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A man and his dog part 2

Posted on Thursday August 30th, 2018 @ 10:53am by Lieutenant Commander Sarissa Slane M.D. & Lieutenant JG Niklas Blom M.D. Ph.D & 2nd Lieutenant Kyle Dee (Ian)

1,412 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Season 2: Mission 1: Day after Day
Location: Medical
Timeline: Oct 15, 4566 afternoon

The small group made it to Medical without incident. Sarissa was observing the patient without saying anything. 

Sarissa walked into Medical, Niklas was there. "Prep for a full physical, unknown humanoid. Standard lab panels" 

Niklas acknowledged and went over to a nearby cabinet to retreive sample containers.  With Marine guards in tow, the new arrival walked in. Sarissa said, "Please have a seat on this biobed so I can take a few scans."
Kyle and Holly walk in behind her and Holly lays down tired. “Wow. Medical sure has changed a lot.” He said in a good mood.
Sarissa commented, "That is an understatement given the time period you say you come from. Sit still please." She waved the handheld scanner in a smooth practiced manner for about a minute, taking the time to scan the canine as well. "One more. Remain still and breath normally." The room sensors whirred and buzzed for about 5 seconds before they silenced. Putting up the information on a large display all three could read, she commented. "There are some inconsistencies in you genetic makeup."
He remained silent with just the grin on his face. Not commenting. Though obviously knowing the case already.
"It is illogical to withhold information. If you do not cooperate, I will have little choice but to run more tests to ensure you are not a danger to yourself or the rest of the crew." She said evenly but another Vulcan might detect some frustration. 

Niklas offered, "what you tell us remains here, doctor-patient confidentiality.' He added.
“I am... well by now cryologically 9573 years old. Biologically 7573 years old. I have a sort of, ‘Immortality Gene’ as the UN scientist claimed. An extra 4 sets of unknown chromosomes.” He said smiling with his happy tone.
He nodded over at Holly, “She was their attempt to create an Immortality Gene for others, though only extended her life by an extra 20 years and the other two died in the genetic process. Making them cancel The Phoenix Project.”
(The dog has only a slightly longer life. The other two animal subjects died due to them not being able to survive)
Niklas added, "Another reason that kind of genetic manipulation was outlawed centuries ago. It rarely worked and the results were unpredictable."
Sarissa walked over, retrieving a sample container. "I will need a blood sample from both of you." Slipping it into the hypospray, she tapped the patients arm, found a vein, and pressed it against the flesh. It filled with blood." Niklas started to repeat the process with Molly. He has studied up and placed his below her head for her to sniff before continuing.
“Holly, Tihle kluci určitě jsou zajímaví, ne?” Kyle said speaking in Czech.
Niklas analyze the speech instantly and didn't need the UT to tell him what language it was in. He responded in fluent Czech, "That we are Mister.....that we are. I will need a name for the file."
“Uh....” He said puzzled, “Name... name name name... what is a name that I have...” He said seeing as he never had an actual name.
"Methuselah would be appropriate but a bit long" Niklas quipped.

Niklas scratched the dog behind the ear, and it twisted as it enjoyed the attention. With his other hand he found a vein on the canine front leg and retrieved the sample. "Good pup." He offered, sealing the container one handed.
“Well... they always called me Azazel... I guess that could work.” He said smiling.
“It’s not like I have wings though, not like Seraphina’s at least.”
Niklas took both samples, made sure they were labeled properly, and used a hand to shake them at super speed. It was easier than using the machine for him. "Carmela does, my pet Angeldragon, you'll meet her at some point."
“Oh fun! I’m sure my knowledge will be most appreciated. Though some of my actions may have been questionable...” he said still happy.
“I have mastered may things and have participated in many wars and conflicts. Even amassing a large sum of wealth. Though that is gone now.” He paused thinking, “No family either, had a woman adopt me years back but then I lost her. So I’m all alone in this.”
Sarissa commented, "Anyone that cared about such events would like have died thousands of years ago. Something you are used to I assume. Though until I see the results, I am dubious as to your age."
Kyle chuckled, “Yeah that’s usually the first response to my statement. Just make sure you’re sitting down when you see. The last dozen that looked at my DNA had to.” He said chuckling still.
Niklas stopped and placed the samples into the holder. He added a wireless probe to both and a few microbots to each as the computer started working on them. " Like you said. Extra sets of chromosones. Healing factor is nearly double normal human rates. Your oxidant rate is low. That would explain why you don't age. You body attack oxidants more like a normal body would attack a virus."
Kyle chuckled, “Heard it all before.”
“So, are there any questions you have for me while I’m sitting here? Or would that be up to whoever is in command?”
Sarissa asked, "Any pain, or other ailments we should know about? I need a baseline to compare it against in case we ever need to treat you Azazel. As for the question, I am sure Command will have a few."
“No pain, never been sick before. Only cancer twice but I’m fine now!” He said smiling.
Sarissa commented, "Cancer is very treatable now, my concern is the type of cancer might absorb your particular mutation, making it harder to remove."
He just nodded, “Both already did...”
“I would show you the scars but it would be hard to tell you exactly due to me being covered in them.”
“I’ve been cut at, shot, and burned a lot.” He said bluntly but in his happy upbeat tone.
NIklas said, "That too would be easy to fix. " He picked up a dermal regenerator. 
“Oh no thank you. I prefer to keep them.”
“They’re proof that I exist. Without them I’d be loosing my tokens of the past.” He said looking down at his chest and grabbing at his heart.
Sarissa added, "Then you would be normal with this illogical crew. They have some mental attachment to keeping the disfigurments." She actually shook her head at that.
“On top of that I’ve been told chicks dig scars so... he He he.” He said winking with his smile on his face.
“That statement is older than me so it’s got some weight to it.”
The machine on the counter beeped. It displayed both patients genomes in full. NIklas poured over the data and filed a report which he handed to Sarissa. "You are not a danger to the crew. Neither is your pet. I am clearing you and we'll have the quartermaster assign you guest quarters for your stay. Is there anything else I can assist you with?" The curvy black Vulcan woman asked.
“Well while I’m making a complete pig out of myself. You wouldn’t happen to be available to go on a date now would you?” He said smiling with his upbeat tone.
Sarissa simply said, "I am married. I am sure you can find a more suitable sexual partner onboard. doctor and a woman, gain some weight."
“Damn that’s some pure honesty right there! Thanks for that at least. Also, I know being 135 lbs and being 5’11” is actually normal for my size.” He said smiling. “Well then I’ll get out of your hair and go grab my things.” He does a Vulcan salute, “Peace!”
He gets up and walks over to Holly and pets her, “Time to go baby.”
The marines were still in tow.  One of the guards said, "I've contacted the quartermaster. I will escort you to you quarters."
“Oh fun! I guess you’re going to be stuck escorting a relic then.” He said chuckling.
"I have my orders Sir. Nothing personal."
"If you will follow me." One of them was in front leading the way, while the other walked behind.
“Oh it’s no problem at all. I enjoy the company.” He said following them with Holly next to him.


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