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Unexplained Hostilities Part 1

Posted on Thursday August 2nd, 2018 @ 9:21am by Captain Ariel "Mina" Welheirmina & Commander Selaniphi Kiirmant & Lieutenant Commander Jack Pine & Ensign Kirin Dragmawl
Edited on on Thursday August 2nd, 2018 @ 9:23am

2,397 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Season 2: Mission 1: Day after Day
Location: Melbourne IX; Governor's Mansion
Timeline: October 13th 4566 Daytime

(SPECIAL NOTE: THe players that are a part of this were controlling different characters as part of the team; similar to how mission 7 was ran.)

The local planetary security forces had been called in on an incident of a silent alarm at the governors complex. Upon officers being dispatched shots were fired and so the officers blocked off the area and called in for assistance from the regional command. SRU's 12th Tactical Team was dispatched. Officers noticed a shuttle landing as the 12th arrived on scene outside the rather large complex of government buildings. The local police commander approached the shuttle as Mina exited the shuttled with a team of six officers. Two technicians were on the shuttle and would be providing support from it for the team. Mina approaches the chief and then says to him "Captain Arial Wilheirmina of Planetary Security's 12 response team... You have a hostage situation?" "Yes ma'am... unknown suspects took over the government compound. We responded to a silent alarm to find everyone sealed in a room. It seems like the armed folks are after something... They have full body armor and have made no demands." She nods. Mac can you get some eyes in there, Edwards I need a elevated cover position set up on top of that shuttle." She said to two of her team as the chief pulled out a cigarette and started smoking. Mina then pointed to the newest of the team. "You are on security make sure no journalists or peering eyes get on scene." She then walks with the other two of her team to the command shuttle that was set up where a couple local police techs were attempting to get into the facilities network.

The two assigned to security get to work, ensuring that no one is able to pass through the police barricades already set up.

As they secure the scene a man in a trenchcoat comes up and simply says. "I need to speak with your superior immediately."

One of the SWAT members assigned replies, "Sorry pal. No one gets through here."

"This is a matter of Federation and possibly galactic internal security... I suggest you comply." The man goes for his pocket.

The SWAT member immediately raises his rifle at the man and orders, "Hands where I can see them, NOW!"

The guy smiles and laughs as he then says. "I'm going for this..." He draws out his badge and tosses it to the ground raising his batch. This guy is with the Federation's Inteligence Branch.

The other member walks up and orders the first to lower his weapon. Turning to the Fed, he says "Our boss is going to want to meet you. " and waves in the fed.

Two of the local cops standby blocking off the road with a pair patrol cars and a deployable road block. They stand watching to keep civilians away from the scene. 

"Man this is some bullshit, shouldn't the feds handle this shitshow?", Harmon complains.

"Pendejo,  just calm down already. Jesus, not even your mom whined this much last night.", Ramirez said with a chuckle.

"Fuck you."


Karen took a proned position atop the shuttle, adjusting her scope as she put the building in view. With her crosshairs scanning the Windows she waited.

"This is Sierra 1 on overwatch, position is set and on standby.", She says into her ear piece.

The Federation intel officer follows the second officer. The rural cops move the barricade so he can enter. He follows the officer into the command shuttle and Mina turns to him after getting a brief of the istuation from the techs in th room. Basicaly they had yet to hack anything. She has her techs take over and one of her team members guard the door. The intel officer says to her. "Turn off your com and have your other officers leave." "Sorry; who are you?" "Pete Lorin Federation Intelligence." Mina shrugs and has her staff leave the shuttle. The man then upon closing the door waits for her to disable to com. "Mina to base 1 going off coms." "Confirmed. " The male dispatcher said. She then disables her VX. 

Pete takes a seat. "Major... what I am about to tell you cannot leave this room... My team and I were investigating the government here due to some odd happenings involving local officials on this planet... Basically his citizens have been disappearing en mass and he does nothing about it. The governor also seems as though he is gaining pleasure from the mistreatment of his people. Since this planet is one that has a nobility system we can't just initiate democratic removal of its government. Now on to why I am here; two of our agents were acting as spies to gain more information on his actions. They were basically there as his personal assistants... He likes woman and so two of our female agents have been working to get close to the man... WHen these terrorists or freedom fighters got involved they were still communicating with my and my operator however within the last hour; I assume when your unit was called we lost contact with our agents. it is imperative we find out what is gong on inside...." "WHy do you say they are freedom fighters?"

"He is subjecting his people to mass murder... anyone would be pissed... I am surprised there has not been a higher body count... and before you ask the senate doesn't care... even the civilian leadership with the attack on Earth has been utterly useless and I think has been ignoring my teams reports on the matter."

"What she enjoyed though.", Ramirez quips with another chuckle.

"Man I need to stick a boot in your ass. You better be happy she does, otherwise there would be no mercy.", Harmon grumbles to the older man.

As they are talking their chief comes over “ your boys talking about fucking each other’s mothers again... y’all incestuous bastards... you need to get yourself a girl like that cute swat captain that’s here... maybe if she’s kinky enough she’ll take both of you so you can stop talking about your mom.” He said as he continues to smoke.

The rural cop's dispatcher said over the VC line which everyones communications and voice went through in situations like this responded. "You all are a sexual harassment case waiting ot happen..."

"Chief, I can't help this old bastards decided to date my mother. Don't mean I have to like it. Besides, sounds like you have some dirty thoughts of your own.", Harmon whined.

"I don't date no school girls chief, you loco. Give her his tinder account and call it done already, I know you already have.", Ramirez says pointing at Harmon with the suggestion.

Karen sighs, instantly regretting being hooked into the local comms, "You're all lecherous pervs. Now can it while the people who actually work get shit done."

Both recruits continue to patrol the perimeter and prevent anyone from trying to get in.

The chief laughs at his men. "You realize she ain't no schoolgirl... shes swat... SHe could probably kick all our asses and be the man in the  relationship but maybe you like your women all-" The dispatcher interrupts him. "Would you all please kindly shut the hell up..."

Meanwhile back in the truck the intel officer says "I also believe there is more going on there then even we realize... I can't confirm anything but your team should be careful in there. " Mina has the officer head outside as she gets back on com. "Mina to Sierra 1 any visual? Entry team one get your gear we are going to see if we can negotiate and find out what is going on inside."

Karen watched the windows still, "Feintly on the target floor, but nothing clearly without a assisted scope."

The SWAT members in Team 1 do a final check on their weapons and gear.

Mina puts on her helmet and grabs her gun heading up to the door with her team and a couple of the local police. They arrive at the front door without a problem. She jar the door open slightly and beam a phone in to the building. " This is Captain Arial Wilheirmina of Planetary Security's 12 response team... How about we have a chat with who's in charge in there." She shouted into the building. Their leader picks up the phone and a voice obviously through a voice changer comes through.  "We have no demands that you would be able to meet... The Governor's life is in    our hands; you will take no action if you want him to live." "Now now; lets just calm down and think here; we all want to walk out of this in one piece... How are the hostages; do any of them need medical attention?" "The will live as long as you do not attempt to intervene." "Alright; good... How about we try to get some of them out of there.... lets just trade some of my men and I for your hostages?" "No; you will not enter or people will die." "There must be something-" "This discussion is now terminated." The call ends as the phone is thrown back out the door.

Karen sees a man brought to the window with a gun and a fully armored and cloaked figure holding him there. The man is shot in the head and his body is thrown out the window. The voice then says out the window. "Let this be a lesson. Do no interfere."

The pointman, equipped with a riot shield and a sidearm, flinches as the shot rings out. "Shit! Who the fuck are these guys?!"

One of the controllers from in the command truck comes on the radio. "Captain we are detecting a rather strange power source being activated inside the building. I recommend your team falls back."

"These are not your run of the mill scum bags i'll give them that..." Mina thought without saying it.

"Sir, Should we recover the body?" the pointman asks nervously.

SHe nods and upon trying to speak again a rumbling is heard inside the building. "lets recover the body then fall back behind the perimeter. What the hell are these guys?"

one of the police officers says, "sir it seems like they are going to set something off in the building and it might be something highly magic related."


"i beleve it would be some sort of mad science experiment going wrong like in Frankenstein"(edited)

"I'd say more then that.." Mina said as the team moved back behind the gate. She goes back in the truck and demands they bring the intel guy back. She clears the room and then says "What in the hell aren't you telling us?!" "You mean what is inside there... We honestly have no idea... but in no disrespect I believe this is kind of beyond your paygrade right now..." "A guy was just killed... Now you mention that..." "Had to at least see what happened..." "So you gambled someone's life on...." She shakes her head.

"no i just didnt just now say it calm down i just heard it from the command truck saing there was a strange power source being activeted and that was the first thing that came to mind"

Karen didn't flinch as she saw the execution, she had seen such things before, "That scope some time today please."

Harmon looked back at the sound of a gun, "Sounds like the brass already fucked up. Time to go home boys."

Ramirez shook his head, "You really are a cold pendejo. I know your mother taught you better you cruel fuck."

One of hte local cops standing by the shuttle Karen was on top of "damn you urban sobs dont even bring your won scopes... posh bastards..."He handed her a scope as he was smoking a cigar.(edited)

Karen only gave a cold smirk, "What do I look like? Money?.....never mind don't answer that. Point being, the bosses are cheap and I'm not paid well enough to buy this shit myself."

She swapped scopes, and flicked on the IR function, glowing figures appearing through the windows.......and something else.

"Uh....captain, I'm seeing some really weird shit right now."

She also saw the hostages in some kind of circle around a rather large.... some giant glowing thing.

As the radio traffic is heard she about goes to punch the intel guy and then stops herself. "So someone is dead because you didn't tell us what we were fighting... I think now would be the time for you to be straight and call in someone who knows how ot handle this kind of..."

"It will take awhile; more bodies might pile up..." "Saving some is better than none; and in this case they could probably kill all of us if we tried anything." The man nods then says "I'll make some calls."

"sir i think we need to find a way in there with out them knowing we are tring to get inside to see what is really going on and what that thing really is."

"From the sounds of it we have awhile so do what you need to go to figure that out so we have something to give the special forces who show up..." Mina said. A few hours pass.



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