Conversation, communication, and behavior
Posted on Friday September 21st, 2018 @ 1:22am by Ensign Ayasha Thornton & 2nd Lieutenant Kyle Dee (Ian) & Crewman Chandra Dee
4,084 words; about a 20 minute read
Season 2: Mission 1: Day after Day
Location: Aerowing lounge
Timeline: Oct 18, early morning
Ayasha had taken a nap. She wiped herself down, and changed into fresh duty uniform and prepared for the day. Coffee was on the agenda, she grabbed her medical kit and walked over. Seeing Chandra passed out in one the large chairs, she noticed Kyle on the couch, a blanket over the top of him. Tapping a couple of buttons on the dispenser, she grabbed her espresso and took a pull on it. The hot liquid and sweetness helping reduce the fog in her brain from sleep. She pulled out her tricorder and set the unit to silent. She scanned him briefly, taking his vitals and added them to his file.
Chandra heard Ayasha walk in and woke up stretching then sat up right, her hair only slightly in a mess as she tried to fix it looking up to her, “Morning...” she said with a slight yawn in French. Not quite sure what time it was.
Kyle was still asleep, though was having nightmares as usual of watching his family die over and over again. And seeing his less than desirable actions on replay in his mind. He was slightly sweating and had not eaten in days.
Holly was curled up at Azazel’s feet and looked up at Ayasha and then stretched before getting up and wagging her tail, jumping up and leaning on her trying to lick her.
Ayasha returned the greeting. "Sorry it's so early. I have to check my patient. Vitals looks good , but he needs to eat right now. She moved away and called out softly. "MIster Dee, I need you to wake up." She said, petting the dog behind the ear and it's head leaning more in the direction of loving.
Azazel’s eyes opened and he jumped off of the couch and reached for where his rifle usually was, his eyes glazed over, it took him a second to realize he wasn’t in his nightmare and turned to Ayasha. Brushing it off, he smiled and said, “Apologies, just a weird dream. You required me?” Holly then got off of Ayasha giving her one final last big lick before chugging over to Azazel and wrapping at his legs. A signal that she was hungry.
"No. The opposite. If you don't start eating, you're going to pass out. If that happens, I'm not going to be able to babysit you. That will mean you'll be placed in stasis until a proper medical staff can do a thorough checkup of you....again." She said with some exasperation in her voice. "I can't make you take care of yourself, but I'll be damned if you are going to be self negligent on my watch to the point of being comatose." She got up and walked to the replicator. "Large orange juice" Grabbing the liquid she held it out for him.
“Never has the chance to eat anyth-“ he then looked down at Holly then Chandra. “They take priority over me.” He said taking the orange juice and giving it to Chandra, then stepping back to Ayasha. “Apologies, But I refuse to accept anything before them. I have to make sure that they’re taken care of before I take care of myself.” He said smiling. Obviously showing how he parented when she was younger.
"I think you mistake my words for suggestions." she said pointedly. "I will sit here and watch you consume a full meal. That is a medical order. Your dog and daughter are not going to starve. You are very close to being in a hypoglycemic coma." Ayasha said.(edited)
Azazel chuckled, “I’ll eat anything you give me, even if it’s sautéed raccoon asshole on a stick. Deepfried and smeared with butter.” He stated jokingly, though was serious that he would eat it if told to.(edited)
Ayasha had enough. "I really don't give shit what you eat, but you will eat. The dispenser can make anything. I'll even feed the dog if you stop being an asshole long enough to eat. The other option would an induced coma and I'll just shove a feeding tube down your throat. Problem solved, throw you in a corner." Ayasha was starting to turn crimson like Aidan does when he got agitated. "Most people want help and thank me for helping them feel better. "
Azazel laughed at her getting so flustered over the situation, "I just said I would eat anything you give me. There's no need to get agitated." He then looked at the replicator and then back at her, "I just tell it something and it makes it?"
"Anything in the database. Sometimes you have to narrow your choices. Like there are about 1200 kinds of tomato soup." Ayasha said.(edited)
She walked to the slot. "A 1.5 cup portion of venison kibble in a bowl and a water bowl for a dog.."
It produced it and she set it down to the side in front of Molly
"It's something most of my pups like even if finicky" Ayasha offered.
"Anything in the database..." He said thinking with an evil grin. Stepping over he then said, "4 pounds of Oatmeal, and 1 cup of chocolate chips. Then 1 cup of non-fat milk." Once the replicator made it he looked back at Chandra glaring at him with an intensive stare. "You Bitch..." She told him sipping her orange juice.
Holly looked down then started eating the food placed infront of her. Chandra explained, "You know how much I hate Oatmeal... Just the smell itself is Uhg..."
Ayasha interjected. "Corned beef omelette with swiss cheese and buttered rye toast."
She took the plate and sat down to eat her own breakfast.
Azazel poured the cup of chocolate chips inside the bowl of oatmeal then stirred it with the spoon. Once he then went on and turned around in the corner then started eatting rapidly.
Chandra got up and asked the replicator, "French toast, side of scrambled eggs with mushrooms and sausages." She then grabbed the plate and sat back down and began eating.
Ayasha added, "I'd like to see you get a few ounces of protein with that as well. Some bacon, steak, something. Once the carbs get processed the protein will help stabilize your blood glucose." Turning to Chandra, she added, "I'm sure you'll watch him. I want him to eat at least three solid meals. You tell me if he doesn't comply."
"I don't think you understand how difficult it is to get him to do something when he's busy. Since he's here now... maybe he'll eat without mother having to tie him down to the chair." She said remembering how difficult it was when he was constantly working. "He's a bit of a workaholic and doesn't like stopping."
She got up after finishing a bite. Walking to the case pulled out a special tool and two vials. She inserted the larger one and walked over to Kyle. "Time for your VX." I'll numb the area, otherwise it can tickle going in. This is actually non-invasive, just don't use the removal tool without Medical being around."(edited)
When she walked over Azazel had finished the bowl, when he saw the tool he stood up and turned to face her, "I do not want a VX. I'm perfectly fine with this." He said showing the watch.
"Fine. Patient refused VX installment. Since you nearly missed several meetings and everyone has to run to find you...." She let it drop. "MIss Dee? Yours is the civilian model, but it will let you access the internet and comms without moving. Are you game?"
Dragon_GodLast Saturday at 2:13 PM
Chandra hears implant, "Not unless he gets one." She responded staring at Azazel
"That begs the question, what are you going to do Chandra? Civilian? Special skills?" Ayasha asked.
Azazel looked at her as she just threw him under the bus. He sighed then took off the watch and put it on the chair. "Alright. I'll comply." He said calmly smiling.
Chandra thought for a second, "I was a cook for 7 years in the military, then I was Spec-ops for 3 years. I've never killed anyone though..."
Walking back over, she used the tool on Kyle's left ear, him squirming a bit. She placed flat disc against his ear and held up the diagnostic tool. "It will take a minute for it to settle down. You'll get HUD, nanobots to help, even a limited visual camo. You'll be able to access the menus once it activates.
Turning back to Chandra, she said, "That doesn't answer my question. What do you plan to do?"
"I don't know... cook. I don't want to be on the front lines again." Chandra said finishing her breakfast.
"As a civilian?" Ayasha asked.
Azazel rubbed his ear, "At least its not a surgical procedure like the Geist..." He commented. "She probably would want to be military, due by her not... liking the civilian sector." He said looking at Chandra as she nodded.
Ayasha's tool indicated Kyle's VX was booting up. She sent him a quick contact list of the Senior officers. Walking back to her bag, she swapped vials. Recoding the vial for Chandra, she numbed her left ear and placed the disc against the skin. "You'll find the infrared handy to not burn yourself. I sometimes us mine to help take people's temperatures."(edited)
Azazel looked back at his hips, "When may I get my tools back?" He asked Ayasha smiling. He seemed to be in more of a better mood than what he was earlier. "I promise not to bring extensive self harm to myself again." He followed up with. He then stepped forward and said, "Alright, I understand. I'm difficult, you can ask my daughter, you can ask Seraphina, you can even ask Holly if she could talk." Taking a second of thought, "I just need a purpose. I'm old, I won't stop saying that. I need something to keep me going."
Chandra felt weird as the VX was put into her. She wasn't use to implants or any form of communication. Not being a tech person.(edited)
"It'll be like having a smart phone in your brain. But it does other things. You can even do hard vacuum as long as you can hold your breath. Handy, and removable if needed." She sent Chandra a different contact list as well as a friend request.
Ayasha answered honestly. "For your safety and the safety of the crew, I had to confiscate your 'tools' until you get a psych evaluation." She let that sink in. "If it gets to the point we need you for backup....I am sure there will be plenty of tools to use. "You could catch up on 2000 years of emails." She offered giggling. The VX also offers VR capabilities. Whole worlds out there to explore. Catch up on things." Once it booted, she sent a file to both of them to download, like Remi taught her.
"Emails? You mean the spam I got from the UN..." He said looking at the emails and messages. "Huh... asking what happened... well. Now I know not to go back to Earth. Also some people telling me that they have my child." He said chuckling, knowing that that is not true at all. "I only had 48 Emails. Not that important. Most of it is spam." He then looked over to her, "Psych evaluation? Why not run it now. Not like I'm going anywhere, he asked smiling. Azazel didn't seem like he was expressing any other emotion than happiness again.
"Because I am an EMT, not a licensed counselor. All I can do is sedate you. Self harm is not the sign of a healthy mind. "If you would both accept the download I sent....."(edited)
Azazel opened the file, "What am I looking at?" He asked a tad confused.
Once they accepted it, Ayasha pulled them into an empty room. "There is no physicality here. You can do anything you can in the real world, but it doesn't count. For example...." She brought up a plate of potates, steak and veggies. "You can taste it, smell it, even eat it. But in the real world, your body isn't actually eating. So my advice. Don't stay here for long periods of time. Get out, eat, bathroom, etc. " She changed the scene to one of her favorites in what used to be Upstate New York. An overlook of a waterfall and forests.
"You can smell and feel the mist coming from the falls. The scent of the pine trees. Even a few fish in the river there." Ayasha pointed out.(edited)
"Been here before." Azazel said looking around. "Anything can happen in here without it being real... looks like I can finally get in without regulations. Any way to make your world Private?" He asked her curious, thinking of remaking some things that are more or less borderline evil.
"Just don't invite anyone into that room. The settings are at the top menus so you don't inadvertently show someone something private. Create and delete rooms at will. She walked over to Chandra and held her hand. "It feels real. Some people get lost in here. Their minds have trouble separating the truth from fiction. So be careful. In your case Mister Dee. I plan on setting reminders for you to pop out and eat. Easy to get lost in here. Questions?"
Chandra took her hand and stood up looking around silently, just amazed by the landscape. Never seeing it before ever in her life. "Wow, this is amazing. I cannot believe that this exist... or doesn't." She said confusing herself for a second. "And you can just enter in here whenever you want to?" She asked Ayasha.
Azazel thought for a moment looking down at his hand with a dissatisfied look on his face. He seemed to be in deep thought. "Why do I need a councilor... I feel fine. However, I know something is wrong. Just don't get it. Why is it hard to accept being positive. I'm not fake, if I was them what should I do." He asked himself before leaving the VR. Then sitting down and looking up continuing his train of thought. "Without purpose, why exist. Seems like a waste of resources. It wouldn't matter anyway, knowing my daughter is safe is good enough right?" Shaking his head, "No, I need a purpose. She's an adult now, I need to find something for me."
Ayasha made sure Chandra knew how to get out before leaving her self. She walked over to Kyle. "I'm only 19, so wrong person to ask probably. What I do know is that it's not enough to exist. For me, it was medicine. Knowing that I can make a difference, even if it's a small one in someone's life. With your vast experience, you could teach a dozen courses probably at the college level. What do you want to do?" Ayasha commented.
“That’s the issue. I have so many things that I want to do. I can teach you how to preform the most complex surgery. I can create a fleet of 500 in a year. I know how politics and economics work. I understand over 250 different languages. I can create whatever I want given I have the space and materials. I can do so many things. I just don’t have a place to do them.” He said staring at the ceiling. “I’m a person who gets bored of doing 1 thing for too long then moves on, which is why I’ve learned so much because I’m always hungry for more. The longest I’ve continuously done is combat, but that’s because I needed to survive.”
Azazel chuckled, “I’m a jack of all trades without a job. I don’t even know what I’m doing here. I was just told to tag along with no clear objective or assignment. “What’s my purpose here.” Just like an actor would ask. I’m asking the same. What do you want me to do.” He said seeming slightly frustrated having asked it multiple times and being blown off by Remi. “It’s getting to the point that I rather just be a mercenary and work for anyone at this point. At least they would give me a job and I would know what to do. And being a civilian is not an option. Following under their rules is restrictive enough.”
"Maybe that's the problem. We don't want to restrict your growth. I am pretty sure there are areas that have developed you could learn about. May you should be part of the science department. Figuring stuff out. Always some thing new there. Gem technology. Artificial intelligence.. We have extensive labs on the Lavie, Providence and the Oynx. You could build what you want. Most people at least have an idea. I want to do Security or Botany."
“I honestly don’t care where you people shove me. As long as you give me a position. I’m fine. All that I ask you is that you start me at the bottom. I want to earn my way up. I’m not one of those people who want to be given a head start. Throw me in the mud and I’ll turn it to a gold palace.” He said chuckling.
“Reminds me when I was digging up Gold in Africa, I bought slaves then told them this, ‘I’m going to give you a choice, stay, work and get paid. Or leave a free man. Either way you’re not being held here against your will.’ All of them stayed and became rich.”
"That is something you'll have to take up with Colonel Thornton or Captain Mizriki. My two cents. You'll seen enough blood spilled. Might be time you do something else. We could always use Medical personnel. That's a hint. Save people instead of cutting them up." Ayasha offered.
Ayasha patted her service pistol. "Doesn't mean I don't protect what's mine."
“Give me two Deagles and a sword and I’ll wipe out a plant by myself. I’ve done it before. Medical isn’t new, if you’re looking.”
"Desert Eagles? What an archaic over blown pile of crap!" Ayasha offered.
"I've had less. Imagine having to escape a SuperMax Space Prison with just a plastic Spork. It's amazing what a jar of peanut butter can do." Azazel said laughing. "I digress, If you want me in medical put me there, want me educating people, put me there, want me on the frontlines or in a suicide squad, put me there."
"Fine, I will talk to the EMT coordinator. Like I said, we can ALWAYS use more Medical. Switching to something later is always and option." Ayasha offered.
"Alright, I like to think of myself as a stem cell, I can turn into any other cell." He said making a biological reference. "I would like to ask you, honestly. What do you want me to do? You clearly show distrust and do not like me." He said standing up.
"Of course I know it's impossible to please everyone. I have different views on policies and how things should be ran compared to the rest of you. I would even go as far to say you all think my views are obsolete, outdated, or as you call it, archaic."
"It's not that I don't like you. It's that I don't trust you." Ayasha said honestly. "That fake attitude would be great for an EMT though, other than that though, you need to open up and let people in and lose the sarcasm when people are trying to help you" she added.
"Trust, something I have none in anyone. It's quite simple why, I don't know any of you. All except for my daughter and Seraphina. Jack and Kesssler are... well they're just people I've meet. I have no further interest in them. I'm willing to give you information. I'm not being sarcastic. I'm like a book, all you have to do is open it. Ask me anything and I will give you an answer."
"it's not that simple. We both need time to learn from each other. It's not love at first sight. Stop expecting it to be that way. People don't behave like dogs, though they should. Dogs don't lie." Ayasha replied.
"Love at first sight is pretentious bullshit. I'm telling you I hide only the darkest of my truths. The truths that you would lock me up for. Anything you want to know I will give an answer. Why is that hard to understand. I'm not a very secretive person." He said trying to understand why she doesn't believe his honesty.
"So if I asked you to tell me your deepest darkest secrets, you would? No reservations?" Ayasha responded, then said, "I don't think so. Hard to know what to ask except trivial surface crap. Tell me about your hobbies?"
“Too many hobbies, I guess making things by hand is one of them, so is learning everything I can. I’m snoopy as Rommel put it.” He chuckled, “As for my deepest darkest secret, I’m turned on by killing people. Why do you think I was still smiling in those Nazi photos. Don’t take it the wrong way, I didn’t want to kill the Jewish people, but I couldn’t help but be turned on by killing them.”
"And you wonder why you need a pysch eval?" She asked pointedly.
Azazel chuckled, “Doesn’t mean I’m inherently evil. That’s not how I am. I mean, I had the luck to get with three separate women who managed to find something attractive about me.” He said nodding at Chandra.
“However it’s been proven quiet difficult to find those to love in a world that calls you obsolete.” He then added. “Not that many people have taken my strikes of interest.”
"Ned is our.....blacksmith. Not a correct term is he's as high tech as it gets but he makes everything. Niklas makes android pets, at least the one I know about. I've heard rumors of a coffee freak running around. Trust me, someone is bound to click with your.....proclivities." She said.
“I’m sure of it, if not now. I’ll outlive all of you anyway, so I’m bound to find someone. If not, then I’m the unluckiest guy in the universe.” He said chuckling. “Not like death would matter, I would prefer to live and fight for my life. However if I was defeated and couldn’t do anything. I’d accept it, because I know that I would live in anyway.” He said to her, “I want to tell you this, your lives are finite. Mine is, but trust me when I say this, love is hard to come by. If you found it, keep it.”
"I'm gonna try not to take that the wrong way." She said, packing up the last of her gear. "Any questions about the VX, ask anyone or their is a help menu. Any problems with the VX, inform me immediately." Ayasha said to both of them.
“I shall make sure to do so. However to clarify, you told me you were married. Just wanted to tell you that marriage is something to take seriously. Not hitting on you, please don’t take it any other way then telling you that you should live while you can. I’ve seen too many take that for granted.” He explained then sitting down and petting Holly. “One final thing, if you ever grew interested. Check my medical background. I’m sure the Colonel would allow it. You’ll find some interesting things about Project Phoenix and about my medical history.”
"I'll be sure to do that." Ayasha offered, not correcting him. She had duties to perform.