Sumire's Knights
Posted on Saturday October 6th, 2018 @ 7:52am by Captain Sumire "Remi" Rembrant & Ellie "Nore" Tessa Ph.D MD & Brigadier General Aidan Thornton & Captain Scott Johnson Ph.D & Commander Selaniphi Kiirmant & Ensign Ayasha Thornton & 2nd Lieutenant Kyle Dee (Ian) & Crewman Chandra Dee
3,700 words; about a 19 minute read
Season 2; Mission 2: It's Only Fun Until Someone Gets Hurt
Location: City-Ship; Commercial District, Lounge
Timeline: October 19th 4566; Afternoon
After the removal of Mr. Pine and his other comrades Personnel was busy checking out each individual member of his group and was releasing individual members as they were cleared of any involvement in past activities. They were still a week and a half from the Aloris Capital and Remi found herself in an odd place with nothing to do at present. especially with time off. She was sitting in the lounge sipping at a coffee for the effect more than anything.
A ship meanwhile entered the cityship's port and a man with brown hair and green eyes in a white uniform exited the ship. He passed through port security without an issue once he was identified. They allowed him to keep his sword and sidearm. The man began to make his way around the city seeking some sort of information terminal or someone who looked to know what was going on around here.
In Scott's bunker where the stargate that sent everyone to the alternate jail dimension was Seph was keeping an eye on how stable the other dimension was especially with how many people were in it and how often people were being extracted from it. Seph then said "Maybe we should have asked for more help with this... I'm not sure its going to stay stable dear." She said to Scott. (edited)
"Maybe we should get her?" Seph said to Scott.
scott chuckles and asks the comp to call tess to the bunker
the Onyx AI sent the transmission and Nore appeared in a transporter room near Scott's bunker; there were two guards in there. One of them asks her to identify herself. "I'm Nore Tessa; here to meet your head of Research." The other guard a Nick Clone piped up. "isn't that a car..." The other guard sighed "No; thats Tesla... Shes a person you idiot."
Kyle was sitting on the ground, leaning against a tree next to Chandra out by the park. They had just finished a small chat between themselves and were eating. Not very much liking the position both of them were in.
Kyle swallowed his chicken then broke the silence, “We really need to figure out what we need to do next. We can’t stay moving around forever. They seemed dead-set if removing them. I may be next. So I need to make sure you’re safe. Until then, we should just do what they say.” He said calmly and quietly. Still slightly frustrated.
Chandra leaned against his shoulder, “Father, I don’t want to lose anymore family. I don’t like this place all that much but, at least they brought you back to me.” She said looking up to him. “Just give it time and things might just return to how they were.” She spoke in a soothing tone as they relaxed and ate.
Aidan had just finished up a grueling hour long sword training with some of the Marines. He showered and changed to slacks, button down shirt, and vest to cover the omnipresent sidearm. He transported to the cityship and walked around, looking for a new place to eat, becoming bored with the usual fare.
Seleni finds Kyle an Chandra at the park, while wandering about. Waving at the two, Seleni walks towards the pair.
As the man in the uniform was walking by the park he noticed Kyle and Chandra. He remembered their stats and photos from the dossier. He stopped and decided he would have them help him seek Sumire. He approached and saluted. "I am Captain Marquis Sheplin from the Orteria Defense Service; I could not help but hear your predicament and offer you a solution though Lady Sumire; if I do recall you are part of her team... Could you possibly help me in locating her?" The man asked politely almost as if regarding them as some type of heroes or people somehow above him in authority.
Captain Sheplin also salutes Seleni and bows to her "Captain Kiirmant"
Seleni tilts her head. "I assume that my actual name is now logged?" She says as she extends out her hand.
he nods and takes her hand. "Our intelligence division is quite through"
Kyle spots her and gives a short wave back. Chandra gets off of his shoulder and sits up giving a tired smile.
Kyle then spotted the man walk over and stood up, putting one of his hands on Chandra’s shoulder as he stood. “A pleasure.” He said calmly yet quiet, giving off a more or less tired tone. “Apologies, I have yet to encounter her. I would suggest somewhere with a large sum of alcohol. The lounge possible.” He suggested to him.
“As you can see me and my daughter are having a pic-nic.” He Slowly gestured back at the set up.
Aidan found a interesting Colombian place and cheerfully wolfed down three large empanadas and was ordered two more before paying and walking off some of the meal as it settled.
The man nods then heads off in search of someone to help him locate her.
Kyle sighed then sat back down, looking back up to Seleni. “What have you been up to?” He asked not really knowing who this person was.
“Would you like to join us miss?” Chandra offered her.
"Nothing much, and no thanks, but thank you" Seleni says as she sends a VX to Remi informing her that a Captain Maruis Sheplin is looking for her
Aidan would spot Sheplin and the Captain him. Sheplin approaches. "Greetings Col Thornton... "I am Captain Marquis Sheplin from the Orteria Defense Service. I am seeking the location of Lady Sumire... Could you perhaps direct me to her location?"
Aidan offered his hand since wasn't in uniform. "I don't know but I will find out."
He sent Sumire a message and informed her who was looking for her and where he was.
RisaXSeph 30-Sep-18 08:57 PM
The man nods taking his hand. "Splendid. Your other officers seemed preoccupied... You might want to have someone address their concerns before they become a morale problem."
he said cheerfully more offering advice to a fellow staff officer.
"We have to absorb strays along the way sometimes. Training and manners takes time. I will pass along information and get it addressed. Thank you Captain." Aidan started guiding them towards Sumire's location. (edited)
The man nodded. "It is understandable; new recruits are sometimes hard to adjust to the life we live but it is part of the process."
Aidan kept the thought that stubborn 9000 year old former SS soldiers weren't in the normal process, instead he offered, "That true and we stay busy along the way. What brings you to our humble location?" he asked. (edited)
"Such things happened when we were annexed into the federation."
Kyle and Chandra continued on with their meal. Kyle cracking out a bottle of champagne and pouring both of them a glass. Seeing how he’s going to need a buzz to even get through the day.
Chandra sipped it as she saw him down in as soon as he set the bottle down. She was worried, he seemed just more tired then when they first met. More shut in and reclusive. She had to think of something to cheer him up but didn’t know what.
"I am here to discuss some operational changes of our military with the Lady. With some changes to how things are governed on our world and her recent showing of her abilities her father believes it is time she start pulling her weight and taking charge of our military."
"It is the duty of a member of the royal family to take charge of an area of the government... Her later brother was to take command of the military."
"Interesting. I have to admit that she has suprised me in her professional abilities. Competent and thorough. Hard to ask for more." Aidan said, have trouble not imagining her in a few of the more intense moments of recent passion. He left that out.
scott says hi to tessa
RisaXSeph 30-Sep-18 09:08 PM
As Scott arrives and greets Nore she follows him and on the way asks. "So... you are having trouble with the stargate system or that dimensional... well... alternate.... What should we even call this..."
Sheplin follows Aidan and the two soon arrive at the lounge Remi is finished with her coffee but remained seated her back to them unaware of one of her dad's soldiers approaching her.
Ayasha walked into the park, wanting to soak up some sun and let her mind wander to less dutiful thoughts. She walked and saw Kyle and Chandra in the distance. She was torn between saying hello to see how they were doing and minding her own business and keeping her sanity. She reminded herself that they had no one and walked over.
Seleni sees Ayasha approach and waves in greeting.
Aidan sent her a pic of the gentleman accompanying him as he said, "Lieutenant Rembrant. A moment of your time."
"well i call the prison adress the new big house" Scott said
Ayasha returned the wave and closed more of the distance.
Kyle was wearing his grey throw over hoodie and black cargo pants with black sneakers. While Chandra wore a Black tank top with blue jeans and Red sneakers.
Chandra waved slightly at Ayasha and nudged Kyle on the shoulder. Getting his attention and setting down the bottle and glass, after drinking 6 cups. He also gave a smile, though he seemed emotionally exhausted.
Their pic-nic still full of all sorts of foods that they had cooked up before arriving. Cake, chicken, sweet potato, and many more goodies. Chandra said to Ayasha, “Bonjour.”
Ayasha returned the greeting in decent French. "Bonjour. My French is a bit rusty, it'll be nice to have someone to practice with." Turning to Kyle, she switched to a less friendly tone. "Since I am not your nurse anymore. Slow the fuck down on the liquor. Immortal or not, I don't need the extra work and your daughter deserves more interaction than a drunk dad."
Remi turns around. "What does father want now... Isn't he not allowed to send you guys after me... I was adopted into a new family." remi said coldly to Sheplin. "Mi'lady your blood is still of the Orteria Nobility." "And... Dad talks to me over video conferences... SO I am not good enough for him to come himself... Whatever... Why are you here?" The man kneels before her. "To offer you our sword... The Orteria Defense Service swears its loyalty and vows to service you Lady Sumire Shoji... We humbly offer ourselves to you in service of our world to defend our people and aide the Federation in its war against the vile Swarm." She laughs at him. "Wait wait... you practiced this didn't you... I'm sorry but you see I'm busy already with Trinity..." "This is no joke-" "and I don't share my father's last name... So why now then..." "Because you have shown your worth and your willingness to die in the name of service." She rolled her eyes. "So father is only interested cause I was shot ey..." "No; you took this role from y our brother." "What about miss perfect Yuki...." "She is not worthy of this right; she is not of royal blood."
"remi got up and left. The man however continues to follow her like a good royal guard.
"I should go see if that stranger found our C.O." Seleni says getting up. "Try not to poison yourself to much." She says to Kyle as she leaves.
Chandra sighed and looked at Kyle as he just felt more like shot after she said that. He grabs the bottle and puts it away then just sighs.
“So What brings you over to us? You don’t seem pleased to want to be over here speaking to us.” Chandra asked curiously. While Kyle remained silent and nodded to Seleni’s request as she left.
is there a way you can help us stablize this tessa...and maybe make it hell for prisoners to leave?
"And keep them from being killed by its collapse... yes..." Nore said as the two soon arrived in the bunker.
Kyle looked up to Ayasha, “Seraphina is gone. I’m just trying to get over it. Maybe drinking isn’t the best option. But it helps numb things down. I wasn’t going to smash myself. Just get a buzz so I can feel something.” He said softly and quietly.
Chandra didn’t know how to respond and just looked at him worried.
Remi stops as she notices Sheplin still following her. "What do you want?!" "I am but a protector of the royal family and having sworn my loyalty to you I will remain by your side." "Cute..." She said with a sigh crossing her arms.
Switching back to French, Ayasha said to Chandra, "You're fine, I'm giving drunky the fish here grief so he'll be less an ass. I'd think the mess hall getting a French chef would be a good thing."
Aidan said to Sumire, "I think they want to steal you from me. I don't plan to make that an easy task." (edited)
RisaXSeph 30-Sep-18 09:30 PM
Sheplin shakes his head. "No; if they lady wants to stay here that is her right... We will help her fight her war in protection of the Federation and our own people."
Kyle chuckles as he knows what he did in the past had upset others. “Yeah...” he mumbled.
Chandra blushed, “I do bake yes... and cook. However I always cooked with family so, being around strangers is still new for me. This all right here I did not cook however, only the cake was me.”
"Is this what this is all about?" Seleni asks as she comes up behind Remi. "Colonel" She says to Aidan with a respectful nod.
Remi sighs. "I can protect myself... Captain; return to your ship." "Understood your highness..." "Then you can return home." "I cannot do that; your battle is here. We have a fleet of ships awaiting your orders Lady Sumire."
"i got another idea for you later" Scott said to Nore
Aidan returned the nod to Seleni. Aidan turned at the comment. "A fleet?"
"Correct; the Defense Fleet has amassed our vessels... A small unit is left defending the homeworld; our twenty-four ships are awaiting orders."
Ayasha said to Chandra. "Then make sure to bake them for the troops. I have to watch my figure. I don't want to get too thick like my mom."
"You had an entire fleet arrive here...." Seleni says in disbelief.
"That is correct. We are ready to fight with honor." Remi sighs and shakes he rhead.
Seleni just sighs and shakes her head. (edited)
“I guess having a little weight isn’t all that bad.” Chandra said turning to Kyle as she said that. “You just need to eat the damn cake...” she said smiling.
Kyle’s smile came back for a moment and he nodded to her, “U-understood.” As he went to grab a slice.
“Honestly, we haven’t been able to adjust at all. It doesn’t help when you’re dealing with a father who can’t even act human.” Chandra said as Kyle looked more depressed. “Apologies Chandra.” He said to her then glancing at Ayasha.
"The more the merrier. Get me a list and let's see how we integrate this the best way. I will present it to the commodore" Aidan said.
Ayasha commented. "You think someone as old as you are would have their mind set. Have the hobbies set. Things they liked to do. Painting, music, something creative. "
Remi shook her head "Your encouraging him..." She said to Aidan (edited)
“I made technology. I loved to make everything I could imagine. I can’t now. I’m not as free as I use to be. All the resources I use to have are gone now.” Kyle stated to her quietly. “I’ve been doing it forever. Even when my parents abused or abandoned me I would continue. It’s just not available.”
"My apologies, Lieutenant." Aidan wanted to add 'your highness" but thought better of it."
Ayasha added. "What resources do you need? We can make nearly anything instantly. Even have it delivered." (edited)
"How are we going to be able to support 24 combat vessels and their crews?" Seleni asks. "My ship self isn't deployed since there is basically no way to resupply anything for me."
“I make things by hand. I like doing that. Sense of accomplishment. Ya’ll are too advanced for life to be fun if you can’t be manual.” He quietly stated, taking a bite of cake.
"By the way Lady Sumire; the gentleman you revived does not seem very happy of his gift f new life... He seems worried about something... best address that..." he then addressed Seleni "They are all supplied and ready to go... We handle our own resupply." "FINE.... I'll lead your stupid fleet..." "Good... I'll be in touch. My ship and its crew will be at your disposal... or rather the disposal of your team one was it..." Sheplin then headed off but handed her a small box before heading off.
"So make a block of wood, then carve it! You don't have to have it done for you. I draw. It keeps my hands agile. Doctor Slane plays a mean acoustic guitar for the same reason." Ayasha commented. "Chandra baked! She didn't ask for the cake, I assume, though she could."
Aidan VX'ed Sumire, "I can always kiss you right here, I bet that would shut him up?" (edited)
"He wouldn't care... in fact..." Remi VX'ed back to him only partly completing the message then kissing him before Sheplin could turn away. "We're lovers" She said all girlish-like which was not normally her. Sheplin laughed. "Good so you have found yourself a suiter... Remember you are not accountable to us; we serve you..." he resumed his travel back to the ship. remi heads off to the park to release some steam and arrives at the picnic.
"What a....." Seleni trails off, before shaking her head.
Kyle remained silent as she was correct. Chandra just listened, “She’s right you know. You could have asked for materials. Why is it you don’t speak up?”
After a pause Kyle broke out in tears, “I’m lost okay! I don’t know what to do anymore. Too long I’ve been alive and I can’t forget. I can’t forget. I don’t want to forget but it just hurts. I’m scared to even talk to anyone about it without being called weak or insignificant. Even when I do hide it people still hate me. Every life I live I end up dying with no one left to care.” He cried silently.
"Weak.... what is weak is not talking about your problems... and something else... people care; I shouldn't have been depressed over your corpse if I didn't." Remi said talking into the park only catching half of his statement but getting the idea. (edited)
She tossed the box Sheplin gave her in the air and caught it continuing to move closing throwing the box and then catching it.
Ayasha offered. "Whole ship of combat vets. PTSD is pretty common. Lot's of people that can help, if you let them in."
Chandra sat there and listened. Taking everything in as she listened to her father release.
“I’ve never had a councilor before. So I don’t even know what to do. I don’t let people in because it shows my weaknesses. Weaknesses that got my family and friends killed before.” He cried still, slowly turning to Chandra as he said that.
Aidan turned to Kyle. "I have no love for counselors. They do have their uses though."
"Who said you need a counselor; you don't need a professional to help if you dont want one. just talk to people... That is a start and it is what I have said to you since day one. When you are ready to see a professional; they will be there... For now learn to open up." remi advised
"I'll be aboard myself for the time being if anyone wants me. I still need to finish some drawings." Seleni says waving at Aidan as she left.
"send some to me!"
remi said before she disappears
"Why isolate yourself Seleni?" Aidan asked.
remi then turns her attention back to Kyle
"I would like to concentrate. Most of the ones I do are from memory." Seleni says over her shoulder as she walks away.
Kyle just cried as he just didn’t know. It was a concept that he just hadn’t learned.
Chandra looking up to the others, “Believe me when I say he has no experience. I barely knew him even when he was around. He’s always been just cold and robotic. So seeing this is just new.” She states calmly as she rubbed his back.
"Then let me help..." Remi said "I may have issues of my own but talk to me... do stuff with me; just have fun... sometimes it helps."
Chandra looked at Kyle who was not in the mood to answer. “He’ll do that. I’ll make sure of it.” She stated reassuring Remi that she’s got him. “You don’t need to see this though. You have a good day.” She have a smile then turning back to her father and comforting him.
Remi nodded. "Sometimes starting in the virtual world helps..." Remi then messages Kyle and his daughter with a link to hers. She then turns around and heads back feeling like reading after this.
Aidan pulling Sumire away. "So, your've been holding out on me"
"What do you... mean..." She asked trailing off.