Sumire and Aidan's Lunch Date
Posted on Tuesday September 11th, 2018 @ 8:17am by Captain Sumire "Remi" Rembrant & Brigadier General Aidan Thornton
2,148 words; about a 11 minute read
Season 2: Mission 1: Day after Day
Location: Aerowing Shuttle
Timeline: October 17th 4566 Afternoon
After getting her teams gear packed, the mineral ready to go and everything sorted the team would leave soon but there was still some time in the middle of the day for lunch and a chat. Since everyone was still doing their own thing Sumire sent Aidan a lunch invite in the shuttle. It would be just them. She had prepared a nice lunch for them even if she couldn't do domestic work very well she could operate a replicator. By the time he would arrive the food was there and she was just standing there glancing over at him. "Afternoon." She said.
"Make yourself at home why don't you?" Aidan said, walking in, and removing his hat, banging it on his leg to knock off any dust. "Working the domestic angle I see. Making sure the man is fed, or just wanting to see how the other half eats. He set down a bag of items as he got to the table.
"This is my teams shuttle... The Lavie never used the Aerowing... I honestly don't know why you don't just assign us this ship... I didn't actually cook and just because I am a rich girl doesn't mean I am helpless... As for making sure the man is fed... how very 20th century of you... but for your information yes I do believe a fed man is a happy man..." She had apparently done her research. The lunch was something he would enjoy. Her food was a sushi-like dish from her world.
"We never went anywhere that needed the Aerowing I guess. Out of sight, out of mind." Aidan said honestly. I'll send the request up the chain, though to be honest, it needs to be refitted it for that purpose. Look around." He said. "The food looks nice. I managed to score some comfort foods if you in the moon. "Babyback Korean ribs, and fresh roasted corn on the cob. We'll need some wet wipes."
(Meaning the Aerowing in meant to lavish the Captain and not a team of people. It's outfitted more like a Bentley not a high end people mover.)
She nods and has them created bringing them over. She then sits at her place. "So... hows your day been... And... yeah I notice that this thing is more like a house for me not a military transport..." She laughed.
"Send me a wish list and we'll see what the engineering staff and whip up. I know they aren't super busy at the moment. " He chose to keep ribbing her. "So we get intimate and already you're leaving me? Geez. " He bumped her light enough to feel her side, not enough to move her.
"Oh I'll be back; I just gotta go prooze... I'll come back with more girls for your fan club..." She also teased him.
He thought about saying something about bigger boobs, but let it drop. He wasn't keen on having a 2 hour discussion about that anytime soon. "Make one a redhead if you can." he settled on. "Maybe a few freckles."
"Maybe a bigger chest..." She zinged.
"Only if she likes showing cleavage. " he bumped her again, as he loaded his plate with food. Pouring a glass of iced tea, he took a seat. "So what do you do for hobbies? What makes Sumire tick?"
"I play video games, code, read those wonderful manga you saw I read... anime... studying government and civil planning and I like the occasional puzzle to solve...I tend to research way too much about stuff... As for what makes me tick... I get sick a lot... My sister is usually stuck taking care of me... These last few months I have been here oddly I have not gotten sick... I don't actually know why..."
"hmmm, I would say enviroment. Whether it's the people around you or the suspision nature of someone making you sick, but I see plots with plots." He said. "Where are you going next?" he asked, knowing he could look it up.
"Well... Maybe... I have no idea... or maybe it was just the planets I was on... I don't know; I'm not a doctor... Speaking of I would like to serve in medical; thank you could add me to the rotation or make sure the EMS Coordinator gets back to me? As for where we are going... Probably the more complicated one; I was going to leave it up to the team to decide." She said as she finished eating. She really doesn't eat much... Might be the reason for her such low weight.
"You're done?" He said, thinking it was a joke?"
She nods.
He tore into a loaded corn on the cob, stripping the ear clean within a minute. "God I miss that. Wish dad were still here, he be able to help them increase their yields more than the meager portion they are getting." He went back to her request. I will talk to the EMS Coordinator, we can always use a few more EMT's. In fact, I may Volun-tell a few people."
"Well considering Earth only gave a few medics to trinity... having nurses moonlight as EMTs while part of the licensure is not a good idea beyond a certain amount... Let specialists... be specialists... paramedics should be out in the field; nurses; not so much."
"Yes dear." He said.
He waited for the look he was sure was coming
"Seems like you've said that before... Got use to it with your ex-wife eh? And I'm sorry about your father... my mother was killed during a supposedly completely safe demonstration... Along with my brother... Did any of your family survive or were you an only child?"
"Only child. I still extended family. Most of the tribe survived with a few expections. Carol, my ex-wife is on Earth 2, that reminds me, I promised Ayasha I'd call her and haven't. " He made a note on the call to Carol. "It's been several weeks, so I have to assume my parents are dead." he said, lending a somber tone to the meal." He paused. "Sorry, I don't mean to bring in a thunderstorm to your lunch for us."
"She nodded then came over and gave him a hug. "Then call her... I can go do something else... Remember something a relationship means your with someone even in their hard times and you help them... be their rock... Just because I see other people doesn't mean I don't believe in that. I am here in your hard times and your easy times... Like I told you I am not going anywhere... Sickness, health and all that" She said patting him on the shoulder after the hug waiting to see if he wanted her to go so he could call her.
"She can wait. If she wanted or needed help, she's just as capable of using the com" He said, There was a touch of venom, but that was understandable. He did compile a short text to her. "Hey. Little one asked me to reach out. I will call, when it's not slammed with the next crisis. Let me know if you need anything. Aidan". Turning to Remi, he offered. "Text sent. Like I said, her arms aren't broken, she can reach out just like I can. Let's change the subject. I'm sure you don't want a blow by blow tale of my failed marriage." He responded..
She sat against he table end and crossed her arms. "Correct; I have as much interest in the previous people you have had sex with as you have in mine but I am here to help you... if you ever actually want to talk about it or need me for anything I will be there... Being poly doesn't mean you just fuck and go... I have relationships just like everyone else... One of those is you... Changing the subject would be advisable but if you want to talk about it the floor is yours."
"No, I'm good. Yuka loved to chat about it, but since you brought up the subject.....I know you aren't waiting around for me. That's fine. Just so that all the cards are on the table, that goes both ways. Don't expect me to sit on my hands and pine for you. That;s only fair. Not that I'm not always going to have a sympathetic ear and shoulder, like you said. Making sure it's all out in the open." He paused. "Having said all that, you're a bit enchanting."
"I want a relationship with you... I get you don't like the idea of multiple people.... The only girl I am interested in is Flennel... Seleni is just a friend and Ari; will you wouldn't sleep with your sister would you... So aside from her the street is clear for you... If that is still not agreeable to you; thats fine... What I said last night about prince and all that if you did end up making me yours was true... I'm not interested in just sex; I want someone's life in my hands and not in a serial killer sort of way..."(edited)
"Then we'll play it by ear and see where it leads us." Aidan said, added soy to one of the sushi like pieces along with some hot red sauce. "Ever since the rejuventation, I cannot seem to eat enough to gain weight. Which is fine, but I have to remind myself to eat more." He said. "This" indicating the lunch, "will NOT go to waste."
"I'll have more later anyway... and good that you won't just leave..." As he goes to put the sushi in his mouth she eats it for him. She then giggles and smirks at him. "Ohter peoples food is always better..." She said while eating.
"Don't get me started woman", he said, pulling her into his lap.
"I want to get you started all night long."
She teased
"I've created a monster. Nothing good ever happens from sharing 'Junior'. He teased.
"Nothing good happens... Oh; so having a girl to talk to isn't good..." She judges him.
"Okay. I retract that. I tease incessantly." He started prepping another piece of sushi. "Twisted humor."
She kisses him. "So... are you guys going to be escorting us or are you going to be heading back?"
'I guess that depends. The water situation is fixed. The medical is going to take more time, but we at least know the problem. The is a team on the way to takeover. A few days by gate at most. I don't mind staying but the bugs are still a pressing matter." Aidan said
"Well we are going to another planet; so I guess your not going with us to go to the next planet?" She asked as she sits down on the couch in the room that was still there or rather sits and then lays watching him as she does so.
He moved over to be with her on the couch. "I don't think so, but then again, I was't supposed to be here either." Getting more comfortable, he added, "Since I flunked mind reading in high school, tell me what is on your mind."
"Oh... I'm good... I just want to get to know you more and have you with our team... though if you were with us that would sort of undo the need for me... It is fine though; lunch ends in a few minutes."
'No time for dessert. Damn." he leaned in wait for her to join in the kiss.
She kissed him. "Dessert is being prepared; when you see me next you'll have some."
"I'll save room for seconds." He didn't want to get up, but her gazed at her for a few more moments. He winked at her before her got up.
Turning he took two more pieces of sushi, starting to wrap the corn and ribs for storage.
"Hope its soon." She said as she winked back at him and helped him clean up then dismissing the table; she hugged him. "Good luck and talk to me again soon!"
"I'll make it a point to keep in touch Sumire" he said, wiping his hands and getting a move on his own day. It might not be the love of his life, but she certainly could light fire in his days and dreams.
She did a curtsy as he left. "Have a good day." She told him as he left. She then began to make preparations to leave.