
Yuka's Problems; Aidan and Emily's Determination

Posted on Friday June 22nd, 2018 @ 7:29am by Vice Admiral Yuka Layton & Lieutenant Commander Lumiere Trouve M.D. Ph.D & Brigadier General Aidan Thornton & Lieutenant Emily Quartermaine & Ensign Ai Roslin PA-C
Edited on on Friday June 22nd, 2018 @ 9:13am

5,255 words; about a 26 minute read

Mission: Season 2: Mission 1: Day after Day
Location: DFS Lavie – Yuka’s Office, Their Quarters, Various Rooms
Timeline: October 10th 4566

Aidan felt like an unused part. He been more gopher than anything else the last few weeks. He seemingly lived in his level one power armor, having made a make shift battery pack carrier to keep him going. Functioning on a few hours of sleep, he went back to shared quarters and promptly collapsed on the couch.
He was dirty, hungry, tired, and a dozen other adjectives that had negative connotations. There was still no word from his parents, and he feared the worst. It wasn't like he was the only one that had ever lost family, but this hit much closer to home. Only the constant state of disorder and things that HAD to be done, had kept him from dwelling on it.

Considering the nature of everything Ari had not had time to have the room that was going to be Aidan's converted yet so she had the quartermaster convert both VIP quarters into one giant room for the three. Ari needed something else to do what was taking statements to record peoples last will and testament with her writing skills, she then treated peoples injuries. She felt like she was going to be forever scared by the things she saw. She and Yuka had managed to get what she built and everything else on board the Lavie that could be over. Ari then went to bed for the first time in what felt like days.

Yuka had finally taken the time to itemize everything she had recovered. She was busy during the event with keeping people organized, ensuring ships full of refugees did not riot due to a lack fo supplies and very many other command level trash things but with BILLIONS of refugees this was unprecedented; it was something the Federation was not prepared for. Ari had even let Yuka use her old office during all this. Today they had been given new orders after everyone was settled and the crew had time to at least clean themsleves. Yuka finally signed the last document she needed to; she and Ari along with Emily and Tinya had managed to keep the fleet from exploding albeit with the help of the Federations Emergency Management Ministry; it was still a disaster. She left the office after using the shower in there and changing into one of her dresses. She hoped she could sleep. She headed to the VIP quarters almost at first heading for Ari and eventually what would be Aidan's room but reminded herslef she was no longer in charge of the Lavie.

Emily was a few steps behind Aidan, using the Lavie's intelligence center as a communications hub to try and keep the survivor's fleet together since she had experience in doing such things and it was hard as she also had to keep breaking up fights between various groups of people who were already fighting for what meager space there was and the news from the various ships, even the Vanguard, wasn't pretty as it had to dump its entire air wing just to clear up the ship's massive hanger deck for more room.
The dark haired Brit walked into the shared quarters, unzipping her uniform jacket as she went before finally lowering herself onto her knees and then onto her stomach behind the nearest couch, all the while muttering "bugger."

When Aidan and Emily were in the room the noticed on a table next to the couch two replicas of the Lavie.

Aidan stirred at sounds of the doors swishing, though still bleary eyed. He saw Yuka looking at something on the table. "Hey babe." He was so tired he hadn't notice Emily until he swung he foot down nearly onto her.(edited)

Yuka took a seat on the couch. "This is a stupid question but... Is everyone you knew among the survivors?"
She was still remaining detached in some form of work mode.

From behind the couch, "I...don't think so."
"That is if you mean if I knew anyone from Earth that wasn't from the Lavie then that's my answer." the Brit said, sounding a bit off and tired.


Aidan added, "I haven't heard from my parents. It's a rather remote part of upstate New York, so while I am hoping for the best, but my belief in their survival is dwindling. Something I just have to face." He added too weary to cry.(edited)

"... I won't stand for that... for us... I need your family to be okay; they are my family too..." She said as she VX'ed Arisa asking her to talk to her EU resources to see if they could not find his parents.

"I appreciate the effort Babe, but even yours truly has to lose sometimes. I've had the benefit of them for all my life, and I'm no spring chicken. Despite my boyish good looks." He said, putting on a brave face.

Yuka sighed and shook her head. She stared at the things she built; sort of the last remnants of her former homeworld. "Why was the Earth government so smug...." She said under her breath apparently blaming Earth's politicians for failing to properly inform the citizens of hat was going on around them.

Aidan's nose wrinkled. "I don't know how you can stand me, I can't even do it. Shower. " He said, standing up and shambling to the bathroom. He threw the inner liner into the refresher and walked naked into the stall.

Yuka sighed and stood up. "What am I even doing here..." She turns to the wall and rests her head against it staring at the grey colored wall.

There was a bout wild laughter from behind the couch. "Because you Aidan and what's a little sweat between people?" she asked as she reached up and grabbed the back of the couch and used it to haul herself up with before leaning over it slightly before catching Yuka's comment. "It's the end of the world, shouldn't you be spending it with the people that you love and not hiding."
Emily then looked over at her, "So think that we should change the wall color?" she mused.

Emily's comment caused Yuka to punch the wall. Even though she couldn't see her face she could tell she was angry. "Yeah like watching children die in their parents arms is conducive of wanting to be around... Then there is all the goddamned work; you may work in the same office as me but we are miles away from each other it seems..." Yuka said coldly. THe comment on the wall color caused the girl to glare at her.

Emily's face wasn't one of mirth, "Good, you're angry then that means you're still human and haven't been broken yet." she said in a collected tone. "You can be pissed at someone but don't you fucking dare get apathetic on us, not when we need you." before her eyes narrowed slightly. "And don't you go accusing me of not caring either, Yuka, because I do, otherwise I wouldn't be here trying to remind you that you have people here trying to be your support system when now is when you need us the most."

Yuka laughs. "So it takes half of Earth's population to be wiped out before you mention us... bravo Em... bravo... So what's you answer to all this now hum?" She said in a chastising manner.

Emily heard what Yuka had just said and heard the tone to which the dark haired woman simply stood up, very calmly picked up her uniform jacket which she then put back on and zipped back up-all without saying a word.

Aidan knew his time was rationed, like everything else at the moment. He wet his skin, turned off the water to lather up, paying extra attention to the nether regions. He then rinsed off well, stepping out to dry off, he felt more human. then he heard the raised voices. He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out to the main room.

Yuka rolls her eyes at the now empty room since Aidan was in the shower.

Emily then calmly, without one singular emotion crossing her face, looked at the other woman in the eyes and said "This...I'm done. You want to have your pity party, go right ahead...I'm done." before leaving.

Aidan hearing the commotion, asks, "what in the name of the Creator is going on out here?" he asked to the room.

Yuka was about to scream something rather pointed when Aidan spoke. That stopped her for a moment. By then Emily was gone. Yuka then said under her breath "Yeah; of course billions of people die and I'm just supposed to be an emotionless lover; talk about how my day was, bed and cope normally... our fucking homeworld was destroyed GONE... JUST LIKE OUR TIME... idiot..." She sits on the bed ignoring Aidan's question continuing to mumble crossing her arms.

"So...this is a spat between you two?" he asked.

When Aidan talked again Yuka looked over at him recognizing he was actually in the room now. "spat... pfft... Please... I've been holding that inside for awhile... Why did she have to be injured; its like she changed after that... and I've changed... So much change; so much loss..." Yuka lays down taking off her shoes without saying anything else.

Aidan dressed quickly. "So this is over? After all she did to get me to tow the line? I wasn't even good enough to say goodbye to?"

"Go talk to her; you always have got along better with her since I arrived in this time..." Yuka rolled over to the other side of the bed staring at the wall she punched the side table. She welcomed the pain of hitting things and that’s why she kept doing it.

Emily was just walking, her body was on autopilot as she couldn't get Yuka's hateful words out of her head and without realizing it, was heading for the armory on pure autopilot.

"You stop that. He leaned over and kissed on the cheek. "Don't move I will be right back." He slipped on the boots and asked for Emily's location, priority override.
He headed down, trying to catch up to Emily.(edited)

Yuka moved off the bed. She knew she would have gone to two places, get a gun or get a mech to blow herself up. She sighed and had Lumi teleport her to the Armory. The Armory Officer was gone for some reason. Yuka leaned against the wall next to a rack of guns. She shook her head. "I hate this time; so much; the only good thing here has been Aidan... Em should have stayed alive on our Earth..." She said to herself.

Emily made her way through the armory until she reached a specific section--the one that Yuka's cousin used to store his gear, used his security code that Andrew didn't know that she had, and pulled out a phase pistol before sinking to the ground.

Yuka heard her tinkering with another part of the armory and came over hurriedly putting her hand in the way of the door as the girl grabbed a gun and then fell to the ground. "if your going to shoot anyone; shoot me; I deserve it more; besides your too pretty to die... I'm more worth gettin shot anyway..." Yuka said to her standing in the door to the area the locker was stored in.

Aidan made it down to the deck where the Armory was, the VX updating him on Emily's location and progress.
Aidan heard the commotion. Getting to the location, he secured the weapon. "No one is shooting anyone. Emily you are many things. A coward isn't one of them. This is the coward's way out."

Yuka grabbed the gun as Aidan was putting it away. "See; if someone really wants to do something... You can't stop them..." Yuka turns the gun around handing it to Emily from the mussle aiming it in her direction handing the handle to Emily.
"Make your choice... if this is what you want; take it... otherwise..."

Emily looked over at Aidan, "Why, I'm just incredibly stupid according to smarter then a child." Emily said, before turning to look at Yuka. "Why would I shoot obviously don't think highly enough of me to give me some credit or were you going to accuse me of shit again or are you going to shoot me?"

Thankfully Aidan was wearing the level one power armor and pulled the gun away from both of them and snapped it into two. "Stop it! Both of you!"

Yuka laughed. "You are the one who thinks your stupid; I never once said your an idiot... I'm the idiot... " Yuka shook her head no at Aidan. "No; I won't... if its what she wants I'll let her do whatever she wants to me..."
"The same goes for you... I don't deserve my life of my own accord and actions; I belong to the both of you."

"Great. So yet again I have no say in all this. " Aidan offered. Color moving to his face rapidly.(edited)

Yuka shook her head at Aidan.

Emily's jaw tightened, "I tried to spark an emotion in you so that depression wouldn't hurt you and then we could help him better, but you fucking took it in a whole different direction and threw shit in my face." she said, while looking at the shorter girl. "Or have you forgotten what kind of monster I became and apparently still am because you probably think that I was just trying to make you somekind of emotionless thing?"
Emily shook her head as she turned to look at Aidan, "No, you have a say Aidan."

"Monster... Honey... the monsters are out there who senselessly MURDERED billions of people... you are by no means a monster; I just feel you don't do enough and talk about our life enough... Work is work but work is also boring as shit... I live for NOT working... If I had my way I would give my entire job to someone else so I could serve you and Aidan and ensure you both could do the same... Too much of ones life is devoted to work; it SHOULD NOT BE... As for your old job; you were not a monster... Did you knowingly lead entire armies to be killed by the enemy to accomplish a political objective... NOPE... SO AGAIN Emmeline the monsters... the real monsters... they are out there... Politics my ass... they should have been firing squaded years ago... Hukari should have become emperess... these fucks don't know what they are doing and so they send kids to go die and people from the past to go get fucked up in their war... I WANT OUR TIME TOGETHER TO BE ABOUT US and I want it to happen MORE... We need to stop working and focus on our lives; or does his family... no our family GETTING FUCKING EATEN BY BUGS!!!!!!!!!!!! not show you anything..." Yuka said teetering between being pissed, sad, shouting and nealry breaking down especially due to the fact taht she just literaly told Emily to kill her and she wouldnt... That actually meant a lot to her; she half expected to be shot.

Aidan sick of the fighting, walked over to a nearby locker. He removed a service pistol, collected loaded magazine and chambered a round. Walking back to the girls, tears in his eyes, he pointed the now deadly weapon at his temple. "So much death and this it what we are fighting about? Maybe removing myself from the equation is the answer?"(edited)

Yuka stared in shock. Seeing him do that actually caused memories of her past to come back. She then had a brown gem use rocks to hit him in the arm repeatedly to knock the weapon out of his hand before he could fire it. She then punches him in the face. "Your supposed to be the strong one... If losing your parents and us fighting does this to you then I will go back myself and prevent them from dying... I WILL NOT have this... I'm the only one allowed to emotionally explode; you two are suppose to be strong; strong enough---" she starts to tear up. "to hold me up when my world crumbles around me... when I lose everything... none of this is supposed to happen to you guys; I'm supposed to take it all and you two support me..." The entire time shes doing this she was attacking him her tears becoming more and more fast flowing as every second passed.

Aidan reached out to hold her and he grabbed Emily as well. "I wasn't going to fire it, I wanted to show both of you how much you hurt each other and me in the process. "

When Aidan touched Emily, she just kind of fell to her knees a little bit limply with her eyes looking a bit out of focus.

After he spoke and her assault finished Yuka just stopped moving tears still falling. When he took Emily and she entered Yuka's vision the tears flowed more but silently.

Aidan seemed to have recovered some. "Now we cannot keep fighting like this.There is enough work to be done that we ALL have our hands full. Maybe a short hiatus, or whatever we call it, to get our heads settled."(edited)

RisaXSeph - Last Sunday at 8:29 PM
"Time... to ...-- if.... we... want..." Yuka couldn't even form the sentence cause she was so out of it.

Emily blinked, her head throbbing. "I wasn't the one avoiding talking about anything though...I kept waiting, kept taking stuff on and starving myself so that you wouldn't be working so much." she said, sounding a bit pained. "Your own cousin, mister professional soldier kissed his girlfriend right there in front of everyone and you just...looked at me."
Emily shook her head slowly, "I've seen what kind of hell this does to a person's emotions, Yuka, and I was trying to buoy you but I failed even that...I've been right there this whole time, so don't tell me that I don't want to talk about it when you've already got everything planned." she added, still sounding out of it. "I didn't want to fight...I wanted to support."

"I don't have everything planned; I planned what I knew because I didn't want the unknown to crush us... maybe Aidan is right... I--" She got a message in the middle of her conversation with them. Her father was confirmed killed rescuing some civilians on one of the Evac ships that had an explosion. The ship was able to repair the damage but civilians were trapped in a section; he and thier damage control teams went in to repair the damage but a bulkhead crushed part of the emergency team. three of the officers there died. Yuka read the message and re-read it stopping. She stood up and walked out mid sentence. As she was leaving she said. "I can't... do this anymore... This whole place... its too..." She wasn't referring to the relationship at that point; she meant the military. She returned to their room locking herself in the study/work area just staring at the blank terminal but making it occasionally look like she was working on something so people were not as concerned.

Turning to Emily, he pulled her close. What did you want to do now?" Aidan asked.

"Asprin..then check on her." Emily said before looking down. "You know that I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye...I just had to get away before I said or did anything truly bad at that moment...I didn't mean to cause all of this."

He pulled her face up so that she had to look into his eyes. "I know that. This." he said waving his hands, 'isn't you. He kissed her hard, holding on for dear life. "This isn't healthy for anyone., but she needs me more than you do."

"I know, go...I'll be around." Emily said, feeling her heartbreak a little.

Lumi appears “ why are you guys in the armory like this? You know like if security came you leaving this place open like this... Er brig time... even for command staff... As for Yuka... her father was just killed during the evacuation.” She said Without going into detail.

Emily nodded, looking unsure if she should go to Yuka after what had just happened.

"It goes without saying that you call me, especially if you need anything. Never doubt that you've stolen a piece of my heart. " Aidan said.
He grabbed her hand, secured the pistol, and walked out with Emily and Lumi, securing the door.

“ and nobody ever asks my opinion but you three should stay together; just to be more active together you guys are good when you’re a couple and you’re actually together but you guys get so caught up in work… Be together more often don’t just live together be a couple do stuff together you know.... but nobody wants the ships advice.” She finished right as he walked out taking her in.

"Lumi, we appreciate that. Sometimes it's more complicated than simple instructions." Aidan offered.

“Hum...” She did not really understand even another relationship because she read things got complicated really fast so she would let them continue doing what they’re doing but she still followed since he took her hand.(edited)

Emily was quiet, feeling rather numb at the moment.

"Lumi. Can we have a minute. Alone?" Aidan asked.

She nods “ I was just doing my job telling you guys what was going on. Have a good one...” she disappeared waving as she went away disabling her sensors in that area to give them privacy

"You don't have to go away. Plenty to keep a hundred crews busy. I'm not saying it to keep around you for your looks, but because I've fallen hard too. This is not bad for just you, dammit." he offered.

Emily looked up at Aidan, "Yeah...but I'm not the one who just broke up with me." she said in a very soft voice before she shrugged. "I'll go since it'll make everything better for the two of you since I'm apparently the cause of the grief every time."

"So stay." Aidan offered.

"Why? You already broke up with me and that pretty much ended everything because I chose to leave the room and her instead of doing what my emotions were telling me to do when I heard those words from her lips." Emily said, her tone still soft and pain filled.

"I actually want you to stay. You and Yuka are fighting like cats and dogs. You started as college students. So much has changed....for both of you. Don't make me the bad guy in all this. You want to fight it out. Fine. There is more at stake then just you and me. I need to go check on Yuka, since her dad just died. Coming?"

Emily listened and nodded, "Sure...but are we broke up?" she asked motioning for him to keep walking as she extracted her hand from him. "Because that news wouldn't..." she started but was unable to finish the thought as she closed her eyes and shook her head.(edited)

"Find a way to end between the two of you and I am all ears. Otherwise, one of us...he pointed to the two of them , 'is leaving."(edited)
"What else do you want me to do. The two of you were fighting over who gets shot. It's not healthy"

Emily looked at him then looked away, "I don't even remember going into the armory, all that I know is that I was hurting and still am." she said quietly as she started to walk. "Every time we start getting ahead, something happens and it's always my fault because I'm hiding or I'm not wanting to talk then she has to make a big deal out of it and I feel horrible even when I didn't do anything."
Emily stopped and then shook her head, "I love her...and I put myself through this for her, Aidan." she said before looking up at the ceciling. "Lumi, where is she now?"

Emily let out a frustrated shout and started to storm forward.

Aidan pulled her arm."No more raging. You aren't the only one at fault."

"No you heard her, it's my fault as usual and now you're basically that you're going to leave if I don't make nice and accept that it's my fault." Emily said, "So of course I'm in the wrong."

As the two moved forward Lumi gave them Yuka’s location. Assuming that since they were done talking they wanted to find her.

Emily nodded a quiet thanks to Lumi before heading back to their quarters and promptly knocked on the door. "Yuka?"

They were able to enter their quarters just fine as she was not in the main room. The side room that was a study area was locked however. When Emily called for her Yuka simply replied “yes?”

"Please unlock the door, hon." Emily asked gently.

No verbal responses heard the door opens itself and she then returns to her seat.

Emily walks into the room, then gently turns the seat before squatting down so that she could look into Yuka's eyes. "Talk to me, luv." she said gently.

“ you too should remain together... my problems are my own and everyone around me keeps dying... just go run from me... i’ll be dropping myself off at earth two when we are back there...” Yuka said A blank look on her face.

"What if I say no?"Aidan asked.

“... you have that right.”
She again replied blankly

"Um,'re not." Emily said to Yuka as she looked into the other girl's eyes. "I'm still here aren't I?"

"You are so full of shit your eyes are brown" Aidan offered

“ but you two are just going to continue to be hurt by me and then assume that I am blaming one of you… It’s like I said in the other room I stay with you both because I want you guys to hold me up when problems happen if the problems are happening to you too and that’s meaningless and I’m just being a selfish bitch... you both are better suited for each other with that considered. besides you both have had to tell my promiscuous asshole of self to not touch other people… That’s not loyalty...” Yuka exclaimed

I"m being hurt by you now. So your solution is to run and hide like you always have." Aidan said.

Yuka then spoke “ so we’re just going to keep having this then… because I love both of you so I’m not going to let either of you run away... so we just gonna keep ending up here... because I don’t know any better... and you know you two will eventually die just like everybody else who gets close to me... you get too close to the sun and you burn up...”

"Yuka, we're here now and I'd rather die here with you and Aidan then by myself and you know that." Emily said softly. "Remember, you're the one who saved me that day after what India did to me."

“ and both of you have saved me... he also saved Ari Mizriki... but see what I mean we’ve got a ship of suicidal girls Who are all too goddamn depressed because the politicians assholes above us keep sending us to go get ourselves killed and we lose everyone around us... my point is you two would be better together... everybody says I need all this help... if I’m some damned helpless than I shouldn’t be here... this military thing isn’t for me...”

Emily arched an eyebrow but then lowered it, "You know what I'm talking about, Yuka. We're here for you and I for one..." she started to say before she pulled Yuka in and kissed her as hard as she could before letting go and whispering against her lips "I.not.leaving."

As she is kissed and hears the words she tries to come up with a response but instead just stops and basically doesn’t respond anymore. There is a sad look on her face because she knows she’s hurting them but she is also hurting herself and considering that like most of the people she’s cared about over her lifetime Are either dead, gone, disappeared or otherwise no longer exist. (Learned helplessness is breaking her; but that’s been ongoing stage for a while)

Aidan tapped the comm panel. "This Colonel Thornton. I need a medical team to my location."

Emily saw the look in Yuka's eyes and then got a worried look on her face.

Petell responds “ A medical team is on the way.” Ai soon arrives (yes the paramedic from the other story is now part of our medical team... where else would paramedics go earth is gone lol.) the black haired physicians assistant/paramedic enters and comes in to the office with her medbag “ how can I be of assistance?”(edited)

"She's unresponsive and seems to have retreated into herself again." Aidan said.

Emily stood up and moved away but not too far away from Yuka.

Ai comes over to Yuka. She scans her and does some tests and then asks. “ did something overly Trumatic recently happen to her... well that’s a silly question since we all worked on ships full of people dying all around us... but anything else; extreme stress, death in the family, thoughts of suicide?”

Aidan said," yes. Death in the family just now. Also marital problems. It's complicated."(edited)

Ai has her do some things for her. She gives her some anti-anxiety medication. “ are you thinking about harming yourself right now?”

She shook her head no. “ do you feel like you’re a threat to yourself or others?”
“No... I just don’t know what to do anymore I don’t know what anyone wants from me... everyone keeps dying and people distance themselves from me their just going to keep dying...”

“ why do you think people being around you is going to get them killed?”
“ because it’s been happening...”
“ are they dead? They seem to care for you and you seem to care about them and they’re not dead.”

“ but they will...”

“ do you know that for certain?” Yuka sighs
“ do you currently have a counselor?”
“ The jack ass left the ship and probably died too...”
“ I see. So these two you’re in a relationship with them right?”
“They... need to go... or they’ll die too...”
“ so you think that anyone who is around you is going to die... If that were true than this entire crew would be dead. “ Yuka doesn’t respond
“ so how could you calm down right now?”
“ just lay in bed with them and forget this day ever happened.”
“ good I think you should do that now.”

Yuka goes to the bed. Ai sets up an appointment to talk to her again in the office. “ if her situation changes any overnight please contact us again..” Ai said to the two of them as she headed off.



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