This is Only a Test
Posted on Saturday October 13th, 2018 @ 11:08am by Vice Admiral Yuka Layton & Captain Sumire "Remi" Rembrant & Captain Ariel "Mina" Welheirmina & Ellie "Nore" Tessa Ph.D MD & Brigadier General Aidan Thornton & Captain Scott Johnson Ph.D & Commander Selaniphi Kiirmant & Lieutenant Neera Pine & Lieutenant Sarah Pine & Commander Ardent Dawn & Ensign Ayasha Thornton & 2nd Lieutenant Kyle Dee (Ian) & Crewman Chandra Dee
2,751 words; about a 14 minute read
Season 2; Mission 2: It's Only Fun Until Someone Gets Hurt
Location: City-Ship; Residential Section
Timeline: October 20th 4566; Morning
Remi had left her house and headed for the lounge getting a coffee and a quiche. This was something they did not make too often; it was indeed something cooked by hand... Something super rare... No replicator. She got seated and began to eat thinking over the past day.
Seleni joins Remi in the lounge. "They rarely make foo by hand nowdays, huh?" She asks as she sits down next to her.
Aidan walked in the lounge, just coming off duty. He smelled the food cooking and decided on a slice of apple pie and large coffee. Seeing Remi he placed his small plate down and sat nearby. "You look familiar." He teased.
Remi nods "Yeah... its rare... some things taste the same... others... horrible... like six year old cheese crackers." She said laughing. Remi shrugs at Aidan. "I feel like I have seen you somewhere before too; were you that guy from that VD?"
"Not me, I'm clean. No diseases here." Aidan retorted.
"Diseases... er... you mean you don't know what a Vid-disc is..." remi said to Aidan.
"Is it something like a DVD or a Blueray disc?" Seleni asks.
scott is working in the bunker like usual
"Two thousand years plus old but yeah; pretty much just higher def, more real... and... yeah... do you like the romans by the way?" Remi said sticking her tongue out at Seleni for her mentioning of ancient history.
"The what?" Seleni asks, confused.
Aidan smiled warmly. "You'll have to bring me up to speed some day? How are you feeling?" Aidan asked, switching tone.
"Nothing; nothing at all... and I am feeling like I drank my weight in scotch last night..."
Remi said to Aidan.
"Romans! The first massive civilization besides China! Jesus..." Kyle said mumbling to himself curled up in the corner of the lounge out of everyone's aura.
Tessa was fiddling with the gate into the prison wondering ho she could improve the stargate.
Remi facepalms.
Sarah had finished running drills for the day, having spent the last couple hours cleaning her rifle. She entered the lounge and took a seat at the bar followed by her Granddaughter Neera, to have pie and cola. Something they used to do often after duty shifts. Sarah waved at the group as the two pasted.
Kyle saw Neera and covered his face with his hoodie immediately. Followed by turning to face the corner. As usual. Trying to stay out of everyone's view. That's all he's good for anyway, as that's what he thinks.
Aidan turned to her and said, "Sumire, I stopped drinking becasue it makes me an violent jerk on steroids. If it gets you by, then by all means, careful. You mean too much to me."
Neera waved at Kyle in his corner, giving a sympathetic smile.
"Romans were the first to unify the entire Mediterranean into an empire." says a soft spoken, frail looking girl in a black dress, as Seleni is drinking from the cup, causing her to gag mid swallow.
In the command center Yuka is summoned form her office by one of the officers at security. "Commodore; we've lost communication with the team whom was guarding one of the research chambers." She looked over the report. "Can you get ahold of any of the scientists in that area?" "negative sir." "Send a security team and contact Dr. Johnson." "Understood." the guard does this.
Meanwhile Eire walks into the lounge walking up to Remi and Seleni with her hands in a hoodie she had purchased. "Your station has guests..." She whispers to them.
scott sees the guards comingand meets them out of the bunker. "what do you need officers" (edited)
"The Command Center has reported that one of the research sections is not responding to communications. Our security teams are not responding... The Commodore would like us to investigate." The guard said to Scott.
Kyle turned around when he heard someone enter, "More people... Guess I'll be left behind again. Not surprised, after what he did when he was in control." He muttered inaudibly to himself as he sat in the corner now just watching everything going on in the lounge. His facial expression giving off nothing but slight discontent. Though required someone who was capable at reading facial expressions to pick up on it.
ok lets take a few cecis with us and lets get my little daughter too
The girl curtsies and and introduces herself, " Greetings, I am the Ardent-class Destroyer, Ardent Dawn. Escort to the Cruiser Murasashi."
Remi stares at Seleni.
Erie taps Remi's shoulder. "let's just say... you should respond to this you know." "What is it; who are the guests..." "The kind that are not helpful... The kind that kill people."
Coughing, Seleni recovers from the surprise. "Wh-what? How the--?" "It was by the command of your sister Seculor." Dawn says.
Neera shoots Kyle a text message, "Hey kid, long time no see. Come sit with me and grandma."
The guards and Ceci along with four of her underlings follow. They soon arrived at a small building which goes underground. Its security station was empty. Inside there are two shot guards and the door ajar.
umm this is definitely not good ceci secure the area and quarantine if possible
Kyle looked over to Neera after receiving the message. He sighed then got up and walked over. sitting down next to Neera, though a good seat distance away. "H-Hello..."
Seeing the look on Sumire's face changee, Aidan gets busy on the VX already calling Alert Team one to meet him and putting two more teams on standy as well as notifying security.
Sarah gives him a look, "Come on kid, she doesn't bite. Get your ass over here."
Two of the guards stay with the Ceci units outside. three of the guards go with Scott and the android Ceci enter the lab. It was thrashed and the researchers gone. The security team calls in the situation to Command as the Command Center gets reports of shots fired by an unknown object.
Remi gets up after seeing the dispatch on the alert feed.
Outside as guards run forward past the lounge a deafening sound is heard as the guards fly back smashing into the ground.
The command center puts the cityship on lockdown.
"Sure. Whatever you say." He then scooted down next to Neera. "Though rape would be up there." He muttered to himself inaudibly. "What have y-you two been up to." His tone was almost neutered. He didn't seem to carry much emotion, if anything it was more of a depressed or tired mood.
Scott tells command to activate the anti travel field from the defense satellite cecis
Remi turns to Kyle. "Dude... I didn't let Nore Tessa revive your ass or cry over your body for you to become a depressive shit again... make friends; live your life... and... LOOK..." She siad pointing out at the guards on the ground. "Now is no tthe time to go emo!"
A couple cybernetic tigers walk over the dead guards on the ground and turn to the lounge tilting their heads and begin to emit a screeching deafening sound at the occupants of the lounge. (Roll to resist)
Remi is disabled for the battle.
Neera is disabled, Seleni is disabled for the battle.
Neera clutched her canine ears as they bleed, howling in pain as she collapses.
The tigers approached and growl.
Sarah readies her service pistol as she crouches protectively over her Granddaughter. (edited)
Seleni covers her ears in pain. "Looks like we have some unwanted guests." Dawn says in a cold voice, pulling out a revolver.
Kyle gets up and takes a step back, reaching and pulling a pistol from his hoodie. It was .44 revolver that he had. He pops a shot over at the tiger closest to him.
Sarah fires three shots at the other tiger
Is this the lab I think it is????
Erie radios to command about what is going on at the lounge. Yuka dispatches an ERU. Aidan's marines arrive outside with Mina.
The tigers avoid the attacks.
One of them shakes and its eyes begin to turn red.
Scott and his teams find that this lab was indeed the Kiru lab.
Aidan took point with another marine. He had his carbine in hand. Active tracking on, he takes a shot at the tiger on his side.
it seemed the people who broke in knew what they were looking for.
One of the tigers takes a bullet into the face and one of its red eyes stops glowing red
the other shoots a laser towards...
ahhh shit Scott tells the team with him call more backup this is bad.
The marine gets a laser to his chest.
Sarah fires three more rounds (edited)
Kyle takes another step back and throws over the table as cover to protect him, Sarah, and Neera. Peeks over and takes another shot at the tiger.
The tiger avoids two but the third hits him in the eye. Then as Kyle attempts to attack the Tiger...
Dawn fires her revolver twice at the pair of tiger.
The tiger screeches attempting to disabled the room again
Aidan drops the carbine and lets the sling catch it and drew the gemmed service pistol he now always carried (ower armor should protect Aidan)
Scott tells command hes initiating quarantine on this sector till otherwise cleared
The tiger that screeched now stops functioning and is frozen in a walking position.
Setting the selector of the service pistol to full-auto, he grabbed the front grip and let a five round burst fly, concentrating on the gems and target of the one that laser the marine.
Command initiates the bulkhead sealing program and as many teams as could fall back to secured positions. An emergency message is issued to the entire section. "Warning! Due to potential exposure this area is under quarantine."
Erie avoids the disabling sound. She then fires lightening at the tiger.
The tiger avoids the bullets but walks into lightening.
Kyle turns to the other Tiger and steadies his aim, them takes two pot shots at the tiger that’s not disabled.
The tiger was shot in the face. It growls.
The tiger imitates self destruct.
“Fuck, only 1 in the chamber, let’s go!” Kyle said before releasing his final round.
The tiger freezes as his buddy and stops functioning. the red eyes slowly turn dark.
Aidan takes careful aim and empties the gem pistols magazine at the other target.
Kyle sighs and collapses to his knees, “thank god...” he mumbles to himself.
Eire goes aorund and heals everyone.
Clapping is heard as a man walks in. "very good..." (edited)
Aidan changed magazines and awaiting the next step
Aidan's head whipped around. "Who the fuck are you?"
"Let's try another test...." A portal opens up as a robot ape comes out of it and beats his chest.
Kyle goes and turns around to Sarah and Neera, “You two o-Okay?” He says fumbling for the extra .44 rounds in his pocket and shakingly reloading.
The man then fires a rope device at remi and pulls her into the portal stepping through.
Dawn moves to check on Seleni as this happens. Seleni yells at Dawn, "Go after him!". Drawing her own pistol Seleni fires at the ape as Dawn runs to the portal.
Erie pulls out a headset "Fuck this... Lexington to control... Yeah... Need you."
Tessa and six of the robots of hers appear.
Both Sarah and Neera raise pistols and fire three each
"Here is an idea; go find your comrade... Leave this guy to us." Erie said to the group.
Aidan was making sure that no one else on the way, and made and attempt and following Sumire through the portal
Tessa's robots line up and surround the ape. I thits one of the robots. The bot is unaffected.
Kyle got back over the table (his cover) sees that the person took Remi, “Damn it, I Why is it always saving the princess!” Kyle said jumping over and following after into the portal.
Sarah and Neera sigh before chasing after
Kyle sends a mass message over VX “Remi has been captured by some wicked voodoo asshole. Get the scientist prick!” (edited)
Scott orders 2 cecis to maintain quarantine the lab. The rest he orders to the fight that's being reported
As Kyle and the other two follow him the portal closes. The three appear in a warehouse. In the warehouse is a line of bugs. they screech.
“Fuck me sideways and call me Neera!” He muttered and opened fire on the bugs, popping all 5 shots at the bugs.
Aidan didn't make it through.
Sarah unloads her last two rounds as Neera fires the last of her mag
The portal closed on Aidan, he turned to face the Gorilla. It had to be a droid, but all the built up rage in Aidan made him turn on the speakers and vent his own war cry as he pulled the gem studded sword and made an attack run at the animal. (edited)
Kyle shoots out three of them; on one leg each; their mobility is decreased.
One of Tessa's bots moves out of the way or Aidan
"Swarm is here too...Well it is a maid's duty to take out the trash." Dawn says as she unloads the last 4 shots in her revolver.
Swinging the sword as the animal he was nearly screaming at this point, mad as hell, channeling energy he was going to plunge it into were the heart would be
One bug breaks its own neck trying to avoid the bullet. It is still a bug though so it doesn't die its just paralyzed and broken. Another walks into both bullets ending himself. All the rest hit
Kyle takes a step back and reloads his .44 again. “Shit, please just die you creepy critters!” He mumbles again. While taking another 5 carefully aimed shots.
The bug fails to avoid so badly that he flips over then spontaneously combusts. Bug remains scatter across the other bugs dropping their defense by 1.
"I leave these in you care" Dawn says, reloading, before running off to chase the kidnapper.
The three bugs fire acid at the party in front of them (not Dawn behind them)
Kyle reloads his last 5 rounds and kisses his .44 fuck please work. He said before trying to avoid the attack
Your skin is starting to melt; take 1d4 damage per turn until treated Kyle
Kyle is not affected with the melting and fires his last rounds into the bugs.
The two remaining bugs just drop.
Sarah and Neera slap in fresh magazines before following after where Dawn ran off to.
Kyle looks at his skin, “I need a medic...” he said before running after Neera and Sarah. Catching up.
They find Remi but not the scientist. She's just tied to a chair looking quite pissed as the hold spell went away; she was unable to move tied to the chair. An audio message comes over the warehouse. "Good work. Thank you for participating in todays test. The results looked promising. We hope to see you again and welcome your participation in the next test."
"The fuck kind of shit show is this?"
Kyle angrily walks over and cuts her free with the butter knife he had. “This is bullshit.” He murmured.
Dawn looks around trying to see if there was any traps.
Neera approaches the chair to free remi
Once Remi is freed she rages. "Fucking... fuck this guy!!!"
Neera sniffs around, "did he at least give a name?"
“Okay. I need to be healed please.” He asked Remi nicely and tired, holding his arms out.
Sarah scoffs, "does it fucking matter? The little shit is weazling with us."
Remi heals him.
"i can be fucking useful... pfft... fucking... I hate..." She rages.
Kyle sighs and walks off. Throwing his hoodie over and jogging off. Getting as far away from everyone as possible.
"For once I agree"
Remi also dawns a hoodie and walks off in the same manner as Kyle.
"M'lady, obscenities are of unbecoming of you." Dawn says to Remi
"I'm a Lady and I cuss, nobility be damned. Screw the dress, I prefer body armor."
Neera sighs, "Grandma you certainly don't lack for charm.", she says sarcastically.