Posted on Wednesday December 19th, 2018 @ 1:10pm by Brigadier General Aidan Thornton & Captain Sumire "Remi" Rembrant & Captain Scott Johnson Ph.D & Commander Selaniphi Kiirmant & Commander Ardent Dawn & Lieutenant Commander Jack Pine & Lilliana Ironwhite & Ellie "Nore" Tessa Ph.D MD & Naomi Westbridge & Elios Adams
2,205 words; about a 11 minute read
Season 2; Mission 3: We All Know What to Do; Let’s Not Do That…
Location: City-Ship; Command Center; Conference Room
Timeline: October 31th 4566 - Afternoon
Sumire and Aidan were in her quarters after the evening solidifying their engagement. The arrangement was something of an interesting thing considering their arrangement. multi-partner relationships were complicated. The two were summoned in an impromptu manner to the conference room by someone from security over the com. As was Jack, Warren, Nore, Erie, Scott and someone from diplomatic relations. Upon the groups entry into the room Naomi, some of the Aloris Council and Adams were there along with Hukari and even an ambassador from the Mint Republic, Orteria.... Basically all the major galactic powers were in the room... At least the major ones. MSA was being updated over a link as well being that their delegates were busy.
Jack sat quietly waiting for the proceedings to start, wondering what was going on. Whatever it was, seemed to be something big, and important, and in a way that made it hard to not wonder what it could be.
Aidan quickly changed back into fresh BSU's and sidearm. He walked with Sumire towards the conference room, all too conscious of how many traps had already been set and walked into. He kept his wits about him.
warren answers the summon, upon entering the intended facilities, he watches from the back as hes the last one showing up, he still showed signs of mourn but mostly its gone and passed
As everyone entered Adams said. "Sorry for the rather abrupt nature of this meeting everyone however... considering the nature of the wall of bugs outside... Their leaders still pulling strings... We need to do something about all of this." "Finally stepping in are we... I thought this sort of stuff was below your pay grade..." Eire said coldly to Adams. "You only became involved because I am here." Nore too indeed replied as coldly as Erie did. "I will get straight to the point then.... evacuate the Aloris homeworld; we are taking the affensive from the bugs leadership.... Kill their leaders as soon as y ou find them... As soon as those things unfeeze lets novabomb them... or gateway them to the-" "You are not blowing up my planet." Naomi replied. "I agree... the accords forbid it." The Mint republic Ambassador said as Hukari sighs. "Elios... so you guys take Trinity from the Federation and then order them to nuke allied worlds." Remi thinks ot herself. "political bickering... how fun... not..."
"It's time to grow a pair of balls..." Erie said "So you guys want another colony to be wiped.... How about talk to people who actually fought the bugs as opposed to just; you know bitching at each other about laws.... I don't think the bugs care about intergalactic conventions." She added.
Warren cutting in "Big one's not gonna be movin'.. last me and a buddy checked before doin' it, it shouldn't move for a month.. or a week if those things were smart enough to swarm back and pick at the ice.."
"and neither do Darius's minions whom are in charge of them now..." Remi added.
Jack continued to sit quietly and listen, as he had no place in this discussion.
Aidan chimed in. "Can we open up a gate and bomb the bugs homespace instead?"
"How about you guys just appoint one person to run all of our space since you can't make decisions." Lilly said appearing in the room.
"Time to show whomever keeps fucking with us that playtime is over. I'm sick of being on the defensive all the time." Aidan said, his skin turning crimson.
"the frozen moon up there is the home space.. unless theres another-- problem is, its right on us.. we either gotta move it or we move away." warren replying to Aidan's last chime (edited)
"Can we make it just large enough to take out the bugs and give it some kind of temporal gem shielding to get it to the center then denotate it?!" Aidan asked.
Hukari finally spoke again. "Put General Thornton in charge of all matters related to the bugs...." The group stared at her
"Turning to Adams, he said. "Try being completely on our side for once."
"Thornton is a solider; I am not putting the military in charge of a civilian leadership matter." The Mint Republic ambassador said.
"SO you guys can bicker fo rthe next six months meanwhile the bugs unfreeze...." Erie scoffed.
"to stop the bickering, what should we do" warren asked out
"Stop having the civilian governments tie my hands every other step Ambassdor. Or are you capable to commiting to a plan of action and taking the consequences?" Aidan shot back.
"We have to prepare for the evacuation of Aloris even if we manage hold it." Aidan shot back. "Earth wasn't a pretty site and we won't be so lucky if it happens here." Aidan added.
Scott walks in on bickering ambassadors wondering what they are telling about
Seleni follows Scott in, curious as to what was the commotion was about.
The Orteria ambassador points at Sumire. "The Princess is civilian, royalty and military... I believe she would fit the bill for fulfilling the nonmilitary/military and galactic objectives." "Of course you would select your own Princess.... This is outrag-" Adams puts up his hand and the Ambassador stops talking "I believe the Orteria Ambassador has the right idea.... Thornton, Tessa and Rembrant work with Mr. Glastiel and Dr. Johnson on solving this and Naomi evacuate your world even if we do not blow it up getting your people killed would do nothing but serve the bugs." "I never said no to the evacuation."
Aidan turned to Lilly. "Didn't you say some of the bug masters were still on planet?" (edited)
"Yes.... Their leadership is still here."
Lilly said.
"I'd think at this point, cut the head of the snake." Aidan offered. "Time to send a message."
All of the politicians seemto agree putting the combined group in charge of killing the bugs and ealing with this matter. "very well... let the Federation and TUC's Trinity deal with tihs mess...." The Mint ambassador said.
"We just can't go scanning the entire population or start sentencing others to death." Seleni said. "We don't even know who it is."
Erie smirked. "why are you guys still a government..." She commented about th eMint Republic.
"so its down to either finding the ones responsible for bringin' it here-- or some how gettin' the bastard out of the planet's orbit." (edited)
Jack leaned back a little bit, intently listening as things were still discussed, but still remained quiet as he had nothing to add. He had no standing, or authority here, so any suggestion would be mute. Especially since he was still learning things about this universe.
Aidan asked Lilly, "How close can you pinpoint leaders?"
"They are all very powerful signatures; you cannot scan based on power levels?" Lilly seemed confused as to how such an advanced fleet was not set up in this way. The other government officials agreed with Adams' idea Naomi's pets go off and begin preparations for evac.
"I'm equipped with gravity well generators. I a sense tow that thing somewhere else." Seleni says.
Scott just sits back considering how you would track high levels of psychic exertion
Adams nodded. "Good... well I will leave you to planning... Thornton and rembrant you and my master's pet are in charge." "I am no ones pet." Nore eplied to Adams as he disappeared.
'Fucking asshole. Just once I want him here on our side and not hoping we come up with the fucking solution." Aidan said in regards to Adams.
"I can either help evacuate or assist you guys. I can't do both." Seleni says.
"Q do not care or have you not understood that..." Erie replied to Aidan. (edited)
warren looks over to aidan "So boss-- what're we lookin' t'do?"
"I understand it all too well. His being here serves no purpose, other than making me want to use him like a punching bag." Aidan replied.
Meh I miss the old days where things were less hectic
Mint's ambassador leaves as does Naomi and the other ambassadors except the Orteria Ambassador, Hukari and the Trinity gorup
"These people use to be less moronic..." Hukari said about the politicians.
the ambassador nods.
"Start the evacuation. However I am also going to have Lilly keep tabs on what she can. If I think the bugs are coming out. I plan on nuking the planet. No I am NOT kidding." Aidan said.
Lilly nods. "My fleet is already scanning General."
"We could just use a biological weapon." Nore suggested.
"Target the bugs RNA."
"I guess I'm taking on as many refugees as I can." Seleni says. "Should we start evacuating now?"
"take off the kid gloves...." Eire said laughing.
"Violating intergalactic law; I like it..."
She added
"Unless you want to wait for the engraved orders, yes, start saving people." Aidan offered. Turning to Nore, Aidan asked. "If you have the means to make a biological weapons, why are we JUST hearing about it?"
Aidan can I just have ceci play with them using her death ray weapon?
"Politicians; that is why..."Nore replied to Aidan.
"My bosses may be assholes but they still listen to the galaxy when it complains."
"either violate the law and live, or die lawful." Warren coldly stated
"How close are we to deployment?" Aidan asked Nore.
"I can have one soon; I just need some of Dr. Johnson's biolabs and scientists." "You have all of our scientific resources." the Orteria ambassador said.
"Scott. Shut the hell up. We have people on the planet too." Aidan replied. "Come up with something constructive or get out."
Erie heads out to go brief her other agents that were still let from when she governed her planet.
Hukari leaves them to their work and the Orteria Ambassador goes to brief his soldiers bowing lightly to Remi whom had let Aidan take the reigns even though she was in charge too... She liked that everyone was not badgering her with questions for once.
"Good Nore. Scott. There is your constructive plan. A biologic deliver system that leaves civilian ALIVE"
"The next son of a bitch that mentions me breaking intergalatic law is going into the brig until my fucking trial." Aidan said
Jack wasn't sure what to do, he was a soldier, not a scientist. He was unsure of what he could even do, as he felt utterly useless right now. He would have to wait for orders, it's all he could do.
"We have so few options, and none of them look very pretty.", He said shaking his head.
"Remember there is still the ex-FSF guys to deal with; the bugs are one problem; military force on those assholes is another problem..." remi finally said
"well except for the guy who merged himsefl with a bug..."
She snickers.
"So since all the government idiots left anyone else have any other ideas or things to discuss?" Remi asked.
Warren looking on as he observes the conversation
"My door is always open for constructive ideas and things that help" Aidan added.
Jack shakes his head, "Unless there was anything you needed to discuss with me, may I be dismissed? I don't think there is anything I can add, I am only a soldier." (edited)
remi scowled at him. "Dude... you have fought how many battles and led your own soldiers; we are fighting godlike enemies... yean bioweapons are not something you know stuff about; leave that to the scientists... as for tactics fighting the leader asshats... Think.... use your brain."
"why not bait and lure all the bug leaders to one location to eliminate them all at once?", he replied after a moment. (edited)
Aidan offered, "Soldiers do more than kill Jack. I can't tell you how many disasters and other events I have participated in. Find someplace to be useful."
Nore heads off to go prepare the bioweapons with Scott.
Lilly takes a seat.
Warren looks on "hmm" seeming to think of something
Lilly poofs back to her ship self.
"if we psionically sense around, can't we feel who was under influences or feel resonance of whatever the bugs had on them? If we we're goin' the search route or plant it on evac ships?"
"Well if I'm not needed anymore me and Dawn should get to evacuating the populace." Seleni says as she leaves.
Aidan said, "Jack, if the enemy is smart enough to trap our people, board our ships, and hide on a planet full of people, how likely are they to fall for a psionic lamp and act like moths 'oh a pretty flame, let's follow it.'
"Then we don't use a lamp. We offer up a target they couldn't possibly resist, and wait to pounce once they come in to collect."
"Find out what that is and report back to me." Aidan said.
"Yes, sir." Jack said.
"Dismissed people." Aidan said.
Remi nods and heads out messaging Aidan.