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Thorn's Log: Day 0 Entry 1

Posted on Saturday July 28th, 2018 @ 5:28pm by Thorn Ironhart

517 words; about a 3 minute read

A short woman adjusted the camera to her face level, sitting in the chair in Sarah Pine's quarters.  "Begin log, Thorn Ironhart.  I miss home.  Been here an hour and I miss home.  I don't know what happened, precisely.  I'm still getting data from the Oracle.  It appears that when I jumped out of the spatial anomaly, I went two directions.  The ship ripped itself apart as it did so.  The only reason I wasn't hurt was because I have so little mass compared to the rest of the Oracle, and I was so much more flexible.  But let me tell you, that jump was the most agonizing thing I have ever experienced.  It felt like every part of me was being torn apart.

"But I found Sarah, here.  Last I heard she married my sister on 188604, a planet a long way from here.  Last I heard, Rose bore her a son."  The small, scarred woman looked away sadly, seeming to reach down as if touching her stomach.  "I wish I could do that.  Grow up, have a family.  I don't know if it's possible to remove or repair my augments to a point where I can safely grow.  I do, however, know that this place, wherever I am, does not have access to a technology I was familiar with, but didn't understand back home.  Dead means dead, here.  I'm not sure how to handle that.  I mean, there's so much to learn.  But if I can't survive to return and process that data, it becomes useless and still unavailable.  There's a doctor working on my ship.  I know, sounds weird.  But the Oracle's hurt, and I'm not sure if she'll pull through.  But I have heard she datavomited my porn stash all over an android, so there's something.  And a lot of awkward questions I don't want to answer.  Anyhoosies!"

She suddenly turned away, then back to the screen.  "On more positive matters.  I met Sarah, here.  It's good to see her, but I don't know if we can ever get back together.  She and I...  Well, I fucking hate her wife.  Who's me... In a sense.  Fuck it, I'll leave you hanging with that one, because that bitch can burn in hell!  But Sarah's here, she's alive, and oh, Goddess, it's so good to see her!  She's one of the first people I saw, here, and she's currently in the shower so I can talk to this screen.  I have so much to catch up on.  But if they can heal my ship, I might be able to join the crew as a long range scout pilot.  End log.


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