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Let's get physical again

Posted on Saturday August 11th, 2018 @ 2:45am by Lieutenant Commander Sarissa Slane M.D. & Thorn Ironhart

1,999 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Season 2: Mission 1: Day after Day
Location: Medical
Timeline: October 15 4566, late morning

With the away team gone, Sarissa had prepped for casualties with Niklas. Once that was done, she set to work on the samples from her new patient, Thorn Ironhart. It sounded almost native American to her, but she dismissed the random thought and got to work. It was 90 minutes before she compiled the plan of action that would restore as much as she could. 

Tapping the commpanel, she said, "Thorn Ironhart, please report to sickbay."

figure out how to get to sickbay on her own, but she eventually walked through the doors with a cocked eyebrow.  "What can I do for you, Doctor?"

With that settled she took the most recent scans. She worked out the most plausible  solutions and committed each to memory.  When Thorn walked in, she took her to her office. "Have a seat. This is more a consultation.  How is your appetite?"

"Gone, now that I'm not full to the gills with a hormone my body's supposed to produce naturally."  Thorn smiled gently, not wanting to get stuck in the neck again.  "So what's this consultation?"

"I've come up with options.The first one is the easiest. We can stop the repression of your glands.  Also growing and implanting new glands to function and take over if necessary. You would remain close to the size you are now." She paused to allow her patient time to process the information. 

"The second course is a bit harder, but only for me. We can do a form of cellular regression, which would take you back a few years physically in order to repair the damage done, and we can even get you, possibly, a foot taller.  Relatively simple. I can even show you what the outcome would be within a few percentage points, if you'd like."

"Computer display a holographic representation of Thorn Ironhart as she is currently." A naked copy of the woman appeared as she appeared, now.  Bony hips and showing ribs, scars across her body from everything from explosions to lashings, visibly malnourished and underdeveloped over the course of many years.  The Y shaped surgical scar on her chest divided the nonexistant bust and Thorn's sternum appeared off-level from the surgery. "Now project what the changes a cellular regression to the age of 16, repairing of all glandular functions, genome correction, and maturation back to age 22 would cause." The form changed. The woman was now 5' 5" and roughly 140 pounds. There were curves, and a modest bust. The scars were gone as the computer saw it as a flaw to be corrected.

"That's... me?" Thorn marvelled, looking over the woman and moving around to note the two shining pods below her shoulder blades, and the data pad still embedded in her left wrist.  "What about my augs?  There would need to be some modification to keep them from causing other damage when I grow like that."

"Most of it will need to be removed. It's obsolete technology, I am sure if you need augmentation, we can come up with a more advanced versions. She held out a small 1mm cubed block. This is called a VX unit. It will not only give you the ability to communicate with the ship and other crew, but has protective functions built in. This form is only a representation of what you SHOULD look like. I won't know the details of what I can do until I get you into the procedure. I may be able to take you back even further without risk. That right now is an unknown variable. Computer save form Thorn 1 under my encryption."

"That's at least three massive surgeries and a lot of work.  How'm I supposed to pay for this kind of treatment?"  Taking the VX cautiously, she looked over the cube, before tucking it into the former battery compartment of the former handheld flashlight that was mounted to the remains of her ear.  "I could enlist, but I don't know if I can get through training in this body.  And that image says I'm gonna need an entirely new wardrobe."

"I will need the VX unit back for implantation." Sarissa secured the device. "Cost. I don't understand..ah...economics. This will be one procedure and there is no cost. This was done to you, and therefore should be undone. The economics of this galaxy are a bit different. If you decide to become a civilian, that would be your choice. I would need a few hours to prepare for the operation, but once things calm down here, I see no reason to delay it. You are clearly suffering, though you may be used to it, you should not have to endure this hardship."

"As for your wardrobe, we have machines can make anything you'd like." she added

"You people are wierd." Thorn deadpanned, looking at the Vulcan with the same level gaze, before she brightened.  "I like it!""You people are 
Sarissa cocked one eyebrow at the small person. "When would you like to start the procedure, and are there any other changes you'd like? Since I will be making so many, I would rather not have to do it over." She said honestly.
Thorn returned the facial expression lifhtheartedly, before she relaxed and started to speak.  "While the changes made to my body were not my will, and not well done, they have found themselves useful.  I'd like to keep the inbuilt pad, if you can build a new version of the rebreather compatible with my ship's recharge, and if I can keep some of the more iconic scars for memory's sake, I'd be grateful.  I mean... If that doesn't make too much trouble."
"The padd is superfluous as the VX can make an lists and com patches you would care to.  The rebreather is harder, I will take it under advisement. I am sure we something that would fit the purpose. The would have to point out the ones you'd like to keep as repairing the damage would include growing you a new ear and fixing the slash in your cheek. Your flashlight would be unneeded as the VX has low light capabilities. Why not let me repair the damage, keep the scars, though illogical, I will attempt to leave them. From there we can decide the best course of action regarding augmentation.
"The encryption keys for my ship are in the pad.  It's hardware address tied." The main reason she wanted to keep the datapad was that it allowed her to maintain constant contact with her ship and it was her guardian in more ways than just the simple transport and ability for her own job to be done.  "The Oracle and I are a package deal, and constant contact with her helps me in my work and has saved my life many times.  Also, I like my flashlight."
"Then let me consult Niklas Blom. He has expertise in this matter and has already talked to your ship. I am sure a secure way to communication between it and you is an easy thing." Sarissa offered.
"Of course, ma'am.  You said something about implanting the VX?"  She pulled the little cube out of its safe spot in her implant and held it out towards Sarrissa.  "I understand that the work to be done to my body is extensive, and I thank you for the opportunity.  But I'm used to having the touchscreen controls where they are.  Upgrades are good.  But I'm keeping the padd, if at all possible."
"I understand. I'd still like to repair everything first. A thin film permanent display can be added subcutaneously after the fact. The procedure would take seconds and would be more durable than your current setup.  If you don't trust me as your doctor, then why let me do the procedure at all?" Sarissa asked as she secured the VX implant in it's case.
"Not that I don't trust you.  Just I'm not fully aware of the capabilities you have access to, and you know full well I'm a human subspecies, based on that gene scan you ran to determine what your procedures can do.  So there may still be a few surprises for both of us."

"That would be a fair statement. I have been a doctor of 50 years. I hold doctorates in human, Vulcan, and Xenobiology. While I admit that are always variables that are unaccounted for, the chance for total success of this procedure is 99.275%. The only variable I cannot account for is what your true height and measurements will be until we are well underway.  The worst case would be that you get to be 4'11'. I can repair ALL of your organs with ease. I've grown people. Plus I am mother a four times over.  I may look like a 30 year old human with pointed ears. That would not be the case."
"Too easy, then." Thorn nodded, "Wait, fifty years? You a subspecies or a whole 'nother critter? I mean, I've worked with both, so it doesn't matter.  But curiosity's a hell of a drug. No human forms I know have that kind of lifespan.  Then again, I ain't from around here."

"I am not human."
"Roger that.  How many species are around in this area of space?"
"Hundreds. Wars and conflicts have caused rifts that so far have not been completely repaired. I am a Vulcan. Our normal lifespan is close to 200 years. My children are your age. There is nothing wrong with curiosity. A highly underrated trait." She pulled back her hair to expose one of her ears.
"War's everywhere," Thorn nodded.  "Are most species in this area of space vaguely humanoid, or is it more like my region where biology gets plain wierd?"
"Plenty of weird biology, but for the most part. Human. There are Human, Bolians, Vulcans and a few other races that make up the bulk or nearly everyone you'll meet." Sarissa said.

"Back to the original topic." She pulled out a padd. "Make a list of the scars you want to keep. I will make you the best you possible. THEN we can concentrate on augmentations. I promised the sublayer padd. We'll talk about the rest AFTER you are well. Questions, comments, emotional outbursts?" Sarissa replied.
"None at this time.  Thank you, Doctor." Thorn stood and bowed.  "I'll have that list to you... Sometime in the week?"
"Acceptable, but considering you forget to eat, I have a gift for you. Walking over she placed a patch on her left arm. If you forget to eat, this will notify medical. If we get a second warning because you have not eaten, I will bring you back here until the procedure is done. Do we have an understanding?" Sarissa said, watching Thorn's body language like a hawk.
Thorn tensed for a moment at the touch, then let her weight settle on one hip.  "Yes, mother." Her sarcastic tone was complimented by an eye roll.  She rarely let her blood sugar get low enough for her to pass out, after all.
"One of my friends would say I'm a bitch, but a lovable one,  as I care about people. One simple biology lesson Thorn before I let you go. When you don't eat, your body goes into starvation mode. It then eats muscle. From your heart, kidneys etc. Places you already cannot afford to lose them. Keep that in mind and we can do this procedure at any time. " Sarissa said.
"Explains why I never got bigger than 85 pounds.  Thank you.  As much as this annoys me, thanks."
Sarissa offered, "You do not need to thank me, this is what I do. I help people."
Thorn bowed again, turning to leave haltingly, as though providing a visual question of her dismissal.


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