seem pained, annoyed and fearful of the guards and as such Trinity officers since we look like guards more or less.
Kicking herself mentally for not running a few simple scans, she guided the children away as she too pulled out her tricorder. "With all due respect Sir, that's my job." She whispered. "You have to lead. If you want to heal them AFTER I can't, I'm all for it." She waved the scanner over a few of the others and started to correlate the findings.
kirin seeing what remi and ayasha is doing he opens the door walks over to her and tries to assist her in helping the injured person(edited)
(the impact would crush the Jeep, @Inori Yuzuriha... :wink:)(edited)
Kyle stood up and looked down at Remi, getting out of the Jeep and walking over to her. Squatting down and whispering. “So you’ve noticed too haven’t you? The guards are very suspicious aren’t they?” He said in his upbeat tone.
Remi shrugs to Ayasha. "I get it... but healing one person... If there is one there is more especially if its this bad... " Remi said to her and then when Kyle came over she finished her work. "Well... the person won't die at least but I'll leave the actual medicine to actual medical professionals... If this colony even has them." The governor and his minion exit the jeep. "What is this... Come with us; we do not have time for this..." he implores.
Aloud Ayasha said, "I'm detecting elevated levels of several key heavy metals in all the civilians. She walked over to the water bottle one of them was carrying and scanned it. "It's the water Sir. It's contaminated."
Remi turns to the governor "What don't we have time for Jolly one?" She asked the Governor.
"Jolly... Look... We must move on... this feral ones are not worth your time... We have been loyal... now come take the minerals so we can get paid..." The man said to her getting impatient.
“Excuse me Rick Snyder, but may I ask? Why are you’re people sicker than Flint? I’d say that’s pretty important to know. Don’t want to be looking like Mao now do we?” He asked smiling, standing up.(edited)
Ayasha's face started to changed color is a deeper crimson than it normally was. Had she had more rank, she might have said more, but for now, she kept it on simmer.
"What... I don't-" "Okay... You know uneducated corporate swine... In the core worlds we don't treat our subjects like this..." remi said to him her noble upbringing showing; believing she was better than this guy.
Several of the civilians moved in closer to get a better idea of the argument. It was a small crowd now.
"You foolish humanitarians... This must happen...-" "Sir... We must go" the governors pet said to him and the two run back to their jeep attempting to run away fearful of something.
Kyle grabbed Remi’s shoulder and pulled her close and whispered into her ear. “Components, then chew him out. Let’s not instigate a fight.” He said smiling, though sending her vibes that he was aware of the situation.
Kyle then unsheathed his blades and dashed after then attempting to tackle the governor.
The governor and his minion get to their jeep but by the time they do people were in the way.
He orders his guards to run them down.
Kyle gets up and hop onto the Jeep.
Suddenly a pair of shotguns blasts took out the two guards at the same time as four 'civilians" started grappling with the two officers.(edited)
As civilians break into the jeep and kill two of his guards then take the jeep Kyle was climbinb up it. This may have helped them actually take the jeep.
The two remaining guards surrender.
A small charge on the jeeps was triggered, rendering them both unusable, as about a dozen Resistance fighters gather round the jeep and the Governor. Several point small arms at both Kyle and the Governor.
Kyle unsheathed reaches to grab the governor’s fat ass and hold him with his scimitars to his throat.
"Fat boy is ours as is the payment" One tall man said. "Our quarrel is not with you Federation, but get in our way and this will be bloodier than either of us wants."
Remi turns noticing the commotion "The hell... She draws her weapon and approaches as she sees the two guards be captured.She then sees the civilians taking control of the situation and them state their intentions. "I get what you are doing but let the law deal with this... Don't take this into your own hands; it won't end will... The corporation will just send more guards and bigger guns."
kirin fires a shoot into the air to get the attention of the mob and ask, " what are you guys doing, would you mind bringing the Governor to over here"
Kyle manages to grab and subdue the man
“Now. Sir, I’m going to ask you in a propitious manner.” He said smiling. “Give me a reason not to kill you please.”
The tall man shouts. "You want a war?" he spits at Kyle. "Go ahead. Murder us you Federation SCUM. We die at your hands today or of the cancer from the water. It makes very little difference."
"Give us the payment, we can all walk away." He said, gaining a little composure.
“If you want him. You may take him. I have no connection with this unsightly gelatinous mass.” He said smiling and kicked him off the Jeep onto the floor.
Remi clinches her fists. "Stand down..." She aims her gun only to have an old lady aim a gun at her. The lady fires and its stopped by her VX as well as her new shield. Remi sighs. "Everyone drop your goddamn weapons! Shooting each other will not solve anything... Now lower your arms... Dragmawl detain them both please."
kirin walks up to the crowed and says, "that is fine if you would like him but would you mind showing us what is happening at the mines?"(edited)
The tall man offers, "No one is taking our hostage. The governor is collateral against some justice, even if it's only his life in payment." He is hiding one of his hands in his pocket. Any aggressive action against us from here on out, will be met with swift justice. He pulls out his hand. It's detonator. Opening his overcoat, his entire torso is laced with high explosives.
kirin replys, "now now dont get testy i just asked a simple question we are not going to take the Governor from you guys can we just ask him a few questions first if you dont mind."
"and before jumpy pants starts anything else, it's rigged to a dead man switch. I go, we ALL go. I have enough here to level this into a nice parking lot for your next shuttle." He offered.(edited)
Meanwhile, Seleni enjoys a small packet of candy humming to herself.
“A bomb laced vest. I must say sir I’m not impressed but I am disappointed.” He said smiling hopping out of the Jeep and sheathing his scimitars. “The governor is yours my friend. I’m only here to accomplish a simple order by my commanding officer.” He bowed slightly showing his intentions are not hostile towards them.
"Stop moving towards me jumpy pants." He held up the detonator and backed off a couple of steps.
"Actually..." Remi's belt starts to glow and something goes through the bracelets in her hands surrounding the man with the detonator putting a shield around him. "You are the only one who dies... We are here to enforce the law, get what we need to save the galaxy and detain threats." She looks over to Kirin and Kyle "Detain him DO NOT kill him... Thornton find a way to heal these people and would someone please get our damned air support...."
Ayasha scanned the man. "He's not kidding Sir. The blast would go out to over 100 meters.
She messages Seleni via VX they need the ship to fly to thier location and arm weapons just in case.
Kyle grabbed the governor from the floor and picked him up again holding him in a follow hold. “Comply and you will win a prize! Your fingers won’t be broken.” He said smiling.
Seleni stops lazing about and starts the shuttles engines again and takes off.
The shuttle arrives overhead. "Wow. You really pissed them off didn't you?" Seleni says as she sees the situation.
kirin looks for a way to calm down the situation so no one will die
"Let us take him and do our job we will hold your company accountable and allow your people to control and govern your world." Remi explained
The tall man offers. "I don't want to kill you little girl." He said, looking at Remi. "If I die in the cause, and hopefully take fat boy with me, at least a little press might get SOMETHING rolling our way for once."
"No one has to die... Obviously things have been going on here for awhile but we are here now and we will protect you. We will help you recover your people." Remi explained; ignoring the little girl comment.
Ayasha is treating some of the wounded around her. The guards are dead. She moved to people that would benefit from her talents and medicaine.
"I was born at night, but it wasn't LAST night." He retorted. " What kind of reassurances do we get?"(edited)
"Well one thing I can think of... so you explode you kill me and my ship wipes out th epopulation of yoru city... no one wins."
“Listen.” Kyle said not in a stern and serious tone never heard before looking at the man. “I know what pain you’re going through. Believe me I do. Ask me. I promise you friend. He will be put to justice. And I will personally come back to help you.” He said truthfully.
"You let us do our job as the military and you get your planet."
"plus on top of that you get to choose a new Governor"
"So hot air and hollow words?" He replied.
"Well... then take me... as collateral."
kirin says, " hot air naw and hollow words i feel insulted if you need to reach us we can leave a way for you to reach us if you like"
“Take this man Kirin.” He said shoving the governor to him. Then turning to the man and got down to his knee and bowed, “I am your servant. Command me to do your will sir.”
"Remi, what the hell is going on?" Seleni asks, confused
"You want me to give up. I need ACTION." He replied. "No missy. No Federation hostages. They'll kill me and leave. I want a water purification plant and a medcal team on the ground."
"Those are non-negotiable." he said, then sat on the ground.
"You already have medics; she and I can heal your people and request additoinal medical and support personnel from our base."
"if that is all you need than that can be done, show us were the problem is so we can help fix it" kirin replys(edited)
"As for the water system..." Remi VX's Seleni asking her if she could build a water purification system with the extra parts they had on the shuttle."
"Uh....I'm no engineer but I can try." She replies.
"Fat boy stays. You put the purifcation in action, show me it works and a pallet of medical supplies. I will happily give up."
“If you require an engineer. Then may I be of service?” He asked smiling, upbeat agin.
Remi nods "We can do that and our team can stay here until support arrives."
"Again. Action. Then I surrender. Not before." He replied.
"Then we will stay here unitl personnel arrive."
Seleni lands the shuttle and starts to go through the spare parts onboard.
“Tell me sir. Have you heard of The people’s republic of china?” Kyle asked the man looking up at him smiling.
"No, and I don't really want a history lesson, Jumpy Pants."
“Be glad that you have a government that cares. I know, I was there. Also, name’s Azazel.” He said smiling, informing him.
kirin asks the civilians, "if they had any kind of rope or way to binds the Governor hands and feet, so he can not move unless he breaks free or was let free."
"If the Government cared, my wife would be alive." He spat back.
Kyle chuckled, “I’ve lost 3 wives and 26 children my friend. I know what it means to lose family. And that was with and without those who cared.”
"and my mother and brother wee killed for similar situations..." remi added
"Fine. You should all rot in hell next to me." He disarms the explosive. "Nothing is going to change."(edited)
"my family was murder by a group of bandits and pissed off racist towns people that didnt like my family, and who we were." kirin added
Kyle stood up and walked over and sat next to the man then reached into the duffel bag and handed him a small velvet box. “Never forget the amount of lives you’ve saved today with you’re own personal sacrifice. Men don’t live forever as I do, but their legacies do.”
Within the box is a small Platinum ring from his wife Charlotte, before she passed.
"I don't want your trinket." He says, turning his face away.
Kyle keeps it and nods, “May she rest with the gods above.” He then stood up and walked over to the shuttle. Smiling, but a bitter sweet victory in the end.
Ayasha files and official report and sends a blind carbon copy to Aidan for safekeeping.