Departing to Volcano Hell
Posted on Wednesday September 12th, 2018 @ 3:06pm by Captain Sumire "Remi" Rembrant & Brigadier General Aidan Thornton & Commander Selaniphi Kiirmant & Ensign Flennel Lanreth & Ensign Ayasha Thornton & 2nd Lieutenant Kyle Dee (Ian) & Crewman Chandra Dee & Lieutenant Seraphina Cerulius
914 words; about a 5 minute read
Season 2: Mission 1: Day after Day
Location: Aerowing Shuttle
Timeline: October 17th 4566 Evening
The planet was secure and Aidan along with his marines and technical staff had completed their work. Sumire had gathered together the team on the Aerowing and looking at the starchart to their next destination while eating a pocky. She continued the munch the stick as she announced to the room. "Next I think we should go for the more annoying of our objectives since war seems to follow us anywhere we go anyway..."
"Okay? Which would be?", Sera asked.
Sumire feels a familiar cold air near her, as Warren sat by commenting "so what're we doin'?"
Kyle would be walking around with Chandra and Holley. Them speaking French to each other, Kyle explaining the events that have taken place. He was now wearing a black, grey and white polo shirt and dark blue jeans with vans. She was still wearing the dark green and gold flight suit looking at him trying to understand the situation. Both of them holding hands.
"Volcano hell... basically..." Sumire replied to the question of where they would be going.(edited)
Aidan was in the background. It was time to see if the eagles he kept pushing out of the nest could fly on their own.
"a volcanic environment, huh?" warren commented. "At least bugs shouldn't be there, they'd get all fried, assuming they didn't find a way to adapt to the planet." he added in worry for what could happen
Sera sat sipping and listening.
Ayasha walked by the pair. Her bag packed. She was at a quick trot. Passing the Dees she offered, "So you two decided to stay on the planet? The shuttle is lifting off any moment. I think I am the last passenger."(edited)
“Oh crap thanks for informing me!” Kyle said picking up Chandra then dashing to the shuttle rushing into the shuttle, holding her like a princess as she just looked confused, Holley right next to him. “Apologies...” He said smiling.(edited)
Ayasha secured her gear and settled into a chair, she pulled out her study guide.
Remi shrugged. "It has become an expectation of mine Lt. dee... thank you for finally joining us though..." Sumire said with a bit of sharpness to her voice.
"I'm glad you could take a moment out of your day to arrive." Sumire Said coldly.
Aidan piped up. "Get a VX. That's an order. Next time, you can stay. Understood?"
Seleni idly spins around on the pilots chair.
"Who's your friend honey?", Sera asked very curious at who the girl was, before taking another sip of tea.(edited)
“A lieutenant?” He said chuckling. “Not worth my time. Make me a private. I want to earn it.” He said setting Chandra down in a seat then sitting down next to her.
Chandra leaned against him and asked in French, “Who are these people?”
Kyle looked at Aiden, “Right now sir? Or later today?” Then turning to Seraphina, “This is Chandra.”(edited)
"Friend of yours?", Sera asked in between sips.
“Yeah, an old friend.” He said smiling.
Chandra looking around at everyone else then just squeezed his hand tighter. “Military personnel no?” She asked him in French again.
“Yes they are, not all of them are what you would call, jolly like me.” He responded in French smiling.
"We will be recovering one of the main components from a small base on the volcano world... any questions; differ them to Warren..." Sumire then make sure everyone was accounted for and the gear was in order. She then walks over to Aidan "Everything is good to go Col... Permission for my team and I to depart?" She asked. Remi then grabs something rom one of the storage lockers and tosses it to Kyle. "Open it... its a temporary watch VX unit like what Seraphina has... use that until you talk to the Lt. Commander." She then returned her attention to her superior.
Kyle strapped on the watch, though took him a bit due to one o his hands being held captive from him by Chandra.
"And why is a civilian going with us sir?"
She asked Aidan
"That is a good question. Why is this new person, who we don't know what is capable of, coming along?" Seleni asks.
"As soon as possible." Aidan replied to Azazel. Your duaghter too. By the end of business today unless Medical cannot. Otherwise, I may consider extra duty an option."
"She will be staying on board, as will Azazel" Aidan replied.(edited)
Kyle glanced over to Aiden, “So I don’t get to go? No fun.”
"Understood." Sumire replied.
warren sat in a mannerism as if he's talking on a phone, as if he's trying to finish up a phone call.(edited)
"More incentive to do your training and get up to speed. I am sure there are about 4 weeks of procedure you could brush up on, considering that last mission outcome." Aidan said to Kyle.(edited)
“So me even showing up was pointless.” He stated blatantly with a smile.
Chandra sensing his discontent. And promptly sitting up straight.(edited)
Sumire VX'ed Seleni to prepare to depart then she headed into the back of the ship and took up her customary position on the couch in there. They would have a day to arrive at this next world.
Seleni warms up the shuttle's engines and takes off.
Seleni continues to spin in the chair as they transit to their destination.