Meeting of the Minds
Posted on Friday June 22nd, 2018 @ 5:31pm by Captain Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark & Commander Selaniphi Kiirmant & Ensign Kirin Dragmawl
Edited on on Friday June 22nd, 2018 @ 5:34pm
952 words; about a 5 minute read
Season 2: Mission 1: Day after Day
Location: DFS Lavie; Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: October 10th 4566
Ari had Kirin and Selen called to the ready room. There had been a lot of stuff going on and everyone after finally arriving at earth II would have been exhausted. But; no rest for the weary. She had new orders and especially after hearing Yuka's father died she knew Aidan, Em and Yuka would be disposed but she knew the crew would need to be prepared for this new mission.
kirin heads gets ready and heads over to the ready room with his gear and service weapon
"Talk about no rest for the wicked....heh." Seleni chuckles as she walks to the ready room, wondering what the next mission would be.
Ari shrugged as she grabbed a coffee. Once the two of them were there she then spoke. "So... our next mission is traveling to Aloris territory; we have support form Lonhorn and Arvnous on this... Though as our enemies get stronger we need to as well. Seleni; does you rnew body have any special abilities... oh yes and you'll likely want to say with us unless you want ot be bored out of your soul... Heh... Most of the fleet is now on guard duty protecting Earth II in the case of more bugs."
"Well...I haven't really tried anything. I doubt that there's anything new. My old one was just a reconstruction from what remained after my own homeworld was turned into space dust." Seleni responds." As for guard duty....You know both this body and ship are synced with each other, so I get to experience both. Yay."
kirin asks, "why the Aloris territory?"(edited)
"They are allies... getting to provide us ships resources; basically we are convincing them to help us... The thing is like I said; strength... Basically I need people to count on if bugs attack or any other magical or fucked up being tries to get in our way or smash us in... my portals can only do so much... and my judo can't fight super space bugs..." She laughed as she sat at her desk and began to drink her coffee.
"Maybe the vehicles I have can, but apparently the politicians deem that its best used sitting in the Murasashi." Seleni says. "This is why I never liked the idea of becoming a governer after my father."
Ari nods "Now that I agree with my girl..."
"Anyways," Seleni continues, leaning against the wall, "They want use to go use one ship to assure that the outer rim worlds will be safe.....Seems like a very bad idea and a good way to lose a ship and alot of people killed."
kirin replies, "do you think we should have a backup plan just in case something goes wrong?"
"I have one. Blame the incompetent scumbags that ordered this mission." Seleni says jokingly.
"They want to use one ship to negotiate with our allies and help build a force to fight against the bugs."
"Diplomacy gets you nowhere if they're being swarmed....but if that's what they think so be it." Seleni says, resigned.
"Well... were not negotiating with bugs; we are negotiating with allies to build a force to fight the bugs..."
"Though a little insurence never was bad..."
"Well then, here's hoping we don't run into a swarm." Seleni says, doing a mock toast.
"If we do we are fucked... unless we find some secret weapon to fight them... heh..."
Seleni tilts her head at Ari. "I assume you have something special planned in the case we do."
"Well... thats why you guys are here... to help me become stronger... and to help the people here be able to fight their way out of a paper sack; sure they are able to fight normal enemies but we need to prepare our people to fight super enemies."
Seleni raises an eyebrow, surprised. "So you want us to become stronger. Should prove interesting, if not more helpful. I no longer have the processing power nor capability as I once had."
kirin says, "ok so all you want us to do is head down to the planet and have an audiance with the guys plus provide protection if there were to be any bugs to show up if any correct."
Ari laughed... "Yes you do Seleni My dear; you just don't know it yet... and you would be protecting me and whoever else goes down there...yeah..." Ari said.
Seleni laughs. "I now am a cruiser, but I used to be a dreadnought.... I miss having AI assistants."
kirin replys, "ok that makes sense but how will we know there are not any infected or mind controled guys down there going to listen in and relay it to the hive."
"Leave that to Scott... and Seleni... you'll see what I mean eventually... Anyway any questions more about the job?" Ari asked finishing her coffee.
Yea...What do we do when we run across.....the Confederacy? Run like hell?"
"By then we will have something we can use... and remember my dear... between my portals and magic girl; I'm sure we could show a few confed ships the door..."
"Heh." Seleni chuckles.
"So anything else?" Ari asked.
"nope not from I” Kirin replied
"None here either." Seleni replied.
"Good; dismissed." Ari said.