Thorn 2.0
Posted on Saturday October 6th, 2018 @ 8:15am by Captain Sumire "Remi" Rembrant & Lieutenant JG Thomas Petell M.D. F.A.C.S. & Misa Kitsuki M.D. & Ellie "Nore" Tessa Ph.D MD & Brigadier General Aidan Thornton & Captain Scott Johnson Ph.D & Commander Selaniphi Kiirmant & Lieutenant Commander Sarissa Slane M.D. & Ensign Ayasha Thornton & 2nd Lieutenant Kyle Dee (Ian) & Crewman Chandra Dee & Thorn Ironhart
Edited on on Saturday October 6th, 2018 @ 8:29am
5,566 words; about a 28 minute read
Season 2; Mission 2: It's Only Fun Until Someone Gets Hurt
Location: City-Ship; Military District - Medical Central Office
Timeline: October 19th 4566; Evening
Remi still stared at Aidan after he asked what she was hiding; she still did not understand. "Seriously... What do you mean?" She asked him. She wondered if the whole thing with Kyle would ever be resolved in the back of her mind and thought about confronting him only to remember what happened last time she did that... It blew up in her face... Three times... the compassion thing seemed to work when he was revived... Maybe she should go that route though at the present time she was more interested what Aidan was talking about and what the hell this box Sheplin gave her contained.
Aidan commented. "Governor's daughter seems a far cry from, here's a spare fleet to help crush our enemies your highness. Just a bit shocked."
"Okay.... We discussed this didn't we... My father is the governor of our colony yes... or maybe we didn't... Okay.... Before I was born my father became the king of Orteria. The Federation annexed us when we were involved in the war of 4550 and the events following it with the removal of the United Forces Alliance from power. Part of the agreement of us joining without the Federation and us fighting a costly war was we get to keep our sovereign status, our military and our aristocracy... In technicality I am actually the Princess of Orteria and technically if my father dies since I am the last of our bloodline I am Crown Princess... Now with a local government however there are things called elections... I am sure you have heard of them. I thought father favored Yuki... but he and his pets offering me the army and navy... which both were my brother's as he would become the heir... I guess that passed on to me." (edited)
"Wow." Aidan said simply. "Crown Princess. Never dated a real princess."
Chandra had packed up the pic-nic. After packing everything away she turned to her father and handed him the box, which he took. She then stood up, along with him as she lead them back to the kitchen. She planned to put the rest of it away then bake with him to help calm both their nerves.
Remi shrugs "It doesn't really change anything for me... I have not been to the homeworld in years... I doubt the people would accept me if I came back anyway.... Eh... I don't feel like reading anymore... I don't like all the depression but something needs to be done about all this... don't you agree... Like we need to show Kyle and his daughter and the others who have chosen to stay with us that we are loyal to them." She said to him.
Seleni VXs Remi a drawing of a small cozy inlet cove with a beach chair and table holding a cocktail and a summer hat.
Remi VX's Seleni back a picture of a head pat. "You should come join us... I wanna fix people... your drawings could help ^^"
"If you have a plan for that I am all ears. " Aidan said. "Maybe we should make Kyle the new Morale officer."
"Hum... I have an idea... make him one of Trinity's diplomats... I am being serious here... It would force him to learn about our worlds and realize we are not all that different."
Chandra and Kyle arrived at the kitchen and noticed it empty. Kyle less so. She turned on the lights as Kyle set down the box. They then washed up and put in aprons. Kyle having to take his hoodie off and throw it on the box.
They then began to start pulling out ingredients and other stuffs for baking cakes and other fun deserts.
Aidan looked at Sumire like she was nuts. "You are OUT of your....." He became quiet. It wasn't actually a bad idea. He'd HAVE to be civil then. "Dammit, you may actually have something there." He said grinning.
"He's already the blank stare and grin going on." Aidan added.
Remi then opened up the box that Sheplin gave her. it contained three small objects. She put on the belt, downloaded the program contained on the other and the third was what looked like a handle. "and the secretive backstory..." She laughed as she closed her eyes for a moment activating the program she was given. A Orterion Royal Uniform appeared on her with a badass looking white cloak over it. The handle turned into one of the royal swords; there were gems inside of it and the sword could actually fire gem magic. She sheathed the sword in a sheath that was there with the belt. her hair also instantly grew and turned black; it was still straight and beautiful like she had it before; it was just much longer and her natural hair color. Blue was common on her world but was not her natural color. When she looked at herself she said "Damn it.... I don't like it long... and I have to dye it again..."
Ayasha, now alone, took the time to lay out under the sun, as it was. Artificial light, but still she wouldn't get much of a tan, but the light was good for other things.
Aidan watched the process. Intrigued by the change, not only in uniform, but the hair was nice. He liked longer hair. Not a deal breaker or anything, but it was interesting seeing her in long black hair. (edited)
"That's the whole Clark Kent/Superman thing going on their Sumire." He said honestly.
She stared at Aidan whom was staring at her. "What... does it look bad...... or let me guess... your a pervert and don't like girls in pants... not that you have said anything about it before." Her pants turn into a skirt and thigh-highs with boots. (damn it couldnt type fast enough... please post that after this eh)
"OH!" Seleni exclaims as she gets there and sees Remi transform.
remi turns to see Seleni and he rreaction too. She frowns thinking she looks bad.
"I like girls, probably borderline perv." he said with a shrug. Then added. " I don't really care about fashion. Either it looks good or it doesn't. This is attractive, like you are, just different. I do prefer the skirts. Pants, while more serviceable, lack a certain....feminine flair. The cape is a nice touch." Aidan said.
Scott is still tinkering in the most dangerous part of the ship...aka his bunker
"But skirts are so annoying to use in the field... and have you tried using a sword in a dress or skirt..."
"There is a reason it doesn't happen... but.... so neither of you hate it... okay...." She seemed happier to know she didn't look bad.
"I could wear a kilt. I am Irish." He offered to Sumire.
Seleni gently pats her on the head, her other hand holding what seems to be an oversized notepad.
After a while Kyle and Chandra had finished a couple of cakes and eclairs. Moving on to crepes and other treats. Them playing around and laughing.
Remi takes Aidan and Seleni with her heading to find Kyle and his daughter using the VX IFF transponder system to find them. (edited)
"Fine! I'll eat! I don't want to get dragged into Medical again!" Thorn swatted away at the air, marching into the galley with an annoyed huff. She had work she should be doing, research, and figuring out just what the Hell had been done to her ship, which was now bugging her about her blood sugar alert.
"When the Hell did you learn... Never mind, don't answer that, just let me know when you can fly again, I'm getting a bit of cabin fever and could really go for a mission."
Sarissa was there, knowing the look of frustration on a person's face, she interfaced with the sensor she'd made Thorn wear. Getting up she retrieved a piece of peach cobbler with cinnamon ice cream. "Good to see you taking me seriously, Miss Thorn. If you let me, I can make your quality of life vastly improved. Stubbornness is an odd human trait. It is not logical." (edited)
Remi and the others arrived in the kitchen area; though with hair and clothes completely different only those who memorized her face would even recognize remi at this point.
"The little girl from before... hum..." remi thought as she came up behind Thorn and patted her on the head.
(remi has seen her before; doesnt know who she is but yeah)
"Me, not so much. I have a lot of work to do that will not be placated by sweets! However, my ship, Goddess knows how that AI figured out how to not only talk, but be a major pain in my hilariously tiny ass from outside the hull, takes my health a lot more seriously than I do." Thorn crossed her arms and glared at the cobbler, before a shudder went up her spine at Remi's touch and the rebreather spooled to life.
Chandra and Kyle had headphones in. Tuning everything out as their just kept doing their thing.
"So you hang out with sis's doctor friend... I hear from the ships sensors you want to go on a mission; it jsut so happens I have an opening... want to shoot stuff and save the day and all that jazz?"
remi said to Thorn
Seleni sits down, taking an eclair, opening her notepad to an empty page, pulling a pencil from her pocket and starts drawing the pair baking.
"I'm not a fighter. I'm a scout." Thorn took a deep breath, her eyes rolling back for a moment as oxygen flooded her system. "Orbital support and sensors, maybe some risk assessment. And I'm fairly handy with a gauntlet stunner."
Her response to Remi was cool, though her gaze snapped back to the Vulcan with a cocked eyebrow. "Is that cobbler?"
"And... we need that... plus... I know your not really like 14 like you look... I tell everyone im 18 and look it; I'm actually 26" She said sending her this last part as a message instead of speakint it. "As for food.... Lets go headpat Kyle until he gives you Cobbler and stops being emo... K?"
"Yes, and the cinnamon ice cream adds a nice spice." Sarissa commented.
Kyle picked up the cobble and spinner it on his finger then sat it in front of Thorn as he saw her eye balling it. He has a slight smile on as he turned back to baking with Chandra.
"Growth inhibitor. Try twenty six going on twelve." Thorn turned and gave a stressed smile before responding to Sarissa, or trying to, when the rumbling of her stomach interrupted her.
"Please don't dose me with that hormone stuff again."
Sarissa whispered in Thorn's ear. "I am now going to channel what a family member calls, my inner bitch." Sarissa commented. "You want to be cleared for away missions, you need to commit to getting some of the procedures we talked about done."
"Chief Medical Officer. I can take anyone out of action." She adds."In this case, it's for your own good. I don't do this lightly or from any subjective notions." (edited)
Remi shrugged. "Listen to the doc... I mean having a Lolita complex is one thing but you gotta grow out of it sometime..." remi laughed and then went tot he kitchen.
"I'm tempted to voice my disapproval of this 'lolita complex', but I have no frame of reference, so bite me. As for you, Doc, I have no inner bitch, prickly's my default. I have sent several messages for appointment times, and I have already done my best to work these procedures in to my study time. However, I have not found justification for the out of commission time..." Her voice trailed off as Sarissa's words sunk in. "Until now. We keep some kind of rebreather. It's useful."
Kyle and Chandra finish baking, there being a whole array of foods out. Kyle grabbing an eclair as well as Chandra. Both of them leaving for the dining area, leaving everyone else to their own.
So with a cranky grumble, Thorn sat down on the table and took a bite of the dessert.j
"How about since we are engaging inner bitch I just order you to undergo a cloning procedure... I'm pretty sure Commodore layton and the Director of Trinity Medical would happily do the bidding of the person who controls half the fleet... if you wanna go girl... we can go... I offered you a job; not my ass to kick...." remi said coldy. (edited)
"You haven't hired me yet, shortstack."
Sarissa commented to Remi, " As the Ranking Medical Officer I would file an official protest."
remi turns back aorund and comes over to the table.
"Let me remind you where you are... your on our base."
She replied to Thorn with her hands on her hips.
Seleni finishes her rough sketching of the two baking and puts away the pencil and closes the notepad
Sarissa commented to Remi, "I would think think that someone so used to being told what to do would not be so willing to control the lives of others." (edited)
Remi tilts her head at Sarissa. "Yeah well my adoptive family and my father have a right; as do my superiors..."
Kyle and Chandra sat down at an empty table and enjoyed their Eclairs. Joking to each other in French and having some genuine fun with each other as they improved in mood.
"However, I am a refugee of an unfortunate temporal displacement, and while I am honored to be on your base, I'm still salty about getting pumped full of hormones that my body hasn't produced in over a decade. I'll do my best to make an attitude adjustment and be less of a pissy bint." Thorn gave a sweet smile, her voice dripping with venom and honey. "But first, cobbler. Then we can talk on how the doctor wants to violate my body's perfectly functional autonomy."
"If it were perfectly functional, you would be closer to 6ft tall." Sarissa added.
Thorn gave a snort, her mouth busy with cobbler and ice cream.
"Then let the cloning unit do it; their doctors rebuild bodies every day; it would be less of a culture and a body shock to do that then fix what is already there... You've already been like messed with so much from what the records say... Information Security knows everything... They copy your genetic code and use your own selt to build a new you..."
Kyle started to feel uncomfortable with all of the cloning talk and picked up his eclair and moved further away with Chandra following after.
"Nope. Tried that once. That's how we got my sister. Ask Sarah Pine how that went! From her lying to me to stealing the girlfriend, marrying her, and then spawning four brats. No new body. I'm staying in this one."
"You seem to think that our universe is yours..."
"How did you become what you are now?" Seleni asks.
"They dont let thinks like Pine, Mark and Laz happen...."
"All you and your illegal cloning.... of course it would happen... fine... don't listen to the girl whose family like builds the shit they would use to fix you.... whatever... stay a little one forever and eventually die due to the issues that come with your body never maturing..."
Remi walks away leaving the room.
Aidan followed her. Sandwich in hand.
"Fourteen years of illegal body modification without my consent and ownership." Thorn's response to Selini was one of open bitterness. "In my world, I hunted them. People who do that to others are to be exterminated."
Still, the sweets were warming her up a bit, and she wasn't feeling as sour. "Not something I like to talk about, but the fact remains that this is my body, for better or for worse." (edited)
"What I do is not only legal, I am a fixer, not some amateur with tech 2000 years behind ours." Sarissa comments. "I can fix you. That is the plain and simple truth."
Chandra gave a look at Remi as she left, one of concern. “Father, whom is the smaller woman over there?” She asked taking a bite.
When Kyle saw he froze, “Thorn Ironheart..."
Tessa appeared in the room. "You know... we could just give you a body girl... or have you heard of that... Would require no effort..."
"I would like to grow up. But in my own skin." Thorn took another bite, thoughtful, before the mention of her name drew her attention. "Who's asking?"
Sarissa slammed her fist down "I can, within reason, fix her CURRENT body." (edited)
"it would hurt her though."
Tessa replied.
Kyle would dash over to grab his hoodie then fell, hitting face first as he slipped and hit the ground groaning.
Chandra gave a slight wave to Thorn. (edited)
"The self I would give you; would be you as you were supposed to be before all the modifications." (edited)
She demonstrates by making a copy of herself appear; though soulless and mindless.
"I'll take the doctor's approach and get my ever prepubescant clit sucked for the trouble." Thorn gave Tessa a half lidded, bored expression. "Unless you want to be bitten, which I happily do for those who ask."
She then transfers her consciousness to herself. "See... painless..." She then moves; herself... back to herself.
She then makes the copy of herself cease to exist.
Kyle gets up and walks over and grabs his and Chandra’s plate. “Th-they seem occupied s-so lets just go.” He said to her as she nodded. Putting the plates up and leaving.
"It was just an offer. I would recommend being nicer to Sumire Rembrant; angering your potential boss never has intended results. Outside of that I couldn't care less what you do... I'll have to waste my powers reviving you anyway later on most likely."
"And I am not being mean but truly with how much you all die... it is a waste." (edited)
Tessa said all this expressionless.
"I many times?" Seleni asks
"Quite likely. But it'll be me. Not a mockery of me." Thorn's eyebrow cocked as she considered it. "Besides. Sarissa's method lets me keep the few things I like about this body."
"And I'm not willing to pay the cost of what you offer."
"... You realize that the princess and I would both keep what you want."
"You are just looking for excuses to not do what we suggest."
"Look. Do it. It's alot less hassle and as for the price....Well....I got mine for basically joining this ragtag group of misfits after my last body failed." Seleni says in a light tone.
"What can I say? I prefer the hard way." Thorn took another bite, smirking. "You learn more that way."
Tessa just goes to the kitchen and grabs food wanting to experience eating even though she did not need to; she was formerly a human after all. Tessa heard that and shook her head. "Actually; if you knew what they hard way really was you wouldn't prefer it."
"Besides, knowing bored immortal beings, you'd probably slap a horse cock on that body just for shits and giggles and pennance for my salty ass."
Sarissa gets up to leave since no one but her is considering what the patient wants.
"Try getting to the point where you have a lover and a child then watch them be murdered in front of you and to boot you being raped as you watch everyone you have ever known die in front of you; then finally you die and out of pity are revived by a god and made his pet."
"To live an eternal life... You don't know hard."
the second emotion Tessa had shown to the group ever; contempt.
Kyle and Chandra went over into the hallway, all the way on the other end. “Geez, no one can just leave us to enjoy our cooking and baking in peace.” Chandra said as Kyle chuckles, “Always arguing. No fun with them.” He said ironically.
"Same results, with one only being a long an painful way with seemingly diminishing returns, and I've been through the same." Seleni says looking down.
"Considering the crap I've already gone through, you got lucky." There was suddenly a touch of anger in Thorn's voice. "I will exercise the freedom I've never had before and choose the doctor's way. I will not become a mockery of myself and let myself wonder if my life before here was just a bad dream. You will not force my hand on the matter. If you try, well, I will find a way to make it bite you straight in that tight immortal ass."
"YOu don't have to throw insults. I was giving you a solution... Thi sis why I do not like the people from your dimension. You believe you know better than we do. Guess what little child; you are stuck here... get use to how our systems work." Nore disappeared.
Seleni shakes her head sadly and sighs.
With that, she scraped her plate clean and stood, brushing off the dress that used to be her favorite shirt. "I don't. But it's satisfying to tell people that different stories don't compare. I hate what happened to me, but I learned from the events that caused it. I will keep the reminders, and pay that cost. And I did get some good things from it. Things that don't work well with a new body."
"Not recently, sorry." Thorn gave Selini an honest smile. "If I do, I'll let you know."
Kyle’s nose started to bleed as Chandra noticed she got her handkerchief and cleaned him up. “Silly fatherXl She said giggling.
With a slight bow, she excused herself from Tessa, moving away towards Kyle. "You. You are the first person to know my name except for the Section Six folks."
“I-I Uh... lucky guess...” he said turning to her scratching the back of his head. As Chandra watched, giving Thorn a slight wave.
(Some people just don’t want to change)
Seleni picks up her notepad and resumes drawing in it, now that she is alone once again.
Sarissa was done making her rounds for the few overnight patients in Medical. Finishing a small glass of orange juice, she asked for a large mug of red leaf tea. She was about to sit down for a few minutes of charting, when the doors swished open. She coudn;t see it from her desk.
A small knock at her door frame could almost reveal the diminutive form almost hiding in the doorway. A flash of green flashed in the light, hidden behind a mop of hair and scars. "Doctor? Do you have a moment?"
Sarissa got up and walked over to greet the arrival. "Miss Thorn. I have to say you surprise me since the conversation in the mess hall. I expected you not to show in Medical. "(edited)
"It's not the first time I've been offered such things. I'm... I'm tired of it. I want to grow up."
"The major difference here Miss Thorn, is I can make this happen to your satisfaction. No games. No pipedreams. I am the real deal as the humans say." Sarissa offered honestly. "I can even show you my work."(edited)
Thorn seemed to shrink down, avoiding Sarissa's gaze, her shoulders locking up as she looked away. "No need. Can we just... Can we get some people to discuss how the first surgery will go? Maybe schedule a time to get my rebreather out?"
Sarissa VX'd Doctor Peel to see if he was available for consult.
Petel walks in to the medical ward. "Yes doctor?"
Thormn locked up with a small eeping noise, a steady thrum starting from somewhere deep within her chest as her breath held and her rebreather started to operate.
"Madi, this is Doctor Petel. Our chief surgeon." She handed him her records on MIss Thorn. "We are discussing options. The easy way is full body replacement. She wants all the options."
Petell hears the sound and scanned her. "The absolute..." he looks at Sarissa. "How long has htis patient been here?"
He wonders to himself how she is still alive.
"I can't force a civilian to accept treatment." She said simply.
"I just want to grow up. I don't want a new body, I just want to fix this one." Thorn gave her honest response to the idea of a full body replacement. "That would be... disturbing."
"MIss Thorn. Even with treatment, I can make sure you survive the decade. Past that....we are fighting the crimes that were done on this body." Sarissa offered.
"When and where were these thigns done to you?" Petell asks.
"It's still my body, and I'm not leaving it. I mean, I was an Owned for a long time in a place that was distinctly not here." Thorn seemed to grow more confident and adamant.
"She came from an alternate universe it seems." Sarissa explained.
Turning back to Thorn, Sarissa asked, "What happens in the worst case scenario, and the only options are a new body or death? I hate to be that brutal, but that could be something that happens when we start the surgeries."
Petell nods. "I see... and the doctor is correct... As it stands; to be blunt... You already should be dead."
n's response was simple and blunt.
RisaXSephLast Tuesday at 9:17 PM
"No... no you wont' you need immediate treatment."
"Do you feel depressed most days?"
"I don't want a new body. I just want to grow up and be okay. And don't try to psychoanalyze me! I'm fine!"
"Do you feel like you would be better off dead?"
"If we don't start immediate treatment, you won't survive the month." Sarissa said.
"Some people think so." Thorn snipped at Petell. For Sarissa, she responded "And you and I both know that the repairs to my body begin with that rebreather."
He nods. "What day is it?"
"My calendar or yours?"
"Answer please"
"Two days after the two week mark since I got here. I don't know how you people count your days."
"Do you know where you are?"
Thorn rattled off a set of spacial coordinates that corrolated with a nearby star. "A city ship. A long way from home. Why are you asking me these damnable questions?"
"There is a method to the madness..." He then pulls out a light and tells her to look at it.
After he checks her eyes he glances back at her chart. "When would you like to be admitted?"
"Is this an attempt to prove me incapable of making my own decisions? Fine, I'll play your game. Follow the little light, you check for pupil dilation, you find me fine, I go home tonight, and do the surgery when my body decides to crap out."
"Just to spite you."
Thorn crossed her arms and glared for a moment.
"Dying will certainly teach us to cross you." Sarissa said, channeling Erin.(edited)
"Well... let me tell you the facts; you should be dead... you are not a federation citizen and have less than a month; the doctor gave you the most favorable numbers but honestly you could die tonight... you could drop over after leaving this room..."
HarperMadi, Queen of CaffeineLast Tuesday at 9:36 PM
"And I'm not consenting to a full body swap. I just want to be stable for the time it takes to get this damn rebreather out of me, and you know full well I can hold my breath a lot longer than you can, so... Don't hold your breath waiting for me to sign that consent form. After that, we repair the glandular damage, dope me with enough meds to drop some rather large nonhumans, and put me in a regenerative chamber till I hit puberty at twenty fucking six."
Ai comes out of the back and walks by giving her a hypo which makes Thorn go unconscious. "Sometimes the patient doesn't know what is best for them." Petell cocks his head "What are you doing..." "Get one of the ITC's augmentation specialists and call Misa Kitsuki... Those are your best options." Kitsuki appears. "I believe I heard my name." Petell sighs and gives Kitsuki the records. "And she wants all this taken out..." The doctor laughs "Not possible; she would die on the table; some of these are not meant to be removed."
With a solid thump, Thorn hit knees forward and toppled backwards, several alarms sounding in her ears as everything faded to black.
Sarissa interjected, "We will redesign the hardware for this century. If nothing else, he needs to trust that we won't mistreat her. You are borderline doing the same thing that has been done to her all of her life."
Misa sighs. "You cant... you oviously don't understand control augments... This is literally designed TO FORCE her into slavery forever."
She said being quite blunt
TugarLast Tuesday at 9:42 PM
"Your options are kill her or give her a new body." Misa said to the room.
'"Let's get her into an induced coma. We can start with nanites to stem the damage while we make her a body. If we can repair it, that is waht the patient wanted.." Sarissa offered.(edited)
"You can't also she isnt thinking clearly; its like with Gainz; we made ways to FORCE our subjects to want thier parts to refuse to have htem taken away. She is not her normal self." Misa said.
Sarissa offered. "I also suspect that once she is in the new body with it's better health, she will not want to go back."
"You would be surprised how effective these tools are..."
The team gets her ready and transfers her to a stasis chamber.ITC's medical services team is contacted. They take her scans and medical history and begin to make a template. Petell sends them genetic samples and they begin building her a body.
The team builds the profile and memories. They start to make her body.