Maiden Voyage
Posted on Saturday June 23rd, 2018 @ 4:31am by Captain Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark & Arisa Eirini & Commander Selaniphi Kiirmant & Lieutenant JG Niklas Blom M.D. Ph.D & Ensign Kirin Dragmawl & Ensign Flennel Lanreth
Edited on on Tuesday June 26th, 2018 @ 4:44pm
1,058 words; about a 5 minute read
Season 2: Mission 1: Day after Day
Location: DFS Lavie - Captain's Yacht
Timeline: October 11th 4566 Daytime
Ari had finished with... well she had reorganized her quarters and everything else. She felt like she trained enough. She was starting to get bored The ship had finally gotten resupplied and was literally ready to leave and spend three more weeks being bored. She wondered how she could liven things up after the month of hell. She went to the one thing she never used; and Yu-Yu never used... The Captain's Yacht... She wanders through the docking put into this little ship taking a seat at tis controls. She messaged Sashi, Flan, Kirin and Nik asking them if they would be interested in helping her crew this thing and going for a little spin.
Niklas had just finished an uneventful shift in Medical and replied he would be happy to oblige and was on the way in short order.
Just hanging out in her quarters Flan answers back "Sure, Ill be on the way.. Let me pack my work supplies, just in case." and begin doing just that, before some time arriving outside where she needed to be, waiting for the others
kirin sends a reply back, " sure give me a few minutes to get ready and i will meet up with you"
With nothing better to do, besides doodle, Sashi replies that she'll be there soon and then gets up from her bed and puts away the little notepad of doodles she carried everywhere, after which she heads to the yacht.
kirin grabs his family sword and the rock with mutiple gems in it and heads over to the security room to pick up a collapsible pistol to meet up with ari
Ari getting responses from people transports her bag to the ship. She also notifies judgment and the bridge they will be heading out for a flight. The bridge knowing nothing would happen for a bit acknowledges the notice. Ari also invites Arisa. The judgment cloaks itself and launches preparing to follow the little runabout.
NIklas arrived first, he greeted the new Captain warmly, and used a secondary station to allow a makeshift science console. "Any specific destination, Sir?" He asked Ari
When Nik arrived and asked her where they wre going she shrugged. "I had no desitnation in particular I was just looking over the technical specifications for this ship. Even the Defiant class support ships attached to the side of this thing have never been used; I figure why not take this thing out on its maiden voyage..." She explained as she stowed the bag she just summoned.
Sashi arrives and greets the two with a wave.
when kirin gets there he see niklas, sashi, and ari already waiting
flan waves at the group, sitting quiet at the corner as she was early
Arisa soon walks in and takes a seat.
"So everyone is here..." Ari said
"Well; who here is a good pilot; I know Seleni is; what with flying herself for so long... Nik; you ever manned a systems manager seat before?" Ari asked.
"No but I have the protocols and information from LT. Trouve. It 'll be easy Captain." Nik offered and he turned to reconfigure the console.(edited)
"I've only piloted mechs.... and really small shuttles.." flan answers, as she shuffles seats next to Arisa
"Hum... Well... Kirin; man the weapons station if you would and Nik download those protocols and then lets get going... Consider this sort of a mini vacation or something; formalities out the window." Ari said as she took a seat in one of the passenger couches. "Any particular destination anyone wants to head for" she asked.
"I'm already running them Sir, a side benefit of sharing information. Starting preflight and warming the engines." NIklas offered.
kirin sits down at the weapon station looks at the panels confused on what any of it does
Taking the copilots seat, Seleni starts the preflight checks and murmurs to herself. "Sometimes I wish I can directly interface with stuff. Would've made life a whole lot easier."
"Um... You can." Arisa said. "There is an implant in the back of your neck; it connects you to your ship but it can also allow you to interface with other networks and systems." She said. "I swear they tell you people nothing..."
"is there anything I should man..? or should I sit close to the engine room..?"
"You'll rotate in; just like I will; this is for people to have fun... this flight is NOT about work; after all we were the only ship in the fleet NOT carrying survivors; so all work we needed to complete was finished by the crew on here that couldn't leave; then when I came back I finished the administrative work... All that is left is to run drills but after three weeks of death drills and emergency response mode I don't think we need more drills... We need a break... Everyone is on thinner ice than before; I'm surprised Lavie didn't lose anyone on the ship over all this..." Ari explained. She then lays across the couch.
"So pick somewhere and go..." She said as the two finished the preflight checks. All systems were in order.
"ah.. Sorry I'm just.. used to doing my job that its kinda second nature.."
flan shuffles back over to arisa, hovering near her, quietly
"It's all good... You need to lighten up though... I mean fuck... All of you do... Yeah I command a warship; big whoop... We just watched half our homeworld's population be annihilated... I would say that all of you need to drop formalities and be friends, talk, be real with each other... if you require me to do this consider taking this as R and R an order..." She sadi to everyone still laying on the couch.
Seleni looks at Nik. "Well...I have no idea as where to go...."
"um.." flan pulls out a little hexagonal locket and opens it revealing a projection of a multi-colored party light playing a cutesy catchy song "look.. something fun..!" she painfully tries to be social and trying to loosen up, but its very awkward
By Captain Erin "Ari" Mizriki-Clark on Tuesday June 26th, 2018 @ 4:46pm
Modified post time to reflect continuity of posts. After review of current state of story; the post have to have occurred on the next day. It could not have occurred while Ari was currently located elsewhere.