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Ari's Reservations

Posted on Saturday October 6th, 2018 @ 7:56am by Captain Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark & Captain Sumire "Remi" Rembrant & Lieutenant Commander Hikaru Ino

2,196 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Season 2; Mission 2: It's Only Fun Until Someone Gets Hurt
Location: City-Ship; Residential Section
Timeline: October 18th 4566; Late Night/ 19th Early Morning

By this point the ship had docked with the cityship. Remi had finished her talk with Sera and Jack dragging her back to his place to try to calm her down. She was now home at her and Ari's house; still depressed, tired and overall feeling like she had been the victim of a shuttle crash. She was just laying on the couch in her short sleeve pink shirt and usual jean shorts barefoot with her blue eyes showing  the pain she felt. She didn't feel like getting up to do anything would be worth it and plus everything hurt; maybe she had overdone it today... She found herself struggling to stay awake after a short time laying like this.  Ari on the other hand had finished her workday by the time she heard of Remi's situation and was unaware she was back at the house. She spent the rest of the afternon searching ships for her "sister from another mother" not really thinking clearly that she could just have the sensors locate Remi.

Back home on the city ship, Hikaru had done two things by reflex. The first was that he had gone back to the house he shared with his sister to shower and change, and feel like he had been home for once. He wrote her a quick letter cause he didn't find her there. When he had done that he had gone through various other things but had been worried about Remi, believe it or not he had been worried about her after putting her on ice. Using the sensors to locate her he started the trip from one part of the city ship to another, and ran into Ari on the way.

"Ah good, I was just heading over to your place to visit Remi." Hikaru said as he waved to her. "You look... like you need a coffee."

Ari by this point had found out from the cuty reports that Hikaru saved her. Ari wondered if anything happened between them like she tried to cause; though she thought against asking that especially when he stated his objective was to find her too. Ari would have teased him but upon the mention of Remi she was reminded of her focus; find her and make sure she was okay. "Running around this city with my head cut off will do that... So she is back at the house then... Any word from your sister or is she still off giving the... what was it; fifty... cityships new mechs..." She asked him trying to make more conversation than just focusing on Remi even though she would have preferred that but life was full of things other tan family, friends and lovers. I truth though she did want to hook Remi up with someone she knew would be safe; she was happy she found Flan but hearing from the gossip boards of the city that she and Sera broke up; especially following Kyle's death and everything else on top of Remi's hospitalization and release... Drama, drama, drama... She needed someone better than that.

"Not a clue, I sent her a message, so Kiyo will get back to me when she does." It felt odd. Kiyoko had never been the one that had command asperations yet for some reason he always seemed to lag behind her in position. It was starting to affect him, but he didn't want to tell his sister that he was envious of a job that only exists cause an entire planet was destroyed out of the blue. So for now he was just hiding his insane jealiousy towards her. Not smart, but he could deal with that kettle when it boiled over.

"Yeah I got back to my place, you know your always welcome to visit." He said with a warm smile, but  the meaning behind the words were a touch sharper, the two hadn't gotten to spend any time since she hit captains position. It would be different if Hikaru could get anywhere near the position he wanted, but he had barely done anything to get past lieutenant so he was kept out of most of their lives. "and yeah I wanted to check on Remi after all that. the last time I saw her I had put her in a giant block of ice, and then she was rushed into surgery so.. I wanted to make sure she was okay."

Ari nodded in acknowledgement about Hikaru's sister; she really did not know what to think of Kiyoko as most of the time Hikaru and she were together it was without his sister... In truth she really didn't even know much of her aside from what he told her though at the end of the day she knew Hikaru's true love was Kiyoko even if she never mentioned that she knew that there was no way she could compete with his sister.  "I've worked so much and the ships will be branching off so much basically everyone who was crew isn't anymore... the cityships are a game changer as far as what it means for future missions. From the gossip I get which she started me on it sounds like Rem-Rem had some problems; that would really be an understatement actually... At least you saved her from one of them. Sorry I just sort of threw her at you.. She needs someone who can protect her but also gives her what she wants... If that makes sense." When Ari finished she then began to head back to her house making sure he followed.

"It's not that I am against the pairing us up thing it's just that I am a lot slower to move than most people. I can't just hop into bed even if she is cute. Remember we met up several times before we start sleeping together." Hikaru moved a touch closer, planting a soft kiss onto Ari's cheek. He knew that she was busy, and he really did try to respect that, but at the same time he was just a touch jealious that it seemed both the women in his life were so extremely busy all the time. 

"For me I need to have a more solid connection before I can jump into it, but i do understand why you want that. I just... well I love you." Hikaru said it casually but it was also the very first time he had ever told her that. "As for saving her, well it was the most I could do given the situation."

"Between you and Sarissa you guys are really all I have left... So I made a life with Remi... I would say date her... She needs a distraction anyway and medical won't let her return to work for at least a week... Being short in the heart and all the only reason she is not in intensive care is because of the EU. The fact that she is even alive at all... is because of you." Ari heard him express his love for  her and it reminded her of Brandon; there wasn't anything wrong with that; it was more that she never expected another man to say that to her and hearing it brought up old history to her some of which she had not really gotten past. She continued to the house soon arriving thanks to the trams without saying much else on the topic at hand seemingly in thought now.

Hikaru went more silent after time passed on, he wasn't sure what he had done wrong there, but the fact that she hadn't said anything back to him caused him... a slight pain, and instead he was again being told to date one of Ari's friends. It was... a very strange feeling to be sure. And as they got to the door the two of them were silent and in thought, walking in he let out a muffled hello, calling out for Remi. "Hey, I came to check up on you."

By the time the two had arrived Remi was barely conscious. Ari unlocked the door and entered waiting for Hikaru to enter too. She then closed the door. Remi slowly started responding at realizing that people here here now. She groaned as she sat up seemingly a little bit off. When Ari said nothing and stood there Remi observed her. "Hi..." Remi said as she then looked at Hikaru. "It's you..." She continued to stare at him for a moment then laid back down her depression soon filling the room. She didn't have the mental or physical energy to keep of the wall for very long. Ari noticed the silence. "The statement reminded me of my dead fiancé... I'm not; completely over him yet... I might act fun in the bedroom and be good in life but honestly the one man I gave my entire self to is gone... Then I met her; Sarissa repaired what she could but I fear that is always going to be some of that in there... I'm not saying I don't love you but expressing that... Brandon and I were together for a year before we moved into a joint apartment together... I started living with him says after we met but I was just saying at this place... I guess what i am saying is I'm not ready; plus I know your heart... your soul... what I had with Brandon will always belong to   your sister... Think of me as a girlfriend; I'm fine with that but beyond that I don't think either of us could make that level of commitment to one another." Ari then went  up the steps to the upper open air hallway to her room door. As she opened her door still able to hear the main room Remi set up. "oh... well... then... isn't everywhere a ray of sunshine today... getting shot... hearing someone die then be revived... my girlfriend dumping me and now relationship town...  uh...." Her voice trails off as she lays back down; she wished she could be more awake but it hurt too much and she used up too much of her strength healing Sera (who then dumped her lol)

Hikaru felt like he had just walked into that one, three words that suddenly caused a bunch of pain, and then with Remi's additions to it Hikaru felt dumb, and he sort of just walked to the sofa and sat down, on the ledge of it at Remi's feet, he didn't move her, but just kinda sank down on his shoulders. Head on one hand. "I kinda walked into that one, said something I shouldn't have. Clearly revealed a bit more than she was comfortable with. I mean yes I guess she's at least partially right, but.." Hikaru waved his hand dismissing it all. "This is why I dislike dating, even when you think you are moving at the right pace one simple sentence throws everything out of the window."

He looked to Remi and gave her a small smile. "Sorry that rant didn't help you at all. I'm glad you seem to be feeling at least a little better. I was worried that I didn't get to you in time to prevent serious damage."

Remi listened to him; he had sat at her level now; she didn't have to sit up now; yay! She smirked. "You did fine... and don't worry about it... I hate dating too... I think she does as well... Sometimes a nice date is good but the whole chivalry thing is a load of shit... Who even believes that anymore... You will be fine though... Me on the other hand... Well... thats what they have VRMMOs for... I think I'll just go back to playing my games once I'm less tired... Real life is a drag." Remi said as she lays flat now moving from being on her side. "Did you want me to move and any ideas on what can make me less fucking tired and like full of negative emotion... its normal after someone SHITS on you after being released from the hospital but it still feels crappy... I don't want to feel like crap." Ari comes out from her room popping he rhead over the railing. "I can still hear   you two you know..." She laughed then returned to her room.

"We know you can hear us, that's why I am talking about you!" Hikaru huffed though more passive aggressively in truth his mood was now kind of reflective of Remi's though with less deserved considering what she had gone through these past few days. "Listen Remi, I know you have just had a shit of a time, and if you want someone to talk too, I can be that person for you. I think right now what you need is a friend, but also maybe a nap."


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